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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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If leftists want to send a real message to capitalists we need to vote Trump. The liberals are fucking hysterical and a threat to our democracy, I mean they're fucking calling Trump a fascist and a reactionary, fucking hysterical libtards. Trump 2024.


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What can we as leftists do about liberals calling Trump a fascist? These DNC shills have fucking infiltrated our leftist website, and they're insulting Trump so we need to do so irl organizing about this.


>we, leftists


>we, leftists


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Ok, I'll bite.

Why should I Actually vote for trump. I vote dem because obviously the democrats are going to support things like inflation reduction, green energy, womens rights involving abortion, etc etc.

The onyl things republicans have that I Really support are Guns and….well that is really it. Nothing else republicans stand for I even remotely support, so, i'll hear you out. Give me the actual substantive reasons I should vote for trump.


>we need to vote
middle class labor aristocrat detected

we should organize labor especially now when china has covid shutdowns
now is the time to squeeze bourgeoisie, not voot




Did she text you back bro


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All the same fag.

Once again we are about to have this incredibly drab conversation about the validity of voting and once again nothing will come of it because you knuckle draggers are immune to reason and are more interested in huffing your own farts.

The left is currently dead and has given no viable alternative (yet) to the average working class person (myself included) and until that exists then the only choice we have is to either A: Do absolutely nothing and let the winds of reaction encroach on us, or, B: At least do the very simple and marginal task of voting every few years to at least impose some influence over the system.
It's really easy to say "well we need to organize the working class and blah blah blah" and its another thing to actually do it which I don't see happening any time soon.


Honestly, doing nothing would be optimal since you mistakenly identify the Dems as some progressive section of the bourgeoisie rather than what they are: hardcore representatives of the emergent neotributary state rooted in the 'global governance' of a rootless oligarchal elite.


this is how women swipe left on average males


>At least do the very simple and marginal task of voting every few years to at least impose some influence over the system.
<He still doesn't understand the game.


No I understand the game but you don';t understand there are marginal differences that matter in small ways between the two porky parties you fucking retarded ultra leftists.


Again: Roe v Wade; The supreme court is literally making it easier to enforce religious mandates over schools. Drug war and immigration policy all of these things are drastically different with dems.


the contemporary left is true hopeless if reaction vs gigareaction is a debate worth having


>there are marginal differences that matter in small ways between the two porky parties
They're Coke and Pepsi–the only difference is the flavor.
It's not different in the slightest. Abortion bans don't work when most of the states offer assylum to abortion seekers. The charter school system allowed primary education to become perochial all the way back in the eighties. The Dems are no less culpable for pushing the Drug War, and those imigrant detention centers were there long before Trump. Oh, and when you bitch about the Supreme Court, don't forget that the Dems have had the opportunity to un-stack it for years. It's all a show–all of it.
It's not. It's just that basic bitches who haven't yet weened themselves from liberalism can't help but see the spectacle as reality.


Fuck all of you retards for replying, fuck the mods for not deleting my shit thread, fuck this websit.


>noooooooooo pls hotpockets save me aiiiieeeeeeeeee
kek go back to .org
also bump


fuck every communist responding to this shit.


Lol, decent meltdown. 6/10


I wouldn't give a shit if you vooted dems or repubs (it doesn't matter), if only after vooting you would shut your trap about your non-issues and concentrate on labor organizing issues.
But for you retards when the vooting is over it's time to prepare for the next vooting, and you start brigading every labor organization to use it for upcoming vooting.


you vooting retards just don't understand that now is the time for labor organizing because the rift with china is getting bigger and bigger
you look at the booj and they are all whining about the labor shortage
now is the time to strike, to organize immigrant and native labor to squeeze to booj and escalate
if you're not gonna do it then rightoids will splinter the working class on immigrant lines


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Why do this instead of just not voting? There's no reason to actually go out and vote for a supply-side Republican who would just deregulate and cut taxes if reelected. I really don't see how that's sticking it to the capitalists.


I mean trump is trying to push towards state capitalism and industrialization which would re proletarianize the country. I hope there are more cut throat state capitalists after this so that the productive forces are built up


>Triggering da libs is praxis
Absolutely fucking retarded.


>the Haz rats have returned


REPUBLICANS VS. DEMOCRATS ("leftist" edition)


It looks more like non-voters vs. dumbass liberal bitches to me.




>my side are sane and rational citizens simply acting in their best interest
American "politics" in a nutshell lmao
take your pathetic burger gang war to somewhere that makes more sense, like /r/politics or a youtube video comments section


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Non-voters is a "side" now? Success!


of course it is, and non-voters are the only side worth supporting
but i dispute your claim that threads like this are just non-voters vs muh libtards there are clearly faggots posting who are either pretending to be magacommunists or who genuinely believe that shit. or did you forget the massive thread where posters simping for trump and calling the republicans a new workers party lol
but yes "leftists" have been tied to the hip with the democrats for decades now and their vote blue mentality has helped to destroy class politics so we're in agreement there


>there are clearly faggots posting who are either pretending to be magacommunists or who genuinely believe that shit
They are liberals. Get with the program.


