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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.285223[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello leftypol, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
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interesting docu thx for posting it

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This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p or http://leftychan.i2p/

Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
* Removal of Zul - In line with the rule that if a mod is inactive for over 15 weeks their status as a mod is called into question, Zul was voted off the mod team.

New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.
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>idpolist idpolly idpollers
Huh? Yea, sure.

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What are we to do with the ever-increasing agespan of adolescence?
This is a serious problem in the first and second world.
Why is it normalised to waste away your teens and twenties (AND THIRTIES!!!) in quiet despair and zero technical skills?

Generation X and Millennials have normalised mediocrity in youth.
They even say worldly exposure/attributes in youth are elitist.
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What you're implying is not a reasonable argument. If you weaken encryption and privacy. You enable a lot of organizations and groups to cyber-stalk children that are using all this technology with compromised safety. This is war on child-safety.

First is that you can't controle who uses the holes in digital safety technology. So things like compromised encryption and less than super strong privacy benefits the criminal element first and foremost. For example you can't make a backdoor that only works for "legitimate investigations" (i forget the correct jargon). Lots of other people will find these technical weaknesses and exploit them. Governments and companies are also leaky as fuck, so it doesn't necessarily require a lot of technical expertise for that to happen.

Second if you enable the police , the spies and of course the tech-companies, to breach privacy, that will attract all the perverts (including the pedo-type) to join these institutions and organizations. Do you really want that ? Isn't that creeping you out ? Or is this some twisted logic of cultural power where cyber-stalking becomes a privilege of rank/status.

We're also not living in a peaceful world, very powerful hostile entities will use the compromised digital safety to wage cyber attacks. So compromised encryption and weakened privacy also endangers lives.

Lets not forget what happens in Gaza where digital tracking is used to mass-murder people. Do you really want to import that ? Do you want to live in a world where the Zuckerbergs of the world can just tap a screen and then a competitor dies? Do you want corrupt career politicians to be able to tap a screen and then their critics die ? And of course this tech will never work properly, and it will also kill lots of random people. Do you want cyber barbarism ?

Lets not forget that historic processes aren't linear. Beware of the limited shelf-life of surveillance terror as a means of controlling people through fear. On a population level fear eventually turns into cold effective rage, and then history will make sharp turns again.


Most of our active pedophiles are usually authority figures.


Anything pertaining to children/young adults almost always referncing to sexual purity.

People think that youth is supposed to be a hugbox where not evn the tiniest particle of dirt is allowed.

And the irony is?
Kids whom are excessively sheltered from the real world are often the most likely to be prey.

Innocence is a self-fullfilling prophecy


Back then, most people were tradesmen.

Also the whole "American Dream" thing was orginally meant obly for GIs.


This. Also why so many pedos are in church. Every goddamn Abrahamic religion teaches that your self worth comes from an outside authority figure, making them sitting ducks for kid diddelers.


Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

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I'm not dismissing it, I think it's good. It's just also a deliberate bare minimum. They could do less, technically, but I think it would be politically incredibly risky to do less.


Gaza War Sit Rep Day 220: Nasrallah Speaks and Battles Rage
contains analysis on a recent Nasrallah speech.


"''Now in Jerusalem: Undercover police dressed as Ultra Orthodox arrest an anti Zionist Jew during a protest against the State of israel in the Mea She'arim neighborhood



This guy performed a surprise IDF-critical interview like a week or two ago. Bimbofication is real and it's a process western liberals undergo every time they want to shift back to running apologia and denialism for the Zionist regime, critical to credulous in an instant. Even Kurt Cobain couldn't lose brain cells this fast.


PFLP repping Che Guevara and firing missiles at IOF

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Do you fags realize that one of top reasons that Americans are afraid to even entertain the idea of a revolution, is that they think the people would have to fight against "modern weapons that the military and police would have"?

I mean regardless of whether or not you agree with that argument, the average amerifat thinks that if there's an uprising, the people would have to fight picrel.

What do you have to say to those people?
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With their actions in Gaza the Zionists have taught us that the right to approximately perfect privacy is the same as the right to life. The Palestinians have defeated this thing with tunnels, there has to be a lesson that can be learned from that as well.


