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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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What is the materialist explanation for why Europeans are such cucked pussies?
>Omg daddy govt plz make fast bikies stop
I have an evolutionary theory. All the non pussy European men somehow found their way to the Americas between 1500 and 1940, leaving just dapper dependant fags on the continent. Political implications?


Bicycles are allowed to drive on the same paths as pedestrian foot-traffic. That's why electric versions are limited to low power/speed, pretty much everywhere in the world. If you want to have a more powerful version you have to declare it as a motorbike and loose the privilege to drive on footpaths. If you ask me that sounds reasonable enough.

I guess that you can still soup-up your e-bike a little and as long as you don't do anything reckless that draws attention to you. You'll be able to flaunt the rules a little. Laws can be made into a legal tool to go after assholes who intentionally use their toys to antagonize other people, and in practice the law isn't applied to the letter when it comes to reasonable people. If you don't e-bike-buzz old ladies and other easily spooked people they won't call the police and you'll be able to disengage the limiter once you drive in car traffic and be less of an obstacle.

Your culture-war bait about defining masculinity kinda fails, because you can get good at cycling by training your endurance and muscles, and drive really fast without an electric-motor-assist, that's likely going to raise your testosterone level more than buying the bigger battery and motor config. You can't legally regulate muscle power. Buying a high powered vehicle to assert dominance over others that's small-dick-compensation-energy

But I do see some concern that this might go towards regulating bicycles in a way that it takes control away from people, or infringe on the right to modify your technology, something like that has to be frustrated vigorously. Especially bicycles those are a diy-first technology. But if you want to put a 25kw motor on your 2 wheeled vehicle so that it goes like oiled lightning you have to legally declare it a motor-bike and loose the privilege of driving on footpaths. Using your hands to shape technology that's big dick energy, but you are only allowed to assert dominance over the machine, you can't bug other people with it.

I also think that we're only at the beginning of the "e-bike era". Once more people use them, more bike-lains got created and society gets used to lots of bicycle traffic, there is a decent chance the power/speed limits gets renegotiated upward.


I didn't read that shit, mouthbreather


>I didn't read that
Not sure why you're telling us that but ok


e-bikes are based, it's like riding a toned-down but legal dirtbike on footpaths. I love scaring the shit out of pedestrians on mine. So of course eurocucks want to ruin the fun with some gay ass legislation.


>Bicycles are allowed to drive on the same paths as pedestrian foot-traffic.
Found the problem.


it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Autisté and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”


>All the non pussy European men somehow found their way to the Americas between 1500 and 1940, leaving just dapper dependant fags on the continent
Are we forgetting that one time where the continent experienced two of the most brutal wars in human history in quick succession, among numerous other wars throughout most of its recent history


I remember the Americans having to win the first one for them and the Soviets doing nearly all the fighting in the second one.


>Bicycles are allowed to drive on the same paths as pedestrian foot-traffic.
and yet (((bicyclists))) still ride on the road, blocking traffic for miles, and then when they inevitably get run over by someone driving his pregnant wife to the hospital, they whine and whine to the city until they get half the lanes ripped up and replaced with bike lanes. and then they make a snooty urbanist youtube video about how cars are the slowest way to travel in their gentrified city with more bike lanes than car lanes.


East Asia had it pretty bad then too.


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>e-bikes are based, it's like riding a toned-down but legal dirtbike on footpaths. I love scaring the shit out of pedestrians on mine.
You're one of the reasons why we can't have nice things.

<Bicycles are allowed to drive on the same paths as pedestrian foot-traffic.
>Found the problem.
Do you have a suggestion what ought to be done differently ?
You can also have an e-moped/scooters that's in-between a bicycle and a motorcycle.

Europe has been conducting wars for at least 2000 years, but i don't know if a battle-hardened nature would really affect the design for e-bikes all that much.

Since you brought up the soviets. If the SU was still around what do you reckon would their e-bikes design look like ? Take into consideration that the Soviets had an unusually strong propensity for experimenting with radical design, and tended to find technical solutions that were very unconventional.

