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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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how can doug lain be so based? Pisses off grifters and anarkiddies by just speaking straight up facts. It's hilarious how he got cancelled for defending Dave chapelle against the troons.

Considering that Batko is compromised (for ~2.5 years now) we have a vacuum in the "face of leftypol" department. This guy is our best candidate.


I wish he would have stuck yo short informative videos rather than switched to pod cats because I feel like that is easier for normies to digest.


>this message brought to by Doug Lain


literal who

>It's hilarious how he got cancelled for defending Dave chapelle against the troons

Oh fuck off with your culture warrior e-celeb shilling
Leftypol rather be faceless


Kek. It would be funny if Doug lurked leftychan


Remember when BTFO destiny so hard he had to concede? based af, still an opportunist though, even if he is the best one of them all


When did he debate destiny and why?


There was a period of time where Destiny was debating lefties/socialists and got utterly BTFO as the centrist neolib cuck he is. He got overconfident in his debating skills debating only bottom of the barrel low autism score right wing alt-right personalities and though debating social would be the same shit.


I do remember him debating socialists.
Didn't know he debated Doug, though.what a massive retsrd.




Of course lain won. Lain is more well read than Richard wolf on the subject. Destiny was literally taken to town by the man.


>Lain won.
Yes, Doug Lain clobbered him but this destiny guy is also a weak debater.

He went with "not real socialism" to avoid having to defend the Soviet Union. I think it's better to own it, and point out the good things it did as well as criticizing it's faults like what Michael Parenti did.
Also why did he accept the premise of "Tankie" as the "bad-other", that is not a clever debate move at all.


The thing I don't understand about not defending the USSR is what is there not to defend? Nearly all of the deaths attributed to the state are lies. Nearly…


IMO it was actually a good debate decision not to defend the USSR, mostly because all it leads to is a bunch of back-and-forth about the scale of X disaster and causes of Y tragedy during that time.
Better to skip that bullshit and say "not true socialism LMAO", and you can get away with it because it's technically correct anyways, the capitalism of the 19th century has a lot of dissimilarities with that of today and there's no reason why socialism can't evolve either.


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You are wrong, in the ideological spectrum, the USSR represents socialism pursued ruthlessly. The intensity of that ruthlessness is exaggerated because the Soviets were not nearly as ruthless as some currently existing capitalist countries. The "oil monarchies" in the middle east make "Stalin look like an anarchist" on a regular basis. However in the ideological struggle the Soviet Union symbolizes the defeat of capitalists trying to use the logic of might makes right. The ultimate incarnation of that was the fascist invasions. Stalin offered peaceful coexistence to fascist-Germany before the war, and Hitler chose might makes right and he was destroyed because of that. Afterwards Stalin offered peaceful coexistence again and this time the offer was accepted.

In WW2 the most brutal faction of capital were defeated so thoroughly that it had a moderating effect on Capital as a hole. If you don't uphold the Soviet Union, you signal ideological capitulation to might makes right in "symbolic-space". And you saw what happened in Russia in the 1990s when they lost their conviction to negate might makes right of capital, they got neo-liberal shock-doctrine and 12 million people got wiped out in the market holocaust implemented by market fascists like Friedman and Thatcher.

Hard left brutality is not a ideological goal to aspire to by any means, but if that is not an option, you will get hard capital brutality instead. Historical progress (in the original meaning of improving living conditions for the "common man") is an ultimatum to rulers of all stripes that can be summed up thusly: "Let live or die."

We are seeing the beginning of hard capital brutality, all it took was a small to medium virus crisis, and the people-sacrificers came crawling out of the tarpits of hell with "Sorry but grandma has to die for profits" And they won't stop trying to sacrifice people in response to crisis until they are the sacrifice.


He's fine


He's really not a harmful guy. But the pretentiousness and irrelevance of Marxism is really something the left needs to give up.

It goes nowhere


>It's hilarious how he got cancelled for defending Dave chapelle against the troons.
ah, so that's why you're shilling him to us


Fuck off kike


How is Marxism irrelevant?


Decent response


Lain is one of those slippery DSA-type worms that will defend the liberal con artists in the "squad" for not using their leverage to force a vote on Medicare for all during Speaker of the House elections.


>when you lie for no reason


Are you disputing that he did that? Because he absolutely did.


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Oh you know what, I got him mixed up with Ben Burgis. I get the two confused real easily for some reason.


>socialism pursued ruthlessly
Is that why they abandoned it with the NEP and never tried again after? Because they pursued it ruthlessly?


fair enough, Ben is indeed a cuck


Dave Chappelle agreed with Yedolf about the jews and shamed his fans for booing Elon Musk. He's a fascist coon.


>Erythng iz fashist
Basically, unless you're a loser junkie that airs their tired reddit tier opinions on leftychan, you're a fascist.
And then the left wonders why they have no influence outside of shilling for the dnc


Saying jews run the media is fascist, you fucking retard


>Itt reddit tier radlibs pose as edgy marxists


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Ummm. Marxbros… I don't feel so good…


Everyone knows real Marxists are all nazis


What isn't fascist according to the reddit tier libs?


>when you detail the thread for no fucking reason


condemning fascism, antisemitism, transphobia in general and condemning musk, yedolf, and chappelle in particular. i don't know why this is so difficult for you.