>I would not call it defection, if the military sides with the people, that's true patriotism.
It's defection from allegiance to Mammon.
>Not sure what you mean. The recent Neocon wars must have created discontent because it probably felt pretty pointless to soldiers who fought them. But that would create a general war-fatigue. How would they siphon that into neo-fascism ?
Blame it on a group of "elites," pretend not to be a part of said group, and rally veterans who have been conditioned to accept violence as their skillset into a coup in opposition to "those elites." Basically what the Trumpists (and with them, a substantial amount of the neocons-incognito) are doing.
>Chris Hedges has been warning about the methods of empire coming home. You think it'll be like that ?
Yes. It's already been going like that. The IDF trains American police, American police have become increasingly militaristic over my lifetime, etc. The mass surveillance of the Bush era never went away entirely and keeps getting reinvigorated with less and less pretext, too.
>You appear to be hinting at the Zionist collaborator faction conspiring to get peace protesters mass murdered by state terror. Wouldn't that spark a civil war and be a case of friends being worse than enemies ?
It likely would, yes.


>Somewhat related, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was renewed in the midst of a near-total media blackout a couple weeks ago.
Meant to post an article about that weeks ago, fuck.


>allegiance to Mammon.
allegiance to what ?

>Blame it on a group of "elites," pretend not to be a part of said group, and rally veterans who have been conditioned to accept violence as their skillset into a coup in opposition to "those elites." Basically what the Trumpists (and with them, a substantial amount of the neocons-incognito) are doing.

This went over my head. I've been avoiding anything mainstream for years, 'cause it feels like getting your brain eroded by a cheese-grater, so don't assume i know recent terminology. I'm assuming that a trumpist doesn't refer to a musician playing the trumpet. What i know about veterans is from interviews i've seen online. My impression is that veterans are rather based and think
<war = old men getting young men killed/crippled.
While that isn't anything revolutionary, it's not like this is an ideology fomenting a coup or anything like that. I'm not sure why you worry about othering a group of "elites". It doesn't sound like that would direct hate towards regular people. It's not attacking the proletariat or precariat. It's not a racist scapegoat or anything like that either. Could you translate "elites" to Marxist terminology perhaps ?
>The IDF trains police
So sadism school ?
>The mass surveillance of the Bush era never went away entirely and keeps getting reinvigorated with less and less pretext, too.
The Neocons want to go to war a lot, and they think society has to be "securitized" like making a military battle formation "combat ready". They have this fantasy of society uniting behind them as leaders of a grand crusade, when in reality most people don't give a shit and just want a comfy life. Their bullshit has done more to weaken the US empire in the last 25 years than the collective efforts of all the Soviet Block states in the entire 20th century combined. They didn't just squander lives and treasure on fruitless military campaigns, their stupid panopticon and all the surveillance capitalism destroyed the ideological "freedom-advantage" that the west arguably had. If you compare the US to it's main rival today. China also has too much surveillance, but they have a booming economy and rising living standardPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>allegiance to what ?

>This went over my head. I've been avoiding anything mainstream for years, 'cause it feels like getting your brain eroded by a cheese-grater, so don't assume i know recent terminology. I'm assuming that a trumpist doesn't refer to a musician playing the trumpet. What i know about veterans is from interviews i've seen online. My impression is that veterans are rather based and think

Reading this made me turn my head sideways like a dog.

>While that isn't anything revolutionary, it's not like this is an ideology fomenting a coup or anything like that. I'm not sure why you worry about othering a group of "elites". It doesn't sound like that would direct hate towards regular people. It's not attacking the proletariat or precariat. It's not a racist scapegoat or anything like that either. Could you translate "elites" to Marxist terminology perhaps ?

It's bizarre to me that you haven't encountered veterans in real life. There are an awful lot of them. There are many strictly anti-war veterans, but there are also a great deal of them who are critical of previous wars, like Iraq & Afghanistan, but who are generally very reactionary and not broadly opposed to violence necessarily. They aren't a monolith, there are many opinions among them, but these are also very common outlooks.

"Elite" is just English. Who do you think that it's referring to?
An "anti-elite" rallying cry, being used by certain elites to distract from the evils of capitalism, rentseeking, their own "eliteness," etc. is not really a good thing.
And it does often direct hate towards regular people, it just does it by blaming certain groups of regular people on "elites." Gays? The fault of elites! Socialists? An elite conspiracy! Immigrants? Elites are flooding our country with them! Blacks? The problems they claim to have are all propaganda put in their impressionable heads by elites to destroy America from within!
"Elites," in reactionary lingo, has very vague meaning, and is ironically utilized by certain elites themselves to attack certain policies and individuals they dislike orPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.361470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
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based post


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real patsoc hours
this guy is getting invited on RT now btw


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what does it say ?

