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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Is it reasonable to make a distinct between different types of capital at this stage of capitalism:

For example, we're all aware of:

Productive capital
Finance capital

But might we add onto this

Social control capital
Sales and business services (tertiary paper pusher) capital
Communication capital
Innovative capital (related to break out technologies)
Bureacratic or State Capital

Obviously these categories overlap to some degree, and they all operate together within a single system. Meanwhile, each might inculcate its own distinct cultural ideological features and indicate a direction of society.
>Pic unrelated


>Social control capital
Not capital. It is an expenditure piad for out of public debt.
>Sales and business services (tertiary paper pusher) capital
Productive capital. That stuff has always been part of the calculation for production.
>Communication capital
Naked productive capital. Communication mediums are a commodity.
>Innovative capital (related to break out technologies)
Finance capital. Adaptation is a part of the replication of capital.
>Bureacratic or State Capital
Not capital at all. It's just another expenditure.


>Birds reptiles and mammals all have four appendages and breathe oxygen
Seems rather general and non descript


>Is it reasonable to make a distinct between different types of capital at this stage of capitalism:
Yes sub categories can make sense.

>Productive capital

>Finance capital
Marx made those same sub categories but called the latter fictional capital.

>Social control capital

Not sure what exactly that is but do elaborate.

>Sales and business services (tertiary paper pusher) capital

do you mean distribution ?

>Communication capital

Jody dean has a category of communicative capital
Do you mean that ?

>Innovative capital (related to break out technologies)

Nope technological innovation comes from people like scientists, researchers, engineers, inventors and many more, but not capital it self. And it sounds like an ideologically loaded term.

>Bureacratic or State Capital

The largest bureaucracies are now in the corporate sector, so unless you also invent bureaucratic corporate capital to balance it out, this is a no go.

Marx had also a few other categories related to natural monopolies like landed capital and extractive capital.


I suppose it would to someone who has no idea what those words mean.


"Capital" has a fairly specific definition tied to finance. All of these are just ways for people with nothing to pretend they possess something, and at the same time elide what capital even is and spookify it. There is a clumsy attempt to subordinate all political possibilities to wealth, and thus the manipulations of those who sit at the apex of the current regime. This also attempts to make the capitalist indispensible, when the typical capitalist does not involve himself in the management of anything. Capitalism implied a collective share in enterprises through stocks and so on. It's not the society of small shopkeepers, but the society of people paying in to prop up large corporations and the new nobility.

Control of the machinery - the things your money goes towards - is not so much financial control, but operational control. Those who operate the machines are in the position to change the system, but they see no reason to. The present situation relies on an alliance between those who operate the most important machines and those who dole out the wealth; and so it has favored propagandists, trained liars, and those who are tasked with depopulation above all. That is what is valued today.


>"Capital" has a fairly specific definition tied to finance.
Capital is simply the self-expansion of starting value. Finance capital is only one of its forms.


The point of capital is that you express it as equivalent to some sort of gold or currency, rather than capital being interpreted as any political force or force of nature. There is no such thing as "social capital". That's a bunch of ideology obscuring what actually happens and the nature of the present arrangement. There is industrial capital because industrialists need money to make money and serve a function in the system, but there's not "bureaucratic capital". Bureaucracies exist for reasons that have nothing to do with capital, and would exist if capitalism were abandoned.

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