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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Yanis Varoufakis went to Cuba and gave a speech about a new non-alignment movement.

He brought up a newto me concept of cloud-capital as a means of behavioral modification.
He said we should differentiate it to means of production.
(He speaks about this at 18:00 minutes)

Is he right about this ?

Should we add the new category of
<means of behavioral modification
to Marxist theory ?

he also says that
<who controls cloud capital controls surplus value
So has the situation changed since Marx said: "Seize the means of production" ?
Should socialists seek to seize the means of behavioral modification in addition-to/instead-off the means of production ?

To be honest I'm not entirely convinced behavioral modification technology should exist.
In my imagination that's a whip for the mind, but I'm open to counter arguments.


MoP were always already MoBM. Yannis can be an idiot sometimes.


He's a leftoid grifter in same vein as Hudson, Zizek, Pashad et cetera
as a grifter you need to constantly reinvent the bicycle with the new bells and whistles to ride that fad wave, or else you get no MONEY, you stop being invited to speak at the events where you are given free food and shit
that's where post-modernist schlock comes in to the rescue

If there is one thing I admire about Marx - is that he wasn't writing his books for a living. Solid analysis with solid categories, no muddying the waters farts sniffing shit.

MoP are production goods that are "worked collectively, owned individually"
Cloud shit fits into this category like a glove, no need for a bald grifter reinventing another totally different (this time for sure!) capitalism when he hears a new corporate buzzword


You're right comrade. We should never change. That is key to the massive success we've had so far!


change for the sake of change is retarded

classical analysis applies as long as there is a large group of people whose only means of sustenance is selling of labor power

especially when cloud fits the classical definition of MoP better than many other capital goods


>MoP are production goods that are "worked collectively, owned individually"
>Cloud shit fits into this category like a glove

>lack of victories for the left might indicate a need for change

I think both of these statements are true.
But i still don't know what to think about this.

The thing about taking over "cloud shit", i don't particularly like it from a technical perspective.
All those data-centers that run the cloud, function like some kind of brain for high tech society. They look really vulnerable to me, because there has been a consolidation underway. From millions of small on site-IT to about a 1000 mega data centers. It doesn't take much to destroy a 1000 large buildings filled with server racks and then the hole system grinds to a halt.

I would rather it was physically dispersed, at least then you don't have to worry about protecting a few high value targets. It comes with the downside that it's easier to gain physical access to dispersed computer hardware, concentrated IT can have really tight physical security. But on balance, i believe it is easier to compensate for un-authorized hardware access.


>The thing about taking over "cloud shit", i don't particularly like it from a technical perspective.
lol, for me it's the other way around
it's beautiful from a technical perspective, very agile
running your own server was never that easy

computer systems have come full circle - only on a bigger, global scale now

>All those data-centers that run the cloud, function like some kind of brain for high tech society.

lol, yea, and rail system is like veins of this high tech "organism"

It's just infrastructure
Pull your head out of your ass

>They look really vulnerable to me, because there has been a consolidation underway.

Those datacenters are more distributed than your on-premise shit
Centralized != in one place

>It doesn't take much to destroy a 1000 large buildings filled with server racks and then the hole system grinds to a halt.

It takes fucking all-out nuclear war lol

you could say the same shit about your country's energy grid
what, you want everyone to use their own wood burning stove because of your petty-bourgeois anarchoid sensibilities?


>very agile
Oh no you did a corporate speak. Please pivot to normal speak.

I agree with you that the cloud stuff is very convenient, but there is no reason that physically distributed hardware could not have the same level of abstraction and ease of use.

The thing with cargo and power grids there isn't really an option to spread it out, but for Servers, you don't have to densely pack all the server racks in a few spots. It might even have some benefits for cooling to spread it out.

Only super-computers need to have all their hardware smooshed all in one spot.

You do not need a nuke to break a big building full of servers. Medium military grade weapons can damage the power and cooling for a data center and put it out of commission for a month.


Cool story. Has that helped you at all

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