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Would you fuck an old hag to ascend? Has anyone here ever been a sugar baby to a sugar mama? Or dated a cougar? What was that like?

What being a male striper or gigalo? Share your experiences here.


*What about


how old are we talking? age gracefully?


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No. As a healthy young male I am entitled to a healthy young female. I will not settle for less fuck you.


I think it depends on your age. If you're young like in your twenties I'd say anyone 20 years older is a hag. Otherwise just anyone 55+



Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

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Iirc there were some ultra-Orthodox there before it was Israel. Israel also has endeavored to bring Jews from outside communities there, and of course there are the ops Israel ran in neighboring countries to scare Jews into migration. It also has free healthcare and other free stuff, and ultra-Orthodox Jews are exempt from military service because of their objections. It's not the land that's the problem, it's afaik that they don't consider it to be Israel, and they see Zionism as essentially a heresy against Judaism, modern nationalism disguised as religious prophecy without actually fulfilling it. The atrocities don't help either.


>Palestinian fighters can be seen emerging from a tunnel in the earth nearby to parked Israeli tanks. The fighters rush towards the tanks with what appear to be antitank mines, which they prime for detonation before fleeing.
>A fighter then fires a rocket-propelled grenade at another Israeli tank before all three escape back into the tunnel.

Their tunnel warfare game is strong. They're using ww1 weapons and are beating 1980s tank technology.


>The parliament in Australia’s state of Victoria has voted to ban members from wearing the traditional Palestinian keffiyeh and other symbols representing Palestine in the legislative chamber, members of the Australian Greens Party said.
The battle of words game is weak in this one.
<bourgeois dictatorship installs fashion police


First Jewish Biden appointee publicly resigns over Gaza war policy

A US Interior Department staffer has become the first Jewish political appointee to publicly resign in protest of the country’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

Lily Greenberg Call is a special assistant to the chief of staff in the Department of the Interior. She accuses President Joe Biden of using Jews to justify US policy in the conflict.

She is at least the fifth mid- or senior-level administration staffer to make public their resignation in protest of the Biden administration’s military and diplomatic support of the now seven-month-long Israeli war.

In her resignation letter delivered Wednesday, she said she “can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration”.

“I think the president has to know that there are people in his administration who think this is disastrous,” Call said of the war overall and US support for it. “Not just for Palestinians, for Israelis, for Jews, [but also] for Americans, for [Biden’s] election prospects.”

New settler attack on Gaza-bound aid convoy

Al Jazeera’s correspondent reports that settlers have attacked aid trucks as they were heading to Gaza via Jerusalem.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>ICC prosecutor faces demands for action against Israel at UN Security Council
All the countries that want this to happen for real, have to commit military forces to protect the place that houses the ICC and body guards that would ensure protection for the ICC staff.


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What is the material explanation for a Czech American named Dasha to do American country pop music?
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Why do you even care you stupid fuck Jesus Christ
"Oh no, I am so alone, I might have to settle for a girl with a tattoo"
For fuck's sake get over yourself.


>an american doing american country music is le bad because uhmmmm…. it just is okay
It's not like she cant do it cause she isn't a WASP.


What about a commentary on culture and immigrant integration?


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>Why do you even care you stupid fuck Jesus Christ
>"Oh no, I am so alone, I might have to settle for a girl with a tattoo"
>For fuck's sake get over yourself.


what's there to say? When someone is a child of immigrants or moves to another country as a kid, there's 3 things that can happen by the time the kid is an adult.
1. They completely disregard their "host" culture and identify completely with their "home" culture.
2. They completely disregard their "home" culture and identify completely identify with the "host" culture.
3. They integrate both cultures into their identity.

Most children of immigrants, and even some adult immigrants, end up going down the path of 2 or 3.
That's just what happens, I don't have an explanation for why, because in my opinion it rests a lot on the individual identity of a person. those 3 paths are just an observation.


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Kendrick Lamar vs Drake

Who won?
Is Kendrick our guy?
What are the implications of the cultural impact rooted in Black American art?
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what about being in touch with the people?


