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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I have been banned from leftypol.org for saying, that you can be a leftist and also oppose trans-ideology. This is not a fringe position, since Sahra Wagenknecht openly voiced her opposition against trans-ideology in the german parliament live on TV. And yes, she calls it that way.
I'm interested, how this site here will react to left-conservative opinions.


Opposing divisive liberal identity politics isn't "conservative", that's just a liberal smear.


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That's what puts me off participating in lefty communities. All this trans stuff is just a rebranding of conservative gender roles, and is also being pushed by porky to discredit the left. But you can't express that opinion without being banned even if you support left economics.


The term "conservative" has a different meaning here in krautland. This is why Wagenknecht and the populist left are calling themselves left-conservatives.


Hello friend, you're welcome here, i guess most people here are just all out of sex-politics.


no we have incel ideology here instead of troon ideology which has a ton of overlap


Why are so many ogres coming here whining about trans people?


it's not about this or that group.
People don't like being bullied with identitarianism.



>My totally not ideological gender normal ideology is totally right and ok cause I am a fucking retard


>biology is ideology


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The problem is you can't even discuss whether it is right or not anymore. Reminder that this image used to be laughed at over on leftypol, but now it seems like they have the same idea as reddit.


>The problem is you can't even discuss whether it is right or not anymore.

The whole Trans-hype is getting more and more cracks. The recent WPATH-leaks was for me the final proof, that this entire trans-thing is shady as shit and not founded on science. It is a religion, it is an ideology. And if you are not allowed to critisize ideology on a leftist board, something ain't right…


>Reminder that this image used to be laughed at over on leftypol, but now it seems like they have the same idea
Yeah it's a shame when identitarians ruin a community with their shtick.

>The problem is you can't even discuss whether it is right or not anymore
>It is a religion, it is an ideology.

They deliberately seek to bait you to attack their identity, to drag you down to their level of character-assassination shit flinging. You can win against this strategy by analytically describing and criticizing their behavior, and never ever mention their identity. If you follow through with this, they will eventually flip out, because oddly enough, they can't assert rhetorical dominance if you don't use their words.


Opposing trans ideology should be a default leftist position, not a controversial one. What they're promoting is an extremely rightist view of sex which mandates the state's hand telling you what you are and what you are allowed to be, every possible behavior you have engage in, who you may associate with. It's eugenics writ large, and everyone who would really believe in the left sees that.

For people who are sympathetic to trans people, the "trans ideology" isn't a thing. You can talk to them and they will tell you what goes through their mind when transitioning. It isn't a super secret mystery, and enough people will share their life stories. Most of them are very bad, and many are disappointed with the results of "sex change" operations. But, a lot of the "MtFs" are cross-dressers who take it to the next level, and often they are sex workers who have lived this life for a while and will tell you the real horror stories. You can even find active and former trans sex workers who will tell you these things. It's part of the "hook", that a man meets a "woman" who is forward, honest, and gets what it's like for men because "she" is really a man, and there isn't any serious ambiguity between them. Almost all of the "trans ideology" is eugenics ideology promoted by a few very rich people, and they use the transhumanist veneer to advance the vanguard of pseudoscience. I'll tell you what it really is though - trans is a way to sterilize and mutilate mental health patients, "making" them transition once they're locked in the system. It's a way of continuing the Mengele shit they were doing after 2000, the way they wanted to dispose of the "bad people" that were rooted out during the 1990s. They brag behind the narratives that this is the entire purpose of it, and have made that clearer as they steer the narrative back to pure eugenics and what they wanted all along. There was too much outrage against what they did to us, too many people and their families resisted the onslaught and turned away from the institutions completely. So, make it about "trans" and this triggers the sexual revolution perverts, in addition to cashing in on a backlash intended to root out gay men.


I'll also add - the conservatives really are slavering dogs who will believe anything put in front of them. There is no lower creature than the American conservative.


No one will fight more for the preservation of the gender-role system of social relations than shitfuckers who call themselves "progressive". Every single "'leftist'" who supports, engages in, & propagate this racism mk.2 fuckery is a lib, & a fucking cryptofash by extension. Nothing else to discuss here.


Yankee conservativism.is not the same as general conservatism.


They were right to ban you.


Define 'trans-ideology'. Sounds like a really dumb name for a half-truth.


>>480727 *
like 'cultural marxism' level dumb


>No one will fight more for the preservation of the gender-role system of social relations than shitfuckers who call themselves "progressive"
Yeah this rings true.
They are definitely trying to press people into roles again. That seems like a regression not a progression.


holy shit go back to reddit you disgusting troon


go back to .org, autist.


Cant believe leftypol has gone woke and is ending the marketplace of free ideas. Where is the chad free speach?
Next, they will probably turn all communists and put everyone into reddit containement area




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leftypol is run by deranged transsexuals, and unfortunately a lot of leftist orgs are similarly infested with idpol and liberalism. Even TKP/ML has a video on their website where armed guerillas talk about how one of their "main goals" is to get more trans and lgbt fighters in leadership positions.

>It is a religion, it is an ideology.
For a lot of transsexuals, pro trans doctors, and the supportive parents of trans children they can never accept being wrong about gender ideology.
Because then they would have to admit to themselves that they irreversibly harmed their own body, the bodies of their patients, or the bodies of their own children.


>let's import more people from places that hate us!
>but transhumanists suck amirite


you say immigrant bad
but what if the conditions that cause immigration changed?
trans is serious decision


migrants arent even cheap labour anymore because half of them don't even work


That died with bunkerchan, newfriend.

>Because then they would have to admit to themselves that they irreversibly harmed their own body, the bodies of their patients, or the bodies of their own children.
It's not so much the harm as the shame that's difficult to come to terms with. "How could I be so foolish to have thought such things; to have openly and vocally declared them to those I love the most.". The reminders of that shame are etched into the physiology of the affected and the hurt they represent.

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