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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Any questions?

saved: https://archive.md/0wMAN

I mean, seriously, any questions left at this point?


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>anchor reason
"Nothing to see here, stupid prole!"


ogre has been glowing for a long time now

I would not at all be surprised if admins eat from the russian hand
too many coincidences with militant russian shills popping up like mushrooms after the rain that try to purge everyone who doesn't want to suck Putin's dick - Maupin, Infratard, etc.
tho I would not be surprised if they are also paid by China

and it's not even that they get paid - it's that they have no independent socialist line, they don't try to play bourgeoisie against each other - they are full blown useful idiots at best, and full blown grifter shills at worst

I'm pretty sure Yanis gets something out of the CCP, but he holds his independent line - if conditions change he can spin to attacking them without compromising his position
that's how it should be done


yes the seeseepee is the reason you're single too.
the real problem is the active m00dy troon clique that gets away with banning everyone they don't like for stuff like "twansphobia". They can't say this outright so they call it ban evasion. They've recently begun to push to redefine idpol as anything that goes against bourgeois sexual theory idealism or to remove the concept of idpol altogether. Caballo's clique is less active but no doubt responsible for the bestiality thread on Siberia. Ultimately it is the jannies autistic belief that their shitty website is like some sort of political party that drives most of their actions. While their jannies do clean up more ukrop garbage it is not worth the idpol bans. Unfortunately it seems leftychan will remain like 8/leftpol/ for the time being. I'm not sure it will ever gain prominence or reunite with the ogre.


>Must.. Defend… seeseepee…
china by every metric is capitalist with no intention of going in the socialist direction
your beloved seeseepee is compromised

stay triggered

>I'm not sure it will ever gain prominence or reunite with the ogre.

why the fuck would we unite with that shithole?
dengoids and russian nationalists are no better than libs and ukroids - flavors of capitalist bootlickers - should all be rounded together and mortar bombed


>the real problem is the active m00dy troon clique that gets away with banning everyone they don't like for stuff like "twansphobia".
no, the real problem are nazoid dogs like you
why did you come here? go whine on reddit how you got friendly fired by the ebil toorns (actually the same nazoids as you)


Tolerating the odd Langleyposter is a small price to pay for not having to kowtow to deranged twans mods


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lol struck a nerve pic related
sorry buddy but the lord himself spoke on the topic. Being against the Russian SMO and multipolarity is heretical.


>Tolerating the odd Langleyposter
says Lakhtaposter

>10 rubles were deposited into your account


>Officer they/them is triggered


couldn't give two fucks about your idpol boogeyman

have a problem with TRAITORS to the working class no matter if they are attack helicopters or straighter than a rail
you know what everyone did with TRAITORS throughout centuries bitch?


I don't know if that website glows or not.

However you are having paranoid spooks, sane people do not think that Russia and China is le big bad that is lurking behind every corner.

The US ruling class is mad that it can't lord over those countries, and now they directed their media machine to pump out crazy conspiratorial shit, and some of that seeped into your head.

The ruling class of the US empire will neither be able to break the Russians nor the Chinese, and eventually they will have to give up. Don't get invested in this, you're not part of their club anyway so neither their victories nor their defeats reflect on you.


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>china by every metric is capitalist
Here is a recent metric that says they are throttling real estate porky big time.


International breakdown of old capitalist alliances is directly relevant to any form of revolutionary Marxist as these were the conditions that led to the first major communist victories.


are you retarded?

nobody "throttles" anyone lol
the market fucking crashed, there are no profits to be made now so government steps in to bail out the pigs and at least complete some projects

fucking negative autism score nazoids..


the conditions that led to the first major victories were a military mutiny

do you advocate for mutiny nazoid bitch?


>International breakdown of old capitalist alliances is directly relevant to any form of revolutionary Marxist as these were the conditions that led to the first major communist victories.
I would say that's true but the US ruling class lost their lever against China over a decade ago. They are just realizing it now.


lmao what no historical materialism does to a mf. Did Rome collapse from Ostergoths too?


>you are having paranoid spooks
nah, Maupindeho is 1000% a paid russian shill, dunno about chinese tho

Infratard is paid by china

ogre is controlled by russians, it is not banned in russia, while this site is
russian shilling campaign is 100% an organized effort, too many coincidences


we're talking about capitalism here nazoid bitch

do you agitate for military mutiny on both sides? yes or no?