You can't blame bicycles for traffic-jams, cars jam up the roads all on their own. And having more lanes doesn't really solve car-traffic either, that's been tried: pic of a 20 lane traffic jam. If more people go for e-bikes it might actually ease traffic jams a little bit, because bikes use much less "road-estate" proportionally. Building bike-lanes and bike friendly infrastructure might actually help with car-traffic as well.


>Do you have a suggestion what ought to be done differently ?
Put them all on the streets with the cars, and keep them there. Also have proper bike lanes on downtown roads.
>Since you brought up the soviets. If the SU was still around what do you reckon would their e-bikes design look like ? Take into consideration that the Soviets had an unusually strong propensity for experimenting with radical design, and tended to find technical solutions that were very unconventional.
Unconcentional but simple and robust. It would also have to be able to ride on ice. I imagine a trail bike frame with over-sized studded tires and fenders over the wheels. A solar battery wouldn't work, because the nights up north durring the winter are too long and dark. That would mean that it would need to have a proper car battery mounted to a rack above the back tire and an alternator that lets you charge the capacitors by pedaling. The battery would have to be one of those old school batteries that you could make run forever just by replacing the water in it.

Whoa, I would actually buy the shit out of something like that.


This guys has serious white guy mouth breather vibes


<Unconcentional but simple and robust. It would also have to be able to ride on ice. I imagine a trail bike frame with over-sized studded tires and fenders over the wheels.
>it would need to have a proper car battery mounted to a rack above the back tire and an alternator that lets you charge the capacitors by pedaling.
I gather you want to connect a small electrical generator to the pedals.
In order to keep it simple you could leave the chain drive out of the design entirely and go full electrical force-transmission.
If you pedal faster than you are driving it will propel you and charge the battery at the same time
If you pedal slower than you are driving it will propel you while discharging the battery.
You could make a very simple gage from a magnet, a coil, a spring and pointer-stick that used the voltage differential and changing in polarization of electrical potential between generator and battery to indicate whether you are charging or discharging. To adjust the speed one could use a motor that can have it's coils either connected in series or parallel. That would act a little like electrical gearing.

>The battery would have to be one of those old school batteries that you could make run forever just by replacing the water in it.

Not sure there ever was a battery that you could make run forever. I think you are talking about led-acid batteries before they had acid in gel-form or soaked in special fabric, those could be refilled with water. Those led plates would still erode away and after a while the battery would not work anymore.
To be honest i'm not really convinced that a led-acid battery would have enough energy/weight ratio to make it worthwhile for a e-bike.
If you want to go old-school with batteries, you kinda have to go for zink-air batteries to get a good energy/weight ratio.
Those were invented in the 50s or 60s. The only down side is that so far nobody made a practical way of electrically recharging them. They can be "mechanically recharged" by taking out and recycling the materials (battery chemicals and metal). During the recycling process energy is added. The battery would be like a deposit return bottle and refilled in a recycling factory.


whitoids and riceoids are soycucked pussies all their women secretly crave for karaboga


>I gather you want to connect a small electrical generator to the pedals.
An alternator, yes, but it could be attached to the back wheel instead. Doing so might be a problem when the chain slips, though.
>To adjust the speed one could use a motor that can have it's coils either connected in series or parallel. That would act a little like electrical gearing.
That would be fine for cruising on bare, dry asphalt, but on uneven terrain (think packed ice with patches of snow) I wonder how responsive such a thing would be. Would the throttle be on the handles the way that a motorcycle's is?
>Not sure there ever was a battery that you could make run forever.
"Forever" was a bit of hyperbole.
>I think you are talking about led-acid batteries before they had acid in gel-form or soaked in special fabric, those could be refilled with water.
>To be honest i'm not really convinced that a led-acid battery would have enough energy/weight ratio to make it worthwhile for a e-bike.
Yeah, that would be a problem. I would hate to have to use one of those expensive lithium batteries. It just doesn't seem very Soviet. Something dirt cheap that you can recharge with a crank and some water–that's Soviet as hell.
>The only down side is that so far nobody made a practical way of electrically recharging them.
That wouldn't work with an alternator. It looks like we are stuck with lithium unless we can make a lead battery that can carry enough of a charge.


