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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Does anyone live in Chicago? It was a complete shithole in the 2000s. Filled with drunks and crackheads and such. I can only imagine it's gotten much worse. Here's how the cycle goes
>Bureacratic opportunists come into power
>City goes to shit
>Smart people move out
>Only literal 90eyeq retards are left in city
>They vote for grifting faggot leftoids
>City continues to go to shit
>Becomes Detroit
>Property value crashes
>Gentrifying whiteoids and real estate speculators move in
>Slight increase in police presence so that faggot homo furdaddies can buy Starbucks without stepping into literal human feces

At one point, Chicago and cities like it had tons of industrial jobs, which kept working people there. But, due to shifts in the economy, I imagine the only people who live there are either lumpenized and maldeveloped or part of the professional managerial/financial grift class. The latter can live in gated communities and vote Democrat to make themselves feel like 'decent human beings'(tm). The former are just braindead.

Basically a blueprint for how communities/societies die.


You missed a step:
>leave lead pipes unmaintained for decades so the lead leeches into the drinking water
>retards remain because they've been poisoned by lead since childhood


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have visited last year
here we go
>trashy neighborhoods, i mean lots of actual random trash
>social climate is that suspicion/distrust(extra burger toppings)
>Dogs wander the streets
>females usually are snobby cunts, also so many dykes
>residents are especially self centered
>chicano cringe pride
>globohomo condensed into a city
>cracked sidewalks, shitty roads
>streets are shit
>part of car culture is to ignore ambulances and not pull to the side
>excessive circle jerking among the labor aristocracy(its a union town)

anyway Mao Mao, Pol Pot, and Franny Franco were spot on about cities


>what is deindustrialization
>what is neoliberalism
<muh bureaucrats
<muh eye cue
Leftoids and cryptofash proving once again that they share the same quality of being historically illiterate


woot is dis


Don't you have coffee to pour?


probably busy having anal with a goat fish

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