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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Is Foucault correct when he says that mass surveillance caused Cancel Culture ?
Has people being under constant observation and evaluation brought back puritanism in a new form ?

Do we need to create spaces that can't be observed, in order to generate good quality culture ?


>Is Foucault correct when he says that mass surveillance caused Cancel Culture ?

He died in 1984. What are you citing here? I'm not familiar with Foucault.


This is about what Foucault calls Biopower.

Foucault is a French philosopher, so you have to listen to his lecture series where he explains some stuff and then tells you to go read the relevant chapters in his books for the rest of the information. Hence why I only read a philosophical summary book about him.

I think the relevant lecture series is:
<the Birth of Biopolitics
and the book you'd want to read is:
<Discipline and Punish

Cancel culture fit's Foucaults notion of Neo-liberal Governmentality which are generated through a surveillance environment.


Can someone define cancel culture? From my understanding it is a right wing attempt to discredit valid criticism about their shitty and rapey behaviors.


treating other side as terrorist (popular by mods)


You've always lived under "mass surveillance". The rulers are not blind and always have informants, and have always wanted to clamp down on any possibility of the little people having a single thing. The only thing that changed is that the masters have more eyes and more informants, and trained their subjects to be more eager to snitch. The only snitches who are punished are those who work against the lords' preferred thugs and gangsters.


In other words, Foucault is an idiot making obtuse mystifications to pretend biopolitics is new. It was inherent in the imperial religion of the 19th century and everything the liberals and Nazis did, and implied by socialism and communism.


>Can someone define cancel culture?
A historic example would be the inquisition coming after you for opposing the crusades.

A contemporary example would be the radlibs harassing you as a something-phobe for not supporting rainbow-imperialism.


Interesting point, i guess class struggle has to contain an information element. So what exactly is the objective here ? Should the proles know more about the ruling class than the other way around ?
Yes Foucault's writings are obtuse, but i don't think he's pretending this stuff is new.

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