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Is Oliver stone correct about the new race for nuclear energy being led by China, India and Russia.

Is the west going to miss the boat ?


China and India might be embracing emergent technologies, but are the embracing diversity, inclusion, equity, and the gender spectrum? Didn't think so


So you are saying we traded harnessing the power of the atom for radlibs running inside of squirrel cages that are connected to dynamos ?


Yes. We must also connect radlibs to a wind turbine, so their frequent screeds and emotional outbursts and generate windpower.


In a sense yes. I firmly believe we’re trying to enter a neo feudal type of capitalism. Where rent and all that enables it is the primary mode of production. China is attempting to industrialize heavily while the west is trying to create a system where no one owns anything and all is provided by corporations ñ.


Also to note, when the Soviet Union was still around. Western powers tried to compete with them by trying to industrialize faster than them. Paradoxically, it solidified the power of capital while also enabling a proletarian class. China is industrializing heavy now, and if we were to try to match that, it would only mean the revitalization of a dwindling proletariat. Thus, shifting towards a system that enables capital while stagnating industrialization is paramount


>I firmly believe we’re trying to enter a neo feudal type of capitalism
You are correct about the direction, the big capitalists that have won the game of musical chairs, all want to become rent-seeking capital. But that's not a viable system that represents a future mode of production, it's just a parasite that kills the host.

>China is industrializing heavy now, and if we were to try to match that, it would only mean the revitalization of a dwindling proletariat. Thus, shifting towards a system that enables capital while stagnating industrialization is paramount

The differential in power and influence between industrialized and de-industrialized countries will become astronomical.
If you are correct about the intentions of western capitalists, the west will wither away as a civilization that has any relevance to world history.


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Actually I would say the west is hiding it’s time until the neofeudal rent system becomes a immense inescapable reality, then industrialization will continue in a way that reinforces this reality. I don’t think they want to end industry period, they’re just stalling until it becomes beneficial to the more of production


>Actually I would say the west is hiding it’s time until the neofeudal rent system becomes a immense inescapable reality
They can't make China submit to it, China is already to strong.
These people aren't the rulers of the world anymore.
>then industrialization will continue in a way that reinforces this reality
they're not playing 4D chess, they are loosing a game of checkers
>I don’t think they want to end industry period, they’re just stalling until it becomes beneficial to them
I get what you mean they want to blackmail industrial production to pay them rent, but all they can do is impose a rent burden on some industrial production that will than be out-competed by other industrial production that does not have a rent burden.

Marx made a pretty strong argument for why industrial power will in the end triumph over finance power.
What we are witnessing is a shift of economic power towards Asia, because the western capitalists are not keeping up with industrial investment.



the Nuclear Now Film just released


>race for nuclear energy
What race?
The technology is ancient and (afaik) still unprofitable to this very day, despite the billions upon billions that are being poured into research.

Can you give an example of a single nuclear power plant that actually makes a profit without government subsidies?
inb4 muh AGW


Nuclear power is very advanced, it's using the properties of matter that are way more powerful. From the point of physics there is just way more juice inside the core of an atom than its electron cloud.

Not using the core of atoms means technology gets stuck at a certain level. Not just for energy production but also for other applications. Eventually we'll want to mess around with the nucleus of the atom for other purposes like material science or possibly computing.

Nuclear power makes a lot of economic sense it uses comparably very little resources and labor inputs to produce absolutely huge quantities of energy. That means very low cost energy.

The main reasons why the capitalist mode of production has problems harnessing nuclear power is because it's a long term technology, it takes 2-5 years to build a plant, and then it runs for 40-60 years and then it takes another 2-5 years to decommission it. Which means that the entire cycle of an atomic power plant might be up-to 70 years. Most capitalists don't have that kind of patience.

Nuclear power-plants make electricity, and while electricity is the highest quality of energy we can make, it's also much harder to commodify, because you can't just fill up a tanker and then ship it to a customer. There sort off is a fix for that, i'll com back to it later.

Let me be clear here capitalism isn't the yard-stick against which we measure reality, if capitalism isn't able to deploy a useful technology that means capitalism is insufficient, not the technology. In Marxist jargon one would say capitalism is a fetter on the productive forces.

I think that if you want to run nuclear power within the capitalist mode of production the easiest way to do it, is by having a state-run energy production that provides super low cost energy to capitalist industries. It's basically energy as an infrastructure/subsidy.

If you are absolutely stuck on capitalist logic, you can use a nuclear reactor to produce hydrogen gas directly by thermalizing water, and then you can sell the hydrogen like natural-gas (either in gaseous or liquefied form). You have some conversion losses but you'll get something that's easy to commodify. As far as i know Liquid hydrogen is compatible with most of the stuff that's used for LNG and should be more or less a drop-in replacement.

Nuclear-to-hydrogen has political advantages as well, because you don't need to put the power-plant into anybodies backyard. You can even put it on a ocean-rig.


Can you explain to us why we should give a shit about profitability?

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