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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Ya, I get it.
>Racial equality, social justice, blah blah blah
But here's the thing, by virtually every single other metric, quality of life has gotten drastically worse in South Africa. I can't help but think that ending apartheid was a massive mistake and that we are currently witnessing the inevitable consequence of putting incompetent people in charge of a country.

If you have one that's mildly coherent, I'm open to alternative explanations for why ending apartheid has ushered in the exact opposite of an abundant, harmonious society.


what power blackouts have to do with ending apartheid?


As it turns out, letting incompetent and corrupt people run an country leads to a situation where you can't even maintain infrastructure. I guess that's the implication.
From your vantage point of having your head buried in sand, what do you surmise is the reason that south Africa went from being the most developed country on the continent to its current condition rife with crime and an inability to provide the most basic of social and utility services found in functioning countries?


It was a mistake to have apartheid in the first place, this was never a viable political system, and was always going to be brought to an end one way or another. So there never was any choice about not ending it.

The choice that could have been made was to never do it in the first place, thus avoid all the problems that arose during and in the aftermath.


There are forces at work that have never given up apartheid and they're in it for the long haul. The idea of nigras having anything is against their concept of development, and further development is premised on acceptance of interference which seeks to restore apartheid.

It is unsurprising that when concepts of the political are geared towards never letting the little people win, those who aspire to seize the state by revolutionary means only care about their own profit. A few who won the last round of revolution want to keep theirs, without the necessary work to reverse what globalization dictates - that depopulation must continue.

It is unsurprising that the white minority wants to see South Africa fail, so they have a just-so story to say it was a mistake. Guess who holds many of they key positions and which global system dictates the direction of scientific and technological development. All that is really necessary is to refuse to work with those who are seen as unworthy, and eventually the insinuation will become real. Efforts to work against this work against the dominant order, while all vices and intercine conflicts are intensified.

The original movement came at a time where socialism was still an idea. Apartheid could end, but the socialist idea that was necessary for development was no longer possible. When development would be pursued, it would be oriented instead towards the goal of depopulation. Those who were selected to win saw it as beneficial to degrade conditions, those selected to lose would indeed lose and not be allowed to change their position. Encouraging sloth and indolence is a typical tactic to control subjugated and conquered nations, and that has been encouraged.

I doubt you would have made Africans into people just like everyone else. So much works against that. Any attempt to do that, though, is stymied by the global system and intercine conflict, long enough to ensure that nothing can actually be done, even if someone has an idea that would circumvent the rot.
If you look around the world, by all metrics, every single country has degraded. The United States has certainly degraded. I remember in the 1990s that the things I see today would have seemed like stuff from a Latin American ghetto. We're not allowed to really compare to the past, even the recent past, but it has been known, and those selected to live want to see conditions deteriorate for those selected to die.


Are you suggesting bare conquest followed by castrating the local/slave population? This may, in fact, may have been more viable long term.


This seems like a loaded question.
The alternative to apartheid isn't slavery.


>people 300 years ago should have had the moral sensibilities of people today
Leftychan never disappoints


>moral sensibility.
Even if you just look at this as a practical question, apartheid always ends up getting overthrown, hence it's not a viable system.


>Nothing lasts forever
Jeez, did you come up with that insight all by yourself?


It seems to be one that you are overlooking.


It's not really that they are incompetent (though they deff are) but it's also that, again, capitalism leads people to rob the coffers of what ever municipality they happen to be governing.

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