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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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The strikes are massive and the political opposition to macron's pension-rape has doubled from 26% to 46% in just a few months.

Macron has undemocratically bypassed the french parliament by using article 49.3 of the french constitution, to box this through. However it's now possible to oust him with a no-confidence motion.

There's a very strong possibility that this is Macrons political suicide, and it's very unlikely that this pension-rape will stand. The French imperial bourgeoisie has recently lost a lot of power in their African pseudo-colonies. The president of the Congo Felix Tshisedkedi recently flat out told Macron to shut-up his "imperial paternalism" during a political conference. And that means they can't fight against the french proles at home and fight to maintain imperial dominance in Africa at the same time.

I don't know enough about the political realities in France to make predictions about the ramifications, but seems that the imperial bourgeoisie in France is going to get a serious haircut.

Video source for the op-pic


>it's now possible to oust him with a no-confidence motion.
They have already tried 14 times, the left and the right parties don't want to vote for each others. I hope it'll not fail again but I don't see what could have changed.
If the strikes continue, they will cancel the law like they did in 2006 with the first employment contract. Or at least, it's what I hope will happen because Macron will try to go through, until now the strikes were mostly very pacifistic but it is getting more violent this past week. It can be even bigger than the yellow jackets movement, this is something everyone agrees with. More than 70% of the french population is against it.


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<No, a majority of French society opposing the neoliberal reforms is a bad thing. Only my hair brained pet ideology can liberate the french proletariat through rrrrevolution and worker dddemocracy. Why won't they just listen to me?!


How do you want to fight neoliberlism? With a democratic vote?


Idk. Show us the way, comrade dk


Usually revolutions aren't violent when taking over state power. The violence usually comes about when the old power-structures try to strike down the new ones, and then people come to defend the revolution. So the violence in the streets that's usually after the revolution not during or before.
And the revolutionaries are the ones trying to keep order.


Wow. If we ignore the Cuban revolution, the Nicaraguan Revolution, the Mexican Revolution, the Chinese revolution, the Vietnamese Revolution, and the Korean Revolution, that's totally true!!


>The French imperial bourgeoisie has recently lost a lot of power in their African pseudo-colonies.
Huh? I didn't know that french corporate assets in their former colonies got seized.

>The president of the Congo Felix Tshisedkedi recently flat out told Macron to shut-up his "imperial paternalism" during a political conference.

Wow, you go kang! Totally not an empty populist move without any actual substance!

African capitalist shitholes have two choices - old tired western boot or a new shiny chinese boot

all the fucking African mobutus should be rounded up and carpet bombed, they would never amount to anything


i agree, 'old western boot' as you say, is bad


Is the Duran right ?, did Macron just say fuck it because he thinks that after his political career is over he'll get a cushy job somewhere in the "Neo-librocracy".



Spicy French protest Livestream
>Why do I have to go to 4chan to find info about people trying to overthrow a government. You fags are worthless


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Meanwhile, burgers would literally let their boss have sex with their wives while they watch.







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Based frog protestors stormed a Blackrock office

<Paris/London(CNN) Demonstrators forced their way into the building that houses BlackRock's office in Paris Thursday, taking their protest against the government's pension reforms to the world's biggest money manager.

<Videos shared on social media showed protesters entering the Centorial office block, located near the Opéra Garnier opera house, holding red flares and firing smoke bombs.

<About 100 people, including representatives of several labor unions, were on the ground floor of the building for about 10 minutes, chanting anti-reform slogans. BlackRock's office is located on the third floor.

<"The meaning of this action is quite simple. We went to the headquarters of BlackRock to tell them: the money of workers, for our pensions, they are taking it," Jerome Schmitt, spokesman for French union SUD, told CNN affiliate BFM-TV. BlackRock declined to comment.


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