>of course it is, and non-voters are the only side worth supporting
In the US the two dominant political parties are both representatives of the dictatorships of the bourgeoisie, they agree on most issues, and both are extremely hostile to democracy as a principle of governance. They are doing a spectacle with a democratic appearance, and the purpose of that is to discharge democratic political energy. It's a system designed to negate democracy.

It might be worth a try to create an alternative democratic system that elects representatives or does a sortition of the electorate. That system will have zero ability to direct the state, or affect anything much, but neither does the bourgeois spectacle. What it might do is undermine the fake democratic legitimization machine that allows the neo-con ghouls to pretend that their wars are somehow linked to a fight for democracy.


But they hated trump because he was pushing for a different mode of production


What mode of production was he pushing for and how was he doing that ?


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>gun rights
thats a thing needed for things to change in any way….at all……retard
that said the cheeto head did ban bump stocks or whatever. probably been worse with blonde cunt. ill vote for him to simply piss everyone off


>gun rights
>thats a thing needed for things to change
Remember when in 1917 the Bolsheviks campaigned for the Tsar to legalize raiding armories for revolutionary activity.

You can make the case that gun rights are needed because the population shouldn't be disarmed, but if people decide to have a revolution it doesn't matter either way. The Revolution takes the ruling class arsenal and turns it against them.


Fair enough.


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>states the casual erosion of gun rights somehow doesn't factor in how successful any sort of revolution is
>believes in the ruling class's arsenal rather than using already very real personal arsenals of the existing populace
fuck off fed


>I declare that banning guns would prevent a revolution from overthrowing the bourgeoisie
<bourgeoisie bans guns
>Why would they do that

I don't think you thought this one through


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>I declare that guns dont matter in a revolution from overthrowing the bourgeoisie
<bourgeoisie bish repeats same line as before
>Why would fed anon do that

I don't think you thought this one through


what is a "bish" ?
I don't understand what your objection is.

I think that people should be allowed to own weapons, like Marx said the attempt of disarming the workers should be frustrated.
But individual gun owners that are not part of an organization cannot put up a lot of opposition against organized state violence by them selves. If guns are mostly banned like in the UK for example a well organized proletariat would still be able to arm it self by taking weapons away from the ruling class's weapons caches. Banning gun ownership would only limit the opportunity for people to train shooting before hand, not the ability to forcefully gain access. This is a minor handicap in my opinion, because revolutions aren't build on expert marksmanship. They are build on the power of masses to reshape societies.

The point i'm trying to make is that the guns in your weapons-locker are not a guarantee against tyranny on their own. Look how many people in the US are armed and then compare that with all the tyrannical stuff that the US government has been doing. The piece of machined metal is not warding off the tyranny-spirits just by existing in your possession.

I also think that if you want to extract gun rights from the bourgeois state, maybe avoid advertising it as a tool for overthrowing said state.


Just industrialization and state capitalism in general. A deviation from the finance and out sourcing dominant capitalism.


Can you give a concrete example of Trump actually promoting industrialization.

The US industrial and manufacturing sector is basically blocked by the Dollar's exchange value.
It's cheaper for US distributors to import goods than to buy in the US, and it's also to expensive for other countries to import US goods. The big capitalists of course don't care about that because the US position as the imperial hegemon allows them to extract (super)profits from all over the world.
The military industrial complex also likes this arrangement because the US government can print money to spend on military weapons without inflation going through the roof. (although that might be slowly changing)


>Can you give a concrete example of Trump actually promoting industrialization.
I am not him, but one thing does come to my mind: him re-starting production of the M1A2 Abrams MBT. It was probably just a bit a pork that he was throwing to one of his congressional allies, though, because the Army really didn't want or need more of the tanks. Other than that, his supporters would probably bring up his useless tarriffs.
>leninist lolimperialism
Manufacturing is not coming back to the United States in the capitalist epoch for a number of reasons, primarily that the tapestry that is global commodity production has already settled into more efficient circuits. Attempts to turn nodes that have already been organically arranged to maximise efficiency of a different kind of production would be an inefficiency in the flow of capital, which capital abhors. Such a rearrangement would produce no off-setting efficiency in return, so, even in the event that it were attempted, it would just settle back into current patteerns on its own without active effort, which, again, would amount to an inefficiency.

Now, it would be possible to drive down the value of the means of subsistence for factory workers in the United States, but doing so would utterly destroy the capitalist economy. It would require the elimination of the enormous (and increasingly insolvent) debt load that the American working class is under. It would require the elimination of land rent, the elimination of private insurance, the elimination of lower-level government bonds–it would require the elimination of the American financial industry, and without that, where would the now-massive investments needed to build capitalist heavy industry even come from?

No, the factories are gone, and they are not coming back so long as capital continues to flow.