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 No.456057[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.
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This is a video from a 'YT influnsor' that is trying to get people to buy stonks from some random company. But before he's trying to rope you into buying fictional capital. He's bringing up a theory on reading tea-leaves i mean the 'stripper index'.
<If the strippers gets less income line will go down.
He basically ends his economic theorizing on god the market is mysterious and nobody can know his divine intentions predict anything.

Why are these people so obtuse, the capitalist crisis cycle is not hard to understand.
<If capital invests there's going to a boom.
<If capital does a investment strike there's going to be a bust.

More nuance exists of course, it also depends on what they are investing into. Investment into the productive economy and labor productivity improving machines, nets a better economic performance than say spending on imperial conquest that doesn't pan out. The exploitation rate also matters if that's too high and the population experiences demographic decline that also dampens economic performance. That said the 2 previously mentioned simple rules are good enough to get some idea.




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it is happening again


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GameStop trading at $71 a share. Up from $10 two weeks ago.

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I hate banks. I hate CEOs. I hate Capitalism. I hate israel. why can't we be friends?
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What do you propose?


Not that guy, but i'll reply anyway.

Left vs right politics goes back to the transition between monarchy to capitalist bourgeois democracy. The right wanted to preserve monarchy, while the left wanted to abolish it. There simply are no monarchies anymore, even the gulf states where the people with actual political power have monarchical titles, function like bourgeois cartels. So the original right is gone. What counted as left way back when, would probably be called classical liberalism today. What counts as left in bourgeois politics today has little in common with that.

We probably should use political categories based on actual material interests, as they exist in the present system.


They referred not just to the monarchy as a form, but what the monarchy was there for - the consolidation of state power. At that time in France, the monarchist ideology was absolutism, where the king took more power for himself at the expense of vassals. The "bourgeois cartels" were already part of the monarchical system, as they were in England.

In my (probably not approved) model - and we should not put too much credit in models - the left/right distinction was between technology and the authority of institutions and property and the right of state authority. The left represented the interest of a growing technological interest, and one result of that was industrialism and the normalization of corporate government and the corporate person. The right to this day trades in the projection of personal authority, but "personal authority" of the sort they imply ceased to exist many decades ago. The last vestiges of it were blown to bits repeatedly during the last half of the 20th century.

A curious thing happened where the "left" rebranded around all of the traditional prerogatives of the right - consolidation of state authority, limited access of technology because of fear of popular revolt - and the "right" feigned populism and claimed they represented the personal rights and interest of "good people". This reversal was only possible with tacit approval of the leaders of both "factions", who saw it as a complete joke. The original contention was settled, because oligarchy won. The left's aim with mass politics was to bring the masses into the technological interest that they controlled, and once that was accomplished, they shunned the very idea of mass politics at its heart.

We today inherit the results of that struggle, because we are made to relitigate it in our personal lives if we want to live. It is a struggle within the institutions for the office-holders, who long ago abandoned any vision other than power itself. Government by crisis and coup became the only idea that could rule in their mind, and so that is what we do - lurching from one crisis to the next, always manipulated by some power that we're not allowed to acknowledge.

For most of humanity, there are no material interests that you can represent in a political arena. If you want to do politics, there is only the institutions. Within the institutionsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


It was with the Nazis that the "change-up" happened. If you told people that the right was about "small government" or "social conservatism", they'd laugh in your face. The right's canonical position was everything for the state, because the state was imagined as the thing that kept the masses down and allowed proprietors to hold their fiefdoms. The right wants the state to be nothing but that. It was the tacit approval of the left that allowed them to get what they wanted, at least as far as they have.

What ultimately happened, despite the efforts to pretend it wasn't happening, is that technology and the interested parties continued to extract rent, and as they finish cannibalizing labor, the commons are looking to seize the last shreds of independence. And so, the traditional left thinks more like a barbarian warlord - because for the masses, this is the world they want. They want a world where those selected to live have everything, and those selected to die will be attacked by their rightist allies, who will be told that their path to victory is "more blood for the blood god". But, technology always wins - it always has in the long run, because the human spirit is fickle, and the aristocratic and proprietor spirit is more fickle still. What was needed, and this was accomplished during the 20th century, was the complete demoralization of the lower classes, who represented a world that had been untouched by modernity and the drive to enclose them in the aristocratic game played since ancient times. The true aims of the masses have always been to leave this condition and never speak of being ruled by it again, and the masses were defeated on all fronts, for they would not be allowed anything they ever wanted.