>what about troon rights?
I don't care. what about having a coherent message being consistent and repping your party? fellating drug fed culture is a race to the bottom no matter how "in style" it is


damn. nobody cares about the bourgeois sex trafficking pedophile rabbit hole?


>damn. nobody cares
The OP looked like generic celebrity drama, and I thought pass

>the bourgeois sex trafficking pedophile rabbit hole?

That's a bandname right there.

On a more serious note. I guess the first question is whether this is a systemic thing. Like in the past when secret societies had initiation rituals that required members to commit a crime together, usually something highly ritualized and gruesome like human sacrifice. And the shared crime served the purpose of enforcing in-group loyalty without trust, because disloyalty meant that they all go down together for what they did during the initiation ritual.

If the ruling classes are using human trafficking crimes for a similar purpose, that would make them highly vulnerable. And it would be worth looking into this 'rabbit hole'. Of course that also means staring into the abyss. You might get severe mental trauma just by subjecting your brain to the darkness of this "underworld". You need to move next to a pet store, and exercise iron discipline. Investigate for an hour and then go to the pet store to look at puppies and kitten for an hour to balance the horror with wholesomeness.


it's like asking me to pick my favorite porky. given the opportunity, they'd both have to discover a pretty good reason they should keep living imo


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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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these fucking ***s they need to freedom the shit NOW


>watching podcast
>one segment is about 'OPEN Ai 4o'
>"They gon' be walking around with they sex dolls. (…) Ooh man, that's gon' be creepy. I'mma slap a uygha' sex doll, he walking down, got it on a date."
It's over…




>I am definitely pro AI but this “Her” vibe creeps me out every time I hear it. It’s like an over flirty, highly caffeinated, bipolar, co-worker.
this doesn't sound bad? i'll take a lot of things at this point


why are there two videos with the same idea, 'Her is Here'?


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It was a decent board with the occasional good effortpost, and importantly the only place online for leftist incels to freely discuss our ideas. Now that it's gone I feel like leftcelism has died as an ideological current - in the anglosphere at least.

This board was never supposed to replace /leftcel/ and it's always been more shitpost orientated. I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan, the /leftcel/ mods would make a new board somewhere else. But unfortunately this has not happened.
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i can also install the server stuff and do that part for people


What is your motivation for doing this?


because since 2016 nearly all standalone incel forums outside facebook have all been run by ancaps with no sense of social responsibility and it leads to massive amount of stigmatization and misandry


Fair enough. Just don't let anyone who you don't know well moderate it.


i'm going to pass on ownership completely unless they ask me to fund it. i'm not in this for recognition



Perving at girls in skimpy clothing is one of my favorite pastimes in this hellish life.

FUCK JOE BIDEN for taking this away from me.
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last one for now


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The end game of the biological imperatives
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It's wrong. She wouldn't want me to post her pics..


>It's wrong. She wouldn't want me to post her pics..
Shut up faggot
>post more wagie qts
Maybe I will


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not a voyeur creep shot but video posted by herself, so its ok #Reform


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what is your take on the man-bag question??
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damn… but what if its so warm that u dont even bring ur coat?


I make do.




that seems like a lot of effort just to not bring a man-bag. how is your coat not simply like a man-bag at that point?


I cannot wear a man bag if it starts to rain.


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fathets are the problem. They spoil there daughters but crucify their sons
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Most porn stars are middle class women who wanted easy money.


this is kinda the truth. most prostitutes dont wanna do real work.

Also alot men like in vid will complsin about women being whores but tgey will ogle after women


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Based NEETstitute.

Yes, neetdom is a way of life, and it's a damn BASED way of life. I go to work yet I'm still a neet, just like that prostitute. She's my neet sister, the only woman that ever touched me in *that* way.

I wish I've lost my virginity to one of those soviet prostitutes.


>rumors of Drake making girls spit and vomit into a dog bowl
is Drake a Left9k poster??


You're a waste of life like that "woman" in the video.