>Edgy Redditor returns


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The DNC, Mitch McConnell, the US military, and every major media outlet stands with you, comrade


>I'm condemning
absent from that list

Exploitation of labor
Capitalist personality cults in general
Trevor Noah in particular for the 2012 Marikana massacre apologia


>bluff gets called
>doesn't change argument
>contradicts self
>looks like a buffoon

give me sources of all of those people and institutions condemning all three of those people or you're a massive cocksucker


see, i won't argue with this, because it's actually correct, instead of /pol/tards arguing in bad faith


>Chad Marxist
<virgin soycialist


Doug Lain published another banger
This one is about disinformation.



Also worth mentioning that Doug has hosted numerous interviews with incredibly based Marxists
Here's him talking with a personal favorite of mine, Chris Cutrone


Not sure about Cutrone tho, some of the things he says seems kinda sus.
He advocates that socialists shouldn't take a position on the war, but the Bolcheviks pretty much gained political power because they took a position against the war. And then he kinda implies that war is not related to class struggle. When wars usually are the periods of the most intense class struggle.

I don't really understand what his stance is but it almost seems as if he's trying to separate class struggle from anti-imperialism, which has never worked. Maybe I'm being unfair to this guy, because i have no clue what he means with pre/post-political.


What your missing is the obvious fact that the bolsheviks existed. They were a political force to be reckoned with.
Cutrone's overarching point throughout most of his work is that the left is dead (as a political entity). There is no existing equivalent to the bolsheviks today. Therefore, any position that those who call themselves leftists take on the war is at best posturing, and at worst siding with one or another wing of capital. Nothing they can do will further class struggle and nothing they can say will be worth listening to.
I think Cutrone's next point is that the primary goal of leftists today is to become a political entity once again, with politics as he defines it being a struggle for power and freedom, not for good morals or justice. Focusing on which side to take on wars instead is a distraction, a manipulation by capitalist politics. He references Zizek's concept of double blackmail in the interview, which I think is very appropriate.


Tons of cope
>I think Cutrone's next point is that the primary goal of leftists today is to become a political entity once again
What exactly is stopping people from doing this?


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>What exactly is stopping people from doing this?


So much cope. It really is pathetic
>Capitalism has convinced everyone another future is impossible… Except me because I'm immune to all that. And because of that, I can't do anything.


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Meanwhile, in the real world and outside of the imagination of some dusty theorycel shut-in: (see pic related)

Why can't you fags accept that milquetoast muhleftism is practically mainstream ideology yet hasnt substantially made the world any better


Pretty clear you didn't care to seriously examine the text at all, instead you just skimmed it and inserted your own cultural obsessions within the gaps. No, it's worse, you can't help but constantly betray how little you actually understand contemporary Marxism. Fisher, Zizek, Jameson and numerous other cultural theorists have consistently acknowledged the fact that criticism of capitalism is not only mainstream but an inherent part of capitalism.
Honestly, you might be the worst poster on this board. Have you ever engaged in a serious critique of anything in your entire life?


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Literally the start of chapter 2


>Omg you haven't read every eurofag "intellectual" who has had literally zero impact on any revolution.
It's not my fault you can't define things succinctly yet fully, anon

You described the problem as capitalist realism, a supposed state of affairs in which people can't even imagine an alternative to capitalism. I point out obvious real world example of people critiquing capitalism and promoting some scifi alternative in fairly mainstream discourse. You rush to shift the goalposts while declaring, 'well ackshully critiquing capitalism and proposing alternatives is part of capitalist realism as well.'

This is why everyone thinks leftists are either deluded or dishonest midwits with just enough mental capacity to spin a fantasy. The real world may be complex, but it doesn't require convoluted explanations.


I'm going to interject for a moment.

There is a type of anti-capitalism in scifi that for example depicts capitalist mega-corporations as the enemy of the people and the main obstacle for the protagonists of the story. However those stories also carry a low-key fatalistic message for the present that says all the attempts in our time to overcome capitalism have failed, because if we succeed to overthrow the capitalists and build a better society in our time, then the future would be a nice place, something more in the direction of star trek, where nobody has to fight the evil mega corp.

Of course the back-story of star trek is that humanity doesn't overcome capitalism, capitalism just self-destructs in WW3. After that benevolent Aliens come to earth and teach humanity how-to communism.

The stories you don't see is where people overthrow capitalism and then build a better world that operates on different economic principles. You only get to see either the struggle or the already fully established better world, but never how the change happens, how the old society is transformed into the new society.

I don't know for sure why that is but it sure looks like that's the ideological taboo.


Perhaps it's too unrealistic and defies people's lived experience (and even the experience of attempts to build communism in the 20th century, in which the was no clear resolution in which a communist world was built). Generally stories with pristine protagonists are rather boring, and stories that involve personal (rather than societal) conflict are more compelling.

Literature with 2d revolutionary protagonists were quite popular during the GPRC in China. They were quite simplistic, boring, and obviously went out of favor, even in China. (That capitalism realism runs so deep it somehow tricked Chinese people with limited exposure to western media IG)


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>Perhaps it's too unrealistic and defies people's lived experience
<a story about overthrowing capitalism and building a better world is less realistic than a galaxy ruled by an evil space magician.
Bruh capitalist realism moment.

>The experience of attempting to build communism in the 20th century, in which the was no clear resolution in which a communist world was built.

The experience of building 20 century communism was a time of tremendous hopefulness and sense of possibility. I don't know why you would expect the first motion towards communism to be a victory lap. Given it's means and the opposition it faced, the result was defying the odds.

>Literature with 2d revolutionary protagonist

Story with uninteresting characters went out of fashion, wow what a shocker.

Anyway i don't see a narrative reason why there can't be stories about overcoming capitalism and building a socialist society. It's not unreasonable to suspect that the reason why those stories aren't told is because capitalists won't fund it.


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That's an ad.

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