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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What do you anons think about the concept of "hate"? How do you conceptualize it? Is it in the form of racism, or what? Is it in the form of canards?

I would like to see your responses to a very hot subject over the past few years.


A response to material conditions, typically when the nature of class society is obscured, yet its inherent contradictions are felt. Somehow the tensions must be resolved. And those broad systematic issues are then sublimated into a group of people.

It’s most prevalent in the middle class petty booj/labor aristocrat milieu. Because these people rarely feel the material injustices of capital, but feel the social and cultural alienation that pervades the superstructure. And they have to displace it somewhere.


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think of when brexit was happening. the expulsion of brown people was wrought with promises of prosperity, yet if we all had what we needed why would we be gathering for much more at the expense of others? this is why i think the working class was more pro brexit and the liberal elite were anti brexit, because the working class were promised some shortcut to socialism through racism (and so then the object is improved material conditions, not simply the lack of browns) whereas the liberals dont need more jobs or opportunities since they live comfortable middle class existences. the same thing happened with trump, that he said if we stop immigration then there will be prosperity and so then the poorest people respond greatest to that.

"hate" itself is very personal though, and people are complicated so hate can come out in complicated ways, like how many homophobes are gay themselves and i remember a documentary on the kkk where there was a black guy in the group, and daryll davis also visited the kkk and they respected him - so hate is obviously often a state of alienation from your hated object and a lack of empathy, but most importantly a lack of forgiveness, which ultimately is an admission of defeat in some war of attrition, but it is liberating to give up sometimes. i used to hate someone and i literally couldnt move on with my life because i hated them so much but one day i forgave them and so much weight was left off of my shoulders. hate just eats away at you like that, emotionally.

the opposite of hate however is not "love", so it makes me sick how a lot of hateful people reform themselves and then become hippies or whatever - people simply dont want to be hated, not defended by you. thats why i cant stand white anti-racists speaking on behalf of black people. im white so i cant relate to being collectively spoken for but i imagine it is very annoying. i do promote a negative model of social support, "just give me my rights and privileges and then leave me alone. get out of my neighbourhood."


bump thread


>"hate" itself is very personal though, and people are complicated so hate can come out in complicated ways, like how many homophobes are gay themselves
I've known people who were homophobic before coming out as gay. That's a real thing. But I think "reverse racism" (or reverse sex-phobia or whatever) can also exist in a sense, though not the way reactionaries talk about it. Like if you feel like you've been wronged, then that can lead you to hate everyone who belongs to the group who wronged you. People are not really rational.

But there are all kinds of contradictions, because if I hate straight people because I was treated badly by a straight person – which has happened a few times – then do I also hate my brother who is straight? Or my parents? Or some of my friends? It just doesn't make sense. Or do I even hate the person who treated me badly? Not anymore. Which is a different thing from "love" like you said. It's more like, eh, whatever.

>i used to hate someone and i literally couldnt move on with my life because i hated them so much but one day i forgave them and so much weight was left off of my shoulders.

I think people also project negative feelings about themselves onto others. But then you start to think, what's the point? You're letting them control your own headspace. And history is a relative thing. The sun could explode and humanity could go extinct and none of this would matter a rap, so why get wrapped up in "righteously" hating someone because you've been wronged. I think pathological white racists feel that way, they feel like they've been wronged by black people somehow, or they had an incident in their life, and they hold onto it and it destroys them. It's a different thing from white liberals who are "well-meaning" but do racist things. It reminds me about what some black thinkers say about white liberals, and how they can be a bigger enemy than the neo-Nazi because they preach "peace" and moderation before justice. Not that the neo-Nazi is a "friend," but you know what I mean.

>people simply dont want to be hated, not defended by you. thats why i cant stand white anti-racists speaking on behalf of black people.

I like this scene from the film "Malcolm X." A white woman asks what she can do to help, and Malcolm says "nothing" and just moves on. And she feels bad, and that sucks, but it's not about her, right? He knew right away that the liberals desire to "help" comes from a place of snobby superiority and only serves to make them feel better about themselves. But it's also interesting because Malcolm regretted what he said. He wrote in his autobiography: "Well, I’ve lived to regret that incident. In many parts of the African continent I saw white students helping black people. Something like this kills a lot of argument … I guess a man's entitled to make a fool of himself if he's ready to pay the cost. It cost me twelve years. That was a bad scene, brother. The sickness and madness of those days – ​​I'm glad to be free of them."