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>Biden wins his next term due to Trump's ego not letting him let go the next election
>One or both American political parties fractures
>More Troon mass shootings or attacks
>A massive riot or civil battle of a kind between two factions, not state-wide large though, just very stupid and damaging
>Canada being roped into an American war
>China takes advantage of America being distracted by Ukraine and Israel and their election to try and take Taiwan or they escalate in Hong Kong and/or their genocides
>Ukraine and Russia sign a peace deal or America keeps preventing talks resulting in a less than ideal result for Ukraine. No matter the result, Americans cheer blindly
>Ukraine's current leader or someone high up gets assassinated. This is either caused by or will cause the death of Imran khan ##america stop overthrowing leaders resulting in the country being destabilized challenge##


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please respond


>try and take Taiwan or they escalate in Hong Kong and/or their genocides
China is committing genocides? Why doesn't Leftychan talk about that? Muh Zionism though


2024? That seems kinda early for those predictions imo


They're talking about the Uyghur genocide, which the US state dept., as far as I know (I might be wrong!), calls a genocide, but for which there is no known body count. It's often described as a "cultural genocide" for lack of evidence of mass extermination, and what we know about it largely amounts to mass detainment and re-education. Bad, but what the Zionists have done on record this year alone is substantially worse, and the lighter end of the Zionist genocide overlaps with what China has done to the Uyghurs. American gov't claims of "concern" over the plight of Muslims in China look entirely bullshit on this basis.

Anyway, China's not going to take Taiwan. I say this as somebody who knew Russia would take Ukraine, even as multipolaristas and Chapos and so-on were denying it… there was precedent there, since they'd already taken Crimea in 2014. China isn't in the same position as Russia was in 2014 or 2022, they've been on a long-term economic rise, they've mostly avoided direct involvement in recent conflicts, and, unlike Ukraine, the RoC maintains a strong Chinese national identity. The US is baiting China really hard; if China does actually go in, it won't be because America was "distracted," it will be because the American leadership was desperate for another direct war to try to maintain hegemony and increase waning profits. US special ops have already been caught training Taiwanese soldiers close to mainland China very recently, and Taiwan was included in the recent free weapons package alongside Ukraine and Israel.


2024-2030 prediction:

corporate media tries to spark civil war to not go fully bankrupt

corporate media finds 4 more things to fearmonger about 24/7 to not go bankrupt

we finally have a stock market crash that lasts more than 2 months and therefore collapses the crypto market and all the other insane bubbles

ancaps mass suicide


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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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No, he's voted repeated to throw money at the Ukraine proxy war for two years now. He can go fuck himself.


Are you an NPC if you eat at regular times?


Why is there no female Hasanabi / Hasan Piker?


They all have penises



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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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They lit her up in the comment section.


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thanks i really appreciate it


25 dating five years younger is npw consodered predatory?

Millennials amd Zoomers have really become too age sensitive.
Millennials will become even worse age-chauvinists than boomers.


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First Incel News General archived here:
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The return of the volkssturm


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i'll make some babies if give me state-assigned gf, how about that


>imagine being so pathetic as to need state intervention to get a relationship
social state plan


Tbh why do people only care about kids as popukational ballast?

Most adults are empathetically deficient towards them.


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What are we to do with the ever-increasing agespan of adolescence?
This is a serious problem in the first and second world.
Why is it normalised to waste away your teens and twenties (AND THIRTIES!!!) in quiet despair and zero technical skills?

Generation X and Millennials have normalised mediocrity in youth.
They even say worldly exposure/attributes in youth are elitist.
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Anything pertaining to children/young adults almost always referncing to sexual purity.

People think that youth is supposed to be a hugbox where not evn the tiniest particle of dirt is allowed.

And the irony is?
Kids whom are excessively sheltered from the real world are often the most likely to be prey.

Innocence is a self-fullfilling prophecy


Back then, most people were tradesmen.

Also the whole "American Dream" thing was orginally meant obly for GIs.


This. Also why so many pedos are in church. Every goddamn Abrahamic religion teaches that your self worth comes from an outside authority figure, making them sitting ducks for kid diddelers.


