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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Racial identity categories have no biological merit, so the thread-subject line is objectively correct.
The hard materialist line isabolishing race identities as false consciousness in favor of class unity.
Is this politically doable ? Could this gain traction among the masses ?



I, uh, I'm not clicking that or watching that. I agree with the basic premise.


File: 1685868742622.png ( 53.74 KB , 550x315 , huh.png )

>not clicking that
>I agree with the basic premise.

very peculiar



Yeah, race is a charade & I'm not clicking.


Race is not a "thing" or "substance" you can isolate in a lab, but a question of heredity - basically asking "who your ancestors are" in a general enough sense that is understandable. We have a sense of what races are and who is in what race, but it only became relevant because eugenics became the political idea. The idea of "race rule" was absurd to even the screaming racists of the 19th century. It took eugenics to make that idea acceptable as a pseudoscience.

Maybe some day we wouldn't kill each other over stupid shit. There was a strange time in America where we thought that would happen. No such luck. Today's racism is thoroughly a proxy for eugenics generally, rather than mere "identity". The white racists can't even say what they really think with a straight face, because it's such a laughable claim about nature. It's intended for the petty-manager slaves who want to kick down someone, and when they don't have an identity ready for them to kick down, they find some other trait to justify their shitty behavior. None of it is based on anything but a crass greed, and that is intended. The true aristocracy are far more racist than anything that comes out of the mouth of a Reaganite bullycoward retard, and they are retarded. Listen to a liberal in the political elite talk about Africa and you can see hatred that would make Hitler blush, despite the lack of anything the Africans did except exist and want something for themselves. It's really absurd, but all of it comes back to a eugenic interest overtaking anything else. The Reaganites are their enablers, encouraged to be as stupid and venal as possible, then abase themselves and indulge in cuckold porn because they're the most worthless men and women, whose contribution to humanity is nothing but cheap and abundant torture and misery. The actually capable racists are the true danger. Without their hand, the Reaganites would be exposed as the fags they are and put down, and we wouldn't have to hear their retardation ever again.


Race is a charade but I don't understand anything else you said and I won't click some youtube link unless you give me a reason to.


The video is from the Katie Halper show (lefty independent media with cerebral comedy and political commentary) , and there are 2 Marxists ( Pascal Robert & Jason Myles) explaining how capitalism uses identity politics. It's just shy of 5 minutes short.

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