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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1679789138503.mp4 ( 24.14 MB , 432x768 , How the American Medical A….mp4 )


Reminder that doctors are class enemies. They are the reason healthcare is so expensive in the US.



Has to be a troll. Should we not have doctors in a classless society? Polite sage.


Don't you think that doctors living in a capitalist society would have interests different from doctors living in a socialist society? The same applies to policing. How many socialists do you see supporting police unions? Yet it's obvious that police will still be necessary for a long time.
OP is right, doctors are incentivized to keep healthcare in the United States private and expensive. But given enough time this will likely change if healthcare ever does become universal. For example, in Canada, doctors are currently demanding both higher wages and increased hiring. I wouldn't go so far as to call them class enemies, but as of right now in the United States, they certainly aren't allies.


Really, it's the entire insurance industry that jacks up health are costs by literally providing no value while maintaining themselves by skimming off the top


uygha I'm not learning politics from tiktok


Doctors are greedy capitalist scum. Pill pushing retards. The term doctor wasnt even intended for them as the retards dont do any actual research, theyre just medical technicians. They deserve no prestige or respect as they do it for the $$ and not for society.

Doesnt apply to Cuban docs or docs under communist societies though


AMA is literally a mob cartel, they control licensing and artificially red tape the entire medical profession to keep prices high. They literally contribute nothing and still lobby hospitals and research organizations on the regular.

Death to them and all murican doctors


sage yourself for being retarded. Doctors under capitalism are cursed, they dont give a shit about anything other than money. Thats why misdiagnosis is like 40% or more and they are virtually immune from being sued for fucking up

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