Seems pretty biased, you think other religions don't have a problem with pedophiles in positions of authority? It's a problem in cults, and it's a problem in martial arts, gymnastics, and other kids' sports. In the end it doesn't have anything to do with religion or any other ideology, it's about creating positions of authority with little or no accountability that involve children.


this. and these same authority figures whom have tgeir way with kids would flip out about kids having precocious abilities


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is lip surgery worth it?
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damn… well it's rumored he takes Ozempic to lose weight, but i could see him as a coke guy


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theres more


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natty or juice?


Everything about this image disturbs me


If you can't lose and maintain your weight normally it's not worth it.


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First and foremost, Costco is run by retarded monkeys. How so you ask? Well let me tell you the “real” fucked up shit that goes down in that shit hole place of employment. I am not denying the fact you make more money starting out and being topped out than any other retail company, but you can roll a piece of shit in sprinkles and massage my balls and I still wouldn’t eat it. My experience comes from the AM shift, where we stock and merchandise the products before the store opens. This work is basically slave driven with middle management having their head so far up their ass they can wear it as a hat running the show. Costco pays employees twice as much as Wal-Mart employees, but they expect you to do twice…wait I mean ten times as much work also. These so called floor managers are dumb fuck dick suckers with no college education who sucked every dick and sucked every butthole on the hierarchal dick chain to get to where they are at. Prove me wrong that these dumb fucks are not incompetent and I will eat a jar full of 100 day old pubes and I am excluding and sheeple middle mangers, who work for Costco, go fuck yourself you piece of donkey seamen hobo fluffer.

Let me break down middle management for you: High School Education, sucked dick, and if it wasn’t for Costco they would be managing a Denny’s, sorry to you Denny managers but when you give asses power than everyone gets shitted on. So how does management work at Costco? Like this: Part-time, suck dick, fulltime, eat ass, supervisor, suck dick and eat ass, department manager, eat dick, suck ass, and get fucked in the ass, admin manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get ass fucked by two dicks at the same time, assistant manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get every orifice filled with dicks, eat pubes, and you become Warehouse manager. But remember while these cock knockers are taking it up the ass they recycle the abuse downwards to make themselves feel better. They rely on their best employees, the foolish yes man who gets sucked in with promises of promotion, so they begin sucking and licking the hierarchal dick chain to find out all efforts do not mean shit. They take your ideas and make it theirs, they talk about how great you are as an employee, but behind your back they tell managers above them how much you suck. They basically have you do their job while they fiddle their pee holes. Anybody including a “retarded” monkeys not a normal one, but a retarded one could do these managers jobs. Ooooooh youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thought is was just me.
Judas sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver; Faust sold his for some extra years of youth


tbh having a college education doesnt mean shit.
ALOT of best workers were those whom didnt go to college.
Or if they did, they didnt let it become their whole resume.


>The lack of communication of what mangers want is also what is wrong with working for this company. You can spend all day busting your ass to do a move one manger wanted, to have it moved a different way the next day by another manger, to have it moved again by another manger the next day, until the final decision of the warehouse mangers comes in to have it moved back to its original spot. Way to go guys on proving crack is wack, you embred bitches. Please be more humble with the job position and pay you have and quit acting like you are moving the world forward, because in reality like I said before, a retarded monkey could do your job.

Sounds exactly like Home Depot


It's sounds like the Greek myth about Sisyphus rolling a Bolder up a hill over and over because it always rolls down just before he reaches the top.




>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>yeeup, that's me! you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation


he feels a fire in his loins




Is that a normal round? Do snipers usually get that kind of recoil?


It's a massive incendiary round


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At what age should you walk away from starting a family? Is there a cut off age?
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the real root of the problem is the moral philosophy that "youth is innocence".

Kids are pathologosed for worldly instincts.

Adults mock and patronise kids for being innocent but then get offended by when they display precocious traits.

"Let kids be kids because childhood is short".

People think childhood is the goal of life now rather than some phase to grow out of.

Most of our childrearing is nine tenths about smothering and psychological castration.