For the commons of the 19th century - including many of the people who made anything in technocratic society that actually worked - the left/right distinction was incidental to what they wanted. They weren't invested in this idea that history was made of narratives. The left/right distinction was useful for understanding the historical conflict and roughly why we're here, but the real politics was always about who and what held power, and who and what held the machines that allowed rule. Personal honor had a lot more to do with politics than any ideology or claims of institutional authority. The genius of the smarter political writers is that they worked through that instead of insisting reality matches a technological conceit or ideology.

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A Boeing 737-300, attempting to take off from Blaise Diagne International Airport in Dakar, Senegal, caught fire and skidded off the runway on Wednesday evening. Of the 85 passengers and crew on the Air Sénégal Flight HC301, 10 were injured, including the pilot, according to the Transport Minister El Malick Ndiaye.

All were immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, with four in critical condition.

The flight was operated by TransAir, a regional airline based in Senegal that provides service from Senegal’s capital of Dakar to as far south as Brazzaville, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. HC301 was headed to Bamako, the capital of Mali.

TransAir’s fleet consists of Embraer ERJ-145, Embraer EMB-120, Beechcraft 1900C jetliners, in addition to the Boeing 737-300. The 737-300 “Classic” is one of Boeing’s oldest operating planes. Its development began in 1979 and first began operations in 1984. The aerospace giant made 1,113 of the planes during its production run, which lasted from 1981-1999.

While no further information has been released from the Senegalese government as to the immediate cause of the fire, it is likely that the sheer age of the aircraft played a role. The 737-300, -400 and -500 aircraft have also some of the company’s most accident-prone designs. Boeing’s own data in a report from September 2023 shows that the aircraft series has suffered 62 “hull losses,” where the plane was unrecoverable, of which 20 resulted in fatalities.

The older 737 models stand alongside the 737 MAX as among the most deadly commercial airplanes currently flown. Two crashes of the 737 MAX-8 in October 2018 and March 2019 killed a combined total of 346 passengers and crew, the direct result of Boeing executives pushing for a new aircraft to bring to market while ignoring numerous known safety issues. To date, no executives or senior leadership have been charged for the deaths.

The same day of the fire in Senegal, another Boeing plane, a 767 model, was forced to land without its landing gear in Istanbul, Turkey. The plane was a freight variant operated by FedEx that was coming from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. The pilot reported to air traffic control that the landing gear had not deployed and was instructed to land without them while emergency vehicles stood by.

There were no reported injuries, though the pilot was forced to leave the plane via the cockpit’s window.
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Boeing having a bad batch of planes, with a nosedive and crash propensity or unscheduled doors popping off, isn't what's doing the big damage here. The companies that buy those airplanes are rational customers, they'll stop buying those specific problem models, but if Boeing makes a good plane again that'll sell again.

What is doing a lot more damage is the harassed engineers and quality/safety inspectors 2 of which have turned up dead before they could deliver testimony in court. 2 dead witnesses in a row that ain't no coincidence. That's too spooky, everybody's gonna avoid mafia ramshackle airliners.

I wonder what went wrong. My guess would be lucrative military supply contracts causing the neglects of the commercial side, combined with neo-liberal economics.




Haven't they been killing whistleblowers?


Yes almost certainly


Last 6 paragraphs of the article are very relevant.

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I keep running into a particularly insidious type of revisionism. The "Think of the Children!" revisionism. It is stated repeatedly by disguised fascists, royalists, and liberals larping as communists on our board and misusing the concept of empathy that ruling class children can be reeducated, and, failing that, sent to a labor camp. Let me be perfectly clear. The brats of the petit bourgeoisie, of the bourgeoisie, and of the aristocracy cannot be "rehabilitated" or "reeducated" under any circumstances. They must all be liquidated alongside their inbred pedophile worker-hating parents. It is not the duty of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat to waste precious and limited resources attempting to coddle and reeducate children who in 99.9…% of circumstances will grow up to be precisely like their parents, to secretly harbor counter-revolutionary opinions, and collaborate amongst themselves to foment bourgeois counter-revolution. I don't care if they're in diapers. You put a bullet in their fucking head. Morality is not real. It is a theistic bourgeois construct regarding property relations. It does not matter if this is "good" or "bad." You put the bullet in the bourgeois baby's brain or he will grow up to kill you and everyone you love and destroy everything you fought for. Do you understand? If not, you are a liberal, a fascist, a royalist, and you ought to be hung by your genitals from the nearest lamp post. You are not a comrade, you are a coward, and vermin, to be exterminated alongside the ruling class, their children, their pets, and their lickspittle servants. This isn't a question of "nurture vs nature" either. This is a question of risk mitigation and victory maximization. I am not "weird" or a "freak" or "hate children" for understanding this. Take heed this quote from Mark Twain (Who, despite being a feckless bourgeois 19th century liberal, was perfectly capable of understanding the need for Revolutionary Terror):

