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>multipolarity is not a political position - something you are for or against. It is an emerging state of reality in geopolitics and economics, characterized in part by the collapse of US hegemony.



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Seriously tho, that french goblin is about to be hanged from the nearest lampost.
So the public automatically will do the opposite of what he says.


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>Eurup must reduce dependence on the United States
>he says as Eurup is now completely dependent on the US liquid gas


the yellow vests are based ofc but I don't know if this is actually true
IVPITER was elected twice after all


What Macron says certainly sounds like it would be in Europe's interests. We kinda have to wait what it means in praxis.

At the moment the French protests are because of regressive pension reforms. If Macron yields on that, the guillotines will probably go back into storage.

The Germans still have massive amounts of coal, and might go for fracking. The French might build more nuclear plants, so it's not quite as bad as you make it out to be.


>IVPITER was elected twice after all
Doesn't mean much in the current dictatorship of the mass media.
Yeltsin was elected twice too.

>The Germans still have massive amounts of coal, and might go for fracking.
Going for coal and fracking would cause massive protests. Also bad for Climate Change.

>The French might build more nuclear plants

The same thing. Macron would be assassinated by eco-terrorists.


forgot to add

>Going for coal and fracking would cause massive protests.

that CIA would support

>Macron would be assassinated by eco-terrorists.

who would be supplied by the CIA


Eurup "independence" is bad for Climate Change. Just suck it up and buy our gas euroids.


>Going for coal and fracking would cause massive protests. Also bad for Climate Change.
You are right that coal is terrible for the climate. However if the Germans do their own fracking that's certainly not going to be worse than importing US fracking gas.

>The same thing. Macron would be assassinated by eco-terrorists.

This makes no sense, nuclear energy doesn't make CO2 emissions, expanding nuclear power has ecological benefits.

Or do you meant that the oil industry is threatening to kill the French president and blame it on the ecos. I don't think that's going to work. If the masses make revolution heads might roll, but small groups plotting assasinations, i doubt that's realistic.


Europe could build lots of nuclear power, which would actually be good for the climate.


>However if the Germans do their own fracking that's certainly not going to be worse than importing US fracking gas.
what are their reserves of fracking gas?

>This makes no sense, nuclear energy doesn't make CO2 emissions, expanding nuclear power has ecological benefits.

Nuclear energy is dangerous as proven by Chernobyl, Fukushima, and smaller other excesses.

>Or do you meant that the oil industry is threatening to kill the French president and blame it on the ecos.

No, I mean dedicated ideological eco-terrorists. Their groups already have a history of industrial sabotage and assault.

>If the masses make revolution heads might roll, but small groups plotting assasinations, i doubt that's realistic.

What was "realistic" about Narodniks killing Alexander II, Red Army Faction killing a bunch of officials, MRTA taking hostages, etc?


>Europe could build lots of nuclear power, which would actually be good for the climate.
To cover all the energy requirements Eurup would need a massive number of reactors.
Just buy the fucking gas goddamit, Norway and US is enough.


>what are their reserves of fracking gas?
Apparently enough for 20 to 40 years of heavy use.

>Nuclear energy is dangerous as proven by Chernobyl, Fukushima, and smaller other excesses.

Oh no not this again.

Chernobyl and Fukushima proved that nuclear power is still comparably safe. Those were the worst nuclear-power failures, and very few people died. The death-toll of Chernobyl was less than 50 people. Fukushima might have been zero deaths, it's unclear because for the Japanese this was primarily an earth quake and a flood. The only method of power-production that is as safe as nuclear is Hydro-power (dams with water turbines) every other method of power-production kills more people, sometimes a lot more. Look up cancer statistics for proximity to coal-power. The worst environmental release of radioactive material, has been through the use of depleted Uranium sabot tank ammunition.

All the nuclear incidents that had containment breaches, were the result of hydrogen explosions. That hydrogen was created by super-heated cooling water. The new reactors don't use water-cooling anymore and hence can't have that problem.

Nuclear power went through it's trial and error phase like every other tech. Now these reactors had all their problems worked out and would probably power human civilization for centuries without any incidents. And that's the point where you want to throw it away. It's maddening, we payed the cost for the development and now you are denying us the reward. Nuclear power would grant us a lot of time to figure out a fix for climate change and how to harmonize industry with ecology. We'd have tonnes of cheap energy that would allow for every human being on the planet to have a really high quality of live. And by opposing nuclear you choose green austerity, poverty and misery for the masses and more intense resource wars, with more dead soldiers and civilians.

Even the nuclear waste problems has been solve very elegantly by repurposing oil-drills to make 5km holes to permanently deposit radioactive waste so deep in the earths crust that it's never going to come out. This hole can be drilled in the power-plant which avoids transporting the radioactive waste.

The new nuclear reactors also have been miniaturized so that you can use an array of small reactors that benefit from economies of scale in production, which reduces their capital cost and allows for fast deployment. Gen 4 reactors can go 20+ years between refueling, which means you get loads of time to source new supply.

It's really exelent technology now.

>No, I mean dedicated ideological eco-terrorists. Their groups already have a history of industrial sabotage and assault.

I guess that exists too, but why would you bow down to that.

>To cover all the energy requirements Eurup would need a massive number of reactors.
And what's wrong with that? Besides it doesn't have to be 100% nuclear, all the other stuff like wind and solar can also be used for a big chunk of the power generation.
>Just buy the fucking gas goddamit, Norway and US is enough.
It's too expensive to ship gas over the ocean. Nuclear generated electricity is 10x cheaper.
And there's also a loss of trust, after-all the US did blow up a part of the European energy infrastructure.


incredibly based post


*incredibly retarded post


I think this post is very convincing (no irony).


>I Have No Arguments, and I Must Seethe


Not saying it still isn't massively safer than any other power source, but you really need to account for indirect deaths with Fukushima and Chernobyl. That includes both long term cancer deaths and deaths caused by the massive displacement of people who were forced to evacuate the area..

Also small modular reactors is a scam, what we really want is large centralized molten salt thorium reactors that can benefit from economies of scale.


Macron is what as known as a "pleaser": He'll say fucking anything if he thinks it'll please people. It also means he lies constantly.


He sees France leading a independent Europe, he's actually a Multipolarista.
This is why he tries to act like a "statesman" to Russia and China and India. Because he's trying to essentially see himself as the European leader they can approach and work with Europe though, making him the defacto European leader.
As much as I don't like Macron, at least he and France aren't 100% cucked to NATO and the US like the Germans or Scandis.


Preemptively surrendering before ww3


How would you judge Macron compared to Charles de Gaulle, Helmut Schmidt or François Mitterrand?


Here's the take from the Geopolitical Economy Report



about a 2/10 compared to based De Gaulle


>he's actually a Multipolarista
It adds up actually

<Pootin raises the retirement age and russian cucks swallow it.

<Macron tries to do the same as his fellow multipolarista but gets massive riots and strikes.
I think Macron should blitzkrieg Germany next because Alsace-Lorraine needs national self-determination.


and yes, I know that Alsace-Lorraine is part of modern day France..


Well, multi means more than one, so I guess a bipolar US-China Imperial redivision of the globe with new-era Tito-esque fence sitters is multipolar as well!

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