Who the fuck wants to be an adult, shit is so miserable.


My parents bred in their 40s. Dad was almost 50 actually

Ye i like to tell myself that's why i'm such a fuckup in life. Reality is that there isn't that much of a significant difference

Also it's underrated having young parents you can share stuff with. uyghas take it for granted


Adulthood is way better than childhood.
You dont have to abide by curfew, you can drink and smoke, you can move away from domestic dysfuntcion, and treat yourself.

The problem is people throw away their newfound postpubescent freedom for college and relationships.


This. Peoppe think under thirty is too young for parenting nowadays so because of that, generational gaps are even more exaggerated.
You have less energy to keep up and are easily more irate.

This is why we should re-introduce grandparents.
Imo, retirees should be helping raise the kids.
They seem to do a better job than working adults.


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Do you fags realize that one of top reasons that Americans are afraid to even entertain the idea of a revolution, is that they think the people would have to fight against "modern weapons that the military and police would have"?

I mean regardless of whether or not you agree with that argument, the average amerifat thinks that if there's an uprising, the people would have to fight picrel.

What do you have to say to those people?
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With their actions in Gaza the Zionists have taught us that the right to approximately perfect privacy is the same as the right to life. The Palestinians have defeated this thing with tunnels, there has to be a lesson that can be learned from that as well.


>I would not call it defection, if the military sides with the people, that's true patriotism.
It's defection from allegiance to Mammon.
>Not sure what you mean. The recent Neocon wars must have created discontent because it probably felt pretty pointless to soldiers who fought them. But that would create a general war-fatigue. How would they siphon that into neo-fascism ?
Blame it on a group of "elites," pretend not to be a part of said group, and rally veterans who have been conditioned to accept violence as their skillset into a coup in opposition to "those elites." Basically what the Trumpists (and with them, a substantial amount of the neocons-incognito) are doing.
>Chris Hedges has been warning about the methods of empire coming home. You think it'll be like that ?
Yes. It's already been going like that. The IDF trains American police, American police have become increasingly militaristic over my lifetime, etc. The mass surveillance of the Bush era never went away entirely and keeps getting reinvigorated with less and less pretext, too.
>You appear to be hinting at the Zionist collaborator faction conspiring to get peace protesters mass murdered by state terror. Wouldn't that spark a civil war and be a case of friends being worse than enemies ?
It likely would, yes.


>Somewhat related, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was renewed in the midst of a near-total media blackout a couple weeks ago.
Meant to post an article about that weeks ago, fuck.


>allegiance to Mammon.
allegiance to what ?

>Blame it on a group of "elites," pretend not to be a part of said group, and rally veterans who have been conditioned to accept violence as their skillset into a coup in opposition to "those elites." Basically what the Trumpists (and with them, a substantial amount of the neocons-incognito) are doing.

This went over my head. I've been avoiding anything mainstream for years, 'cause it feels like getting your brain eroded by a cheese-grater, so don't assume i know recent terminology. I'm assuming that a trumpist doesn't refer to a musician playing the trumpet. What i know about veterans is from interviews i've seen online. My impression is that veterans are rather based and think
<war = old men getting young men killed/crippled.
While that isn't anything revolutionary, it's not like this is an ideology fomenting a coup or anything like that. I'm not sure why you worry about othering a group of "elites". It doesn't sound like that would direct hate towards regular people. It's not attacking the proletariat or precariat. It's not a racist scapegoat or anything like that either. Could you translate "elites" to Marxist terminology perhaps ?
>The IDF trains police
So sadism school ?
>The mass surveillance of the Bush era never went away entirely and keeps getting reinvigorated with less and less pretext, too.
The Neocons want to go to war a lot, and they think society has to be "securitized" like making a military battle formation "combat ready". They have this fantasy of society uniting behind them as leaders of a grand crusade, when in reality most people don't give a shit and just want a comfy life. Their bullshit has done more to weaken the US empire in the last 25 years than the collective efforts of all the Soviet Block states in the entire 20th century combined. They didn't just squander lives and treasure on fruitless military campaigns, their stupid panopticon and all the surveillance capitalism destroyed the ideological "freedom-advantage" that the west arguably had. If you compare the US to it's main rival today. China also has too much surveillance, but they have a booming economy and rising living standardPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>allegiance to what ?