>Trump did a symbolic tank production
Yeah that's not really doing an industrialization.
Military stuff doesn't really feed back into the economy, it either gets shipped off to battle fields or it waits in an armory. There's no self amplifying industrial feedback loop, where the things produced in industry also improve industrial production in the next cycle.
It's really expensive and hence large in financial terms, but in material terms it is usually just small production runs, it's not like you could produce tens of millions of tanks.

>It would require the elimination of the enormous debt load that the working class is under.

You can do a debt jubilee for the working class no problem. It will only unravel the banking system if you clear out debt that capitalists made to buy capital or play with the stock-market. Workers usually only buy commodities, if you cancel their debt that's like writing off commodities that were produced but not sold, that's not a big deal. You can't do that with capital, the numbers in the banks have to match with physically existing capital, if there's a deviation it unhinges the system.
>It would require the elimination of land rent
i don't want to sound like a capitalist apologist but capitalism would probably work better without rent seeking capital.
>the elimination of private insurance
I don't even understand why that exists, couldn't all insurance just be done by a single public insurance pot ?
>lower-level government bonds
I know what government bonds are, but not what it means with the "lower-level" qualifier.
Even capitalist governments can just print money and spend it on building an industrial sector, as long as in the end it produces things that people can buy. Tho the government can't try to re-circulate that money it printed to build the industrial sector once it gets it back via commodity sales. It has to remove it from the balance sheets after it's done boot-strapping.
>it would require the elimination of the American financial industry, and without that, where would the now-massive investments needed to build capitalist heavy industry even come from?
You don't strictly need fictional capital to build heavy industry. Accountants sure, but wall-street dudes ? probably not. They don't really invest in production anyway.
Marx even said that industrial capital might displace money-capital.

>No, the factories are gone, and they are not coming back so long as capital continues to flow.

I agree with that prediction but I think it's for different reasons.
Basically the big bourgeoisie is not going to accept getting only regular profits from producing commodities, they want to export capital all over the world and make imperial super-profits.


>Yeah that's not really doing an industrialization.
It's not. Trumptards will cite that sort of thing, none the less.
>You can do a debt jubilee for the working class no problem.
The entire economy is founded on individual debt, and, as I said earlier, that debt is already approaching insolvency. If you start writing that stuff off, it will signal that capital has expanded to its absolute limit and capital will stop flowing, especially now given that so little capital is in the form of liquid assets. The short burst of spending that a debt jubilee would generate would be quickly devoured by hikes in commodity prices. That is, I suppose, unless it were done in the overproduction phase of the industrial cycle, but we are a way off from that now. That might be something to look for during the next boom.
>It will only unravel the banking system if you clear out debt that capitalists made to buy capital or play with the stock-market.
How would that be avoided? The banking system holds nearly all personal debt.
>Workers usually only buy commodities, if you cancel their debt that's like writing off commodities that were produced but not sold, that's not a big deal.
Yeah, so maybe during the overproduction phase when there is an abundance of unsold commodities.
>i don't want to sound like a capitalist apologist but capitalism would probably work better without rent seeking capital.
It probably would at that, at least for a little while. Of course, public ownership of real estate would eliminate the biggest, nastiest, tightest set of bonds that the bourgeoisie has on the working class–the threat of poverty. Guaranteed home ownership would be a recipe for outright rebellion, as the workers really would have nothing to lose but their chains.
>I don't even understand why that exists, couldn't all insurance just be done by a single public insurance pot ?
You are missing the forest through the trees. American workers, like workers everywhere else are productive, but what they produce the most of is their own debt (arguably the money commodity). The more they work, the deeper they go into it. American workers are singularly productive in that they get bilked out of the value of their own future production–in exchange for absolutely nothing–more and in more ways than workers anywhere else do. Land rent, insurance, interest, federal taxes, private health care–all of it ultimately resolves into the surplus-value of labor-power that has not yet been realized. That is why all that seemingly dumb shit exists in the United States and elsewhere in the supposed "imperial core." The future labor-power thus stolen then goes from the financial industry and governments straight into new capital. It's capitalism stealing from the future to keep itself functioning in the present, and right now capitalism would not exist without the theft.
>I know what government bonds are, but not what it means with the "lower-level" qualifier.
I meant "lower-level governments" like cities, counties, and states. They can't print their own dollars and so actually have to budget what they spend.
>You don't strictly need fictional capital to build heavy industry.
The constant capital required to build heavy industry where none currently exists today would be enormous, an unobtainable sum for anyone but the financial industry, which has it in liquid form. The bourgeoisie that is in the business of producing actual commodities has its wealth largely in the form of already existing constant capital.
>Marx even said that industrial capital might displace money-capital.
It might briefly, but I don't imagine that will happen until the wheels really start to come off.
>they want to export capital all over the world and make imperial super-profits.
Nobody is exporting capitalism. It's already native everywhere, and the "superprofits" are, likewise, mostly homegrown.


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