Oh you want to have both an electrical system and a mechanical chain-drive, i thought you wanted maximum design simplicity, that's why i left out the chain-drive. You know that you can peddle a generator to power a wheel-motor, you'll have some conversion losses but since you are substituting with battery power anyway that doesn't really matter.

>That would be fine for cruising on bare, dry asphalt, but on uneven terrain (think packed ice with patches of snow) I wonder how responsive such a thing would be.

Yeah an electrical-only system is rather elastic in it's responses, if you want to suddenly launch into an explosive sprint to the finish line in a cycling competition, this is no good, but in difficult terrain, this could be advantageous because you'll have smooth continuous power-delivery that helps with traction.

>Would the throttle be on the handles the way that a motorcycle's is?

No there's no throttle in this, you have a switch with multiple positions that represent different parallel and serial motor coil configs that change speed for a given voltage of the motor. You'll choose a switch position that basically represents a given speed, and then your e-bike will accelerate (limited only by the internal resistance of the battery) until it reaches the set speed. You'll realistically have between 3 to 6 speeds. If you don't want to accelerate you turn it off. This is functional but you sacrifice fine speed control for maximum design simplicity. You also have to choose an appropriate battery that won't burn out the motor.

>I would hate to have to use one of those expensive lithium batteries. It just doesn't seem very Soviet. Something dirt cheap that you can recharge with a crank and some water–that's Soviet as hell.

You don't need that many batteries for an e-bicycle, so it's not as cost-prohibitive as with cars to use lithium cells, but yeah a less resource constraint battery chemistry that's also light-weight enough, that's still missing.

>That wouldn't work with an alternator.

Yeah that's the case for all metal-air batteries, but they do store huge amounts of energy and are super cheap. You can have 200km or 125miles range per battery (aluminum-air version) and could go to a bike station where you exchange your depleted cell for a charged one for about 2x the cost it takes to charge a normal battery with electricity. If there was ubiquitous infrastructure that stocked spare cells, this could work and it would be super convenient because instant refill. Charged metal-air batteries can be stored almost indefinitely so supply logistics doesn't have to keep track of how old a battery is.

>It looks like we are stuck with lithium unless we can make a lead battery that can carry enough of a charge.

No led-acid batteries are pretty much as good as they are going to get.


>Oh you want to have both an electrical system and a mechanical chain-drive, i thought you wanted maximum design simplicity, that's why i left out the chain-drive.
Yeah, I was thinking of using the electric motor to assist the rider rather than providing all the driving power itself. I have seen those around, and they seem useful if a bit heavy.
>Yeah an electrical-only system is rather elastic in it's responses, if you want to suddenly launch into an explosive sprint to the finish line in a cycling competition, this is no good, but in difficult terrain, this could be advantageous because you'll have smooth continuous power-delivery that helps with traction.
An interesting thought. I would have thought that being able to feel the road would be helpful in that regard, but you may have a point. Now I want to test the theory.
>You'll realistically have between 3 to 6 speeds.
Why not use a dial to adjust the voltage and control speed that way? I'm no electrician, so I don't know.
>You don't need that many batteries for an e-bicycle, so it's not as cost-prohibitive as with cars to use lithium cells, but yeah a less resource constraint battery chemistry that's also light-weight enough, that's still missing.
How much power do you think it would need with the operator pedaling and only using the electric motor as an assist for, say, cruising and for accellerating up-hill? Oh, and would attaching the alternator to the rear wheel allow for the bike to be charged while coasting down-hill?
>If there was ubiquitous infrastructure that stocked spare cells, this could work and it would be super convenient because instant refill.
Decades after the introduction of the first Tesla, electric cars still lack sufficient infrastructure. I would prefer to have something that is a bit more self-reliant.


fuck peds


>I love scaring the shit out of pedestrians on mine.
you try that shit on me I gonna bitchslap your ass

based Amsterdam state
let the cops shoot e-bikers in the streets
weak ass bitches are too afraid to use the road with the big boys
nothing better than to scare lil bitch ass cyclists on my truck haha


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war-commuting sounds like wasting a lot of effort on a pointless pursuit.

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