>This went over my head. I've been avoiding anything mainstream for years, 'cause it feels like getting your brain eroded by a cheese-grater, so don't assume i know recent terminology. I'm assuming that a trumpist doesn't refer to a musician playing the trumpet. What i know about veterans is from interviews i've seen online. My impression is that veterans are rather based and think

Reading this made me turn my head sideways like a dog.

>While that isn't anything revolutionary, it's not like this is an ideology fomenting a coup or anything like that. I'm not sure why you worry about othering a group of "elites". It doesn't sound like that would direct hate towards regular people. It's not attacking the proletariat or precariat. It's not a racist scapegoat or anything like that either. Could you translate "elites" to Marxist terminology perhaps ?

It's bizarre to me that you haven't encountered veterans in real life. There are an awful lot of them. There are many strictly anti-war veterans, but there are also a great deal of them who are critical of previous wars, like Iraq & Afghanistan, but who are generally very reactionary and not broadly opposed to violence necessarily. They aren't a monolith, there are many opinions among them, but these are also very common outlooks.

"Elite" is just English. Who do you think that it's referring to?
An "anti-elite" rallying cry, being used by certain elites to distract from the evils of capitalism, rentseeking, their own "eliteness," etc. is not really a good thing.
And it does often direct hate towards regular people, it just does it by blaming certain groups of regular people on "elites." Gays? The fault of elites! Socialists? An elite conspiracy! Immigrants? Elites are flooding our country with them! Blacks? The problems they claim to have are all propaganda put in their impressionable heads by elites to destroy America from within!
"Elites," in reactionary lingo, has very vague meaning, and is ironically utilized by certain elites themselves to attack certain policies and individuals they dislike orPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Women make literal people off themselves. Just like that.

They are Gods.

No wonder primitive-communist societies worshiped Them and we should too, what the actual fuck. Think about it for a second

We have oppressed Them for centuries out of pure jealousy and arrogance but it's time we prepare for the Return of God which is nothing else but the class-less, money-less society where a natural order is restored and human purpose can finally be fulfilled, and that's by dedicating our ENTIRE existence to the very reason of it. For eternity

It's my religion I would DIE for Them, not joking, and that wouldn't even be enough to pay what I owe Them for.
We are all despicable sinners
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most based poster here


inb4 anti-simping is code for anti-whiteness


this uygha listened to that Ariana Grande song and made it his religion


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sometimes i wish i was born blind


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The decline was almost entirely driven by teen boys killing themselves at a significantly lower rate.

What is the explanation for this data?
Many of you were teenagers yourselves during this period, what made life so good back then?
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What do feminists gain about not talking about lead exposure and rape correlations?


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Since it's a bourgeois movement they keep poor women focused on issued that only effect rich women like the glass ceiling or bullshit cultural issues like the pink tax.


Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


Cant tell if joking or not.

Obscure chans are midlife crisis sanctuaries for Millennials and Zoomers.


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I miss 2000s/early 2010 era girls


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 No.694[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

4chan /r9k/ is full of them, why don't we have any?
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what kid uses those chans?

Those are mostly failed adults.

Also, for >>694: this is why people laugh at you. All of ypu incels whine about womn but will simp for any mediocre thot that falls within e-social proximity of you.


What if there's a special containment thread, like how the Feels thread says "no bullying"?
And to borrow from ancaps, there could be a Non Aggression Principle implemented.
Speaking of ancaps, what if the female posters were right-wing, then wouldn't it be okay to bully them?
Furthermore, there's the possibility that users won't be mean and instead would actually welcome them, like the OP creator of this thread who had the idea in the first place.


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RIP to OP (both the egirl and OP)


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 No.361470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
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based post


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real patsoc hours
this guy is getting invited on RT now btw


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what does it say ?