>the market fucking crashed
Chinese real-estate moguls hit the wall, yes
>government steps in to bail out the pigs
The Chinese government is buying up the land, it's not a bail-out, it's a buy-out, that is in effect reversing privatization.


China itself has yet to transform completely. The internal contraction between china's capitalist class and party must resolve. This is exaggerated even more with the frequency of party businesses. This positive trend away from globalisation will hopefully spell the demise of liberalizing market policies.


>The Chinese government is buying up the land, it's not a bail-out, it's a buy-out, that is in effect reversing privatization.
who do you think are they buying this land from you retardoid? form the bankrupted real estate devs

you literally are too sub autism score to not be a useful idiot to the ruling classes


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not exactly realistic with my countries private military but there are many new opportunities on the way by current trends


I don't want to comment on any of the specifics, but I get the impression you're on some kind of McCarthyism which-hunt trip.

You know sometimes people just have different opinions on politics, without being foreign spies.


Praise China


lol, it will never be "realistic"
"realistic" is being blown off to pieces while you follow orders like a sheep

nazoids are born to be cannon fodder exactly because you perfectly exemplify their modus operandi


Sorry feddie but I would never betray my country so must not reject parliamentarian approaches according to Lenin. We will win at the polls :^)


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>Praise China


>who do you think are they buying this land from
I just see control over real estate going back into public hands, that means affordable housing for Chinese proles. And it means less rent-seeking capital undermining industrial development in China.
In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter that some real-estate porkies got one last pay out, because their perpetual rent-money printer is gone. But I do share your sentiment, it would have been much more satisfying if they had just collectivized it, like in the good old days.


>I just see control over real estate going back into public hands, that means affordable housing for Chinese proles.
Except this real estate in not profitable and is a massive black hole in the budget.
Governments needs to balance their books even if they have communism in their name and red flags on their buildings. And no, they can't "just print money", especially when the growth starts to slow down.

supposed """marxists""" always forgetting about profit, that end all be all of capitalism, is the most funniest thing ever


>Chinese Real Estate bubble popping means its being nationalized.
Are dengoids even trying anymore.


I don't really see why there would be a problem.
This is internal to China and they can just decide that their books are balanced.

The workers aren't going to complain about affordable public housing, the real-estate porkies get told they have to reinvest their pay-out into the productive sector, and that's the end of it.


If you use tribal rhetoric, like this you are undermining your credibility.

The material bases of the Chinese economy is sound, why would it matter if the fictional stuff has to be massaged a little.


>This is internal to China and they can just decide that their books are balanced.
china is not an autarky retard, its trade is fucking massive
even USSR couldn't "just decide" and balanced their plans, but capitalist china can somehow magically "just decide" now
fucking clown

>The workers aren't going to complain about affordable public housing

there would be no "affordable public housing"
someone needs to foot the bill, and it sure as hell wouldn't be chinese pigs

>the real-estate porkies get told they have to reinvest their pay-out into the productive sector

porks will reinvest in what is profitable
if you think you can tell capitalists in what to invest you're a fucking retard and might as well expropriate them because that's is the level of repressions you would need lol
and we both know that seeseepee dengoids are too comfortable to escalate this far

or you can incentivize them with subsidies to make it profitable for them


Chinese Real Estate is not involved in Chinese trade, real-estate does not produce anything that they could trade.
Once the government owns the real estate it can use it for affordable housing.

The Chinese government got the leverage to dictate future investments of porkies once they crashed their market. They did the same thing in the 2008 crash.

>someone needs to foot the bill

Big finance is fictional, you don't have to make people suffer for that.

>porks will reinvest in what is profitable

In China it is not profitable to go against the CPC.


i was banned several times for unironically saing women are lil bad
and it was some time ago


>Any questions?
Just one: why are you still wasting time and effort there when you could be making this place a more lively and fun webzone?


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They anchored it again, lmao


>They've recently begun to push to redefine idpol as anything that goes against bourgeois sexual theory idealism


>china by every metric is capitalist
This book is the single book you will need to read in your life, m8. Just read it, "comrade,"… it ain't too long. If you think that a "comrade" should become accustomed to "both sides of the issue," than this fucking book is yours.


>ppl who use leftychan.net are using it because they are "fash"
lmao, kys


unironically, yes


These kinds of people don't require payment or control. They are just that stupid.


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Oh yeah the mods aren’t totally trooned out libs


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