>“THERE were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold
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The bolsheviks gunned down the children of Tsar Nik2 because there was a risk they could have gone into exile and become the beginning of a royalist counter revolution which would have been put down with yet more bloodshed. The bolsheviks can't really be blamed for the logic of feudal political power. Designing the feudal political form so that the only way to end it was for everybody in the thrown-succession to be dead, was always going to be a death-sentence for the last generation of royals. Everything ends, it's better to design political systems with a graceful failure-mode. Monarchs who didn't cede political power to democratic institutions are to blame for the slaughter that their structure created. The bolsheviks would have chosen to unelect the monarchical order if that was a possibility. The bourgeoisie in France did the same thing as the bolsheviks when they abolished obstinate feudalism. In some places feudal rulers dismantled their power willingly and transitioned into democracy and avoided becoming a bloodstain in the footnotes of history.

All that said the people who complain about this don't care about children at all, because they never morn any of the millions of peasant born children that died because of Tsarist rule. The correct thing to do is turn "Think of the Children!" back on them, child mortality plummeted under Soviet rule. That means these people are demanding the sacrifice of all those peasant children to safe the children of the Tsar.

The rest of your post isn't very logical. Political convictions and bourgeois sentiment isn't hereditary. All the past methods of dealing with counter revolutions was predicated on a false premise. The false premise that counter revolutions could be prevented. The correct analysis is that counter revolutions will happen and the task of the revolution is to make it fail. So we're going to organize the counter revolution our self and we'll choreograph it to make it fail. We don't have to invent something new, we can appropriate the kabuki theater they invented. If you have to deal with royalists, you build a fake castle with a fake thrown and a feudalism larp. If you have to deal with counter revolutionary neo-liberals you make a fake stock-exchange with line go up as larp and so on.

There are 2 factors why political and economic systems get overthrown. The first Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>The bolsheviks would have chosen to unelect the monarchical order if that was a possibility.
I rather doubt it has ever been that simple. Revolutions don't happen when the people being ruled over are content. They happen when their rulers have done something to piss them off enough to overthrow their system, and at that point their rulers can either expect to be killed themselves in vengeance or cling to power as hard as they can to protect their lives. Non-violent revolutions with non-violent transitions of power are rare precisely because violence-breeding destitution and repression is usually a prerequisite for a revolution to occur in the first place.


>Revolutions don't happen when the people being ruled over are content. They happen when their rulers have done something to piss them off enough to overthrow their system
The masses make revolution when they think it will make their lives better, collective revenge probably isn't a thing. Masses of people don't get organized just for payback, all that effort that goes into pulling off a revolution, that's motivated by gain. Revenge killings during revolutions do happen of course but they are acts of individuals, and they're usually frowned upon because the after-revolution politics has to recover from the disruption of normality and order.

>at that point their rulers can either expect to be killed themselves in vengeance or cling to power as hard as they can to protect their lives.

Not really, the rulers that give up tend to live while those that cling to power usually don't. Clinging to power means using brutal methods and making them selves into monsters. In the end that's what gets them wrecked. And this isn't because of vengeance. It's people having gone through rough times, thinking about all those good people that didn't make it. And then not being able to answer why these horrible monsters should be allowed to survive when the good people didn't. I have read a lot of testimony from the post ww2 period, people complaining about the wrong people surviving is a prominent theme. That sentiment ended a fuck-ton of Nazi collaborators in the last stages of the war.

The N°1 reason why terrible rulers get killed off is because they clung to power too much. Even the most horrible politicians almost never get killed because their hold on power is limited. And getting rid of them usually isn't terribly hard. So if the effort of getting rid of terrible rulers was low enough it's not worth killing them, but if it took a tremendous amount of struggle, people feel that they want to make sure that it's "permanent". Democracies have so little political violence because political power tends to be more ephemeral.

By the way the bolsheviks initially didn't intent to kill the Tsars. After being deposed they were put under house arrest for a long time. The firing squat order was given because there was a risk that they might get released from captivity by opposing comPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


File: 1715464255171.webm ( 11.97 MB , 360x360 , leninhat_speech.webm )

>my satire of leninhat from /leftypol/ got posted to leftychan
oh my


Fucking exactly. I am here for the complete extermination of the ruling class, not fantasy worldbuilding.

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