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 No.456057[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.
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This is a video from a 'YT influnsor' that is trying to get people to buy stonks from some random company. But before he's trying to rope you into buying fictional capital. He's bringing up a theory on reading tea-leaves i mean the 'stripper index'.
<If the strippers gets less income line will go down.
He basically ends his economic theorizing on god the market is mysterious and nobody can know his divine intentions predict anything.

Why are these people so obtuse, the capitalist crisis cycle is not hard to understand.
<If capital invests there's going to a boom.
<If capital does a investment strike there's going to be a bust.

More nuance exists of course, it also depends on what they are investing into. Investment into the productive economy and labor productivity improving machines, nets a better economic performance than say spending on imperial conquest that doesn't pan out. The exploitation rate also matters if that's too high and the population experiences demographic decline that also dampens economic performance. That said the 2 previously mentioned simple rules are good enough to get some idea.




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it is happening again


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GameStop trading at $71 a share. Up from $10 two weeks ago.


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how accurate is this?


Freud was a cigar sucking fag, yes


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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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tfw tired but feeling unfulfilled so i continue doing stuff on electronic screen


is it really over
am i gonna in minecraft over no gf


incel freak why dont u go die


tfw no social bonds and isolated so that im easier to control


it s disgusting, venereal


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Seeing how more and more people are leaving .org by the day and we are growing in popularity we should do something fun as a group and raid some nazi forms and target some nazoids.
I unfortunately am a brain let and lack knowledge of Nazoid forms other than 4chan so does anyone have any good ideas for any targets?
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>Lets go raid some Nazi forums for fun.
>No you are the giga autist not me.

Imageboards never cease to amuse with their projective immaturity.


Dogolachan would be a good target


Come to a Brazilian imageboard


frenschan went down recently, probably because the admin was a retard and paid literally thousands for cloudflare while their origin IP was exposed anyway. So it burned a chunk of NEET and middle-class cash while it crashed.
Meanwhile, some of them gathered on zzzchan's /fascist/ to regroup (where it moved after they got kicked from anon.cafe years ago) so you have a nice directory of sites to choose from.
Onion: http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/fascist/thread/3560.html

For example, the creator of lynxchan (Stephen Lynx) hosts Balkanchan. It has the obligatory /pol/ board, but also an unlisted neo-Nazi board:
Onion: http://26yukmkrhmhfg6alc56oexe7bcrokv4rilwpfwgh2u6bsbkddu55h4ad.onion/cob/


I was thinking /fascist/ on zzzchan, since the onion is back up I believe.


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Would you make a good parent?
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That will definitely fuck you up but you can make a commitment to doing better, no?


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I'd make an excellent father. Patenting is challenging but this idea that it's all consuming besides the time when the child is an infant is a boomer thing they came up with to cope with the fact that they never wanted kids but like sheep went along and had them anyway.


I think ypure right in a way.
I think the real reason why parenting is such a drag is bcause people think of kids like property.

Humans are the only species that infantilise their young.


Threads like these make me wish that people would seriously consider preliminary trainimg for potential parenta.


should be a public institution in any new socialist republic


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The 4chan /r9k/ dating app that tried to prioritise personality over looks has had all of it's user data leaked.

You can search the leaked data by location using this website: https://duoleak.acid.im/

Just from looking through the profiles in my city, most of the users were gen-z incels and troons, with a handful of mentally ill extremely-mid cis girls. I can also see that women made up less than 5% of the total userbase, which is an even worse gender ratio than tinder. 4chuds are currently coping and roping at this development.
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The only apps I have found with a good male:female ratio are the language learning apps like HelloTalk and Interpals.


Darn, I do know one Youtube couple that met on a language learning app and are now married


those first four pics are obviously recycled from some kik scam, not even a real profile

you are braindead if you think you are browsing real profiles



I wonder if he went on the app with the intention of finding a girlfriend


I don't know, he was on the app while he was already dating someone at the time and he was talking to his now wife about this woman he was dating (apparently she was doing him wrong and he asked for input/advice or something)

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