I think the synthesis that comes out of this is, on the one hand, blacks need to become strong enough to solve problems on their own, because if they become to reliant on other people then in a sense they almost become indebted to those people, and as a result end up not becoming truly free. On the other hand, truly good non-racist people can be found in all races including the white race. I am thinking of Fidel Castro.




Part of libs reducing every political question to a question of pathology, i.e. open or closed, parochial or cosmopolitan




It's a natural emotion. Rather than trying to "stop hate" better to understand the reasons for it. People don't experience emotions arbitrarily unless they have some kind of mood disorder. Hate is not an end in itself, and as such it is not a valid target for political attack. Politicians like to explain away extremism by saying it is "motivated by hate" and by doing so invalidate or disregard the true motives of their opponents. ISIS they will say for example, are just mindless haters, driven rabid by irrational enmities which have no rational explanation. This viewpoint is not only false it is deceptive. Dismissing your opponent on the basis of how they feel does not address the underlying structural causes which produced those feelings. People usually experience emotions for a reason, and hiding those reasons by engaging in a politics of emotions–oh they're just jealous/hateful/etc, is to dumb down and oversimplify and make strategic use of ignorance.


It's society's immune system.

It's natural to hate evilness, as it is to love goodness, therefore those who can not hate, either love nothing, or can't protect what they love.

A society that tries to ban hate as an emotion is a society with AIDS



Beat me to the punch.

To paraphrase Djugashvili: "Hate is a weapon whose effects depend on who wields it and where it is aimed."


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Based and playa hater ball pilled


>The sun could explode and humanity could go extinct and none of this would matter a rap, so why get wrapped up in "righteously" hating someone because you've been wronged
What an empty platitude. Well gee shucks that's just the way things are so no point in thinking about them!


What's wrong with hating someone?

White people just view brown people as defenseless puppydogs who lack agency. Nothing wrong with disliking them




>White people just view brown people as defenseless puppydogs who lack agency
Like when they walk into grocery stores or a walmart and kill dozens of them


genuine hate is based
that's one of the reasons why I like imageboards - people there can hate genuinely

obviously hate is relative to the social, and ergo ideological, position of the person who is doing "the hating", but the hate by itself, as an emotion in the abstract, is immensely based

that's why I hate heh anything other than imageboards - you are not allowed to hate genuinely, to hate honestly and openly

mind you, hate is still there, you can't just "ban" it, but it is distorted in grotesque ugly forms

to take a pure emotion and mutilate it so, to make a mockery out of it.. I HATE fucking jannoids


as to fascism and nationalism in general, it is not a genuine hate, and that's my main problem with it

I don't buy your so-called """hate""", nazoids
you hate something, alright, everyone hates something, but I can fucking SMELL dishonesty in your proclamations of hate

That's where I think marxists are on point - the class hate, the social hate, the ECONOMIC hate is the true basis of every nazoid hate


>That's where I think marxists are on point
tho as history has shown again, self-proclaimed marxoids are themselves frequently nazoids

ironically, I don't buy into their proclamations of class hate, mainly because they are frequently of an upper class background

it's a kind of double inversion: self-proclaimed nazoids bullshintting me that their hate is not class hate, and self-proclaimed marxoids bullshintting me that their hate is class hate lol

marxoid hate looks more like an intra-class hate to me, I remember Rosa mentioned this in relation to the SPD politics somewhere


>I don't buy your so-called """hate""", nazoids
you hate something, alright, everyone hates something, but I can fucking SMELL dishonesty in your proclamations of hate
Because they're just tools for some status quo power. Oh wow, you hate China, that's so edgy to say in fucking the USA. They hate people their religion tells them to hate, they hate people the US government tried to exterminate for centuries or kept as slaves. It's all conditioning.
The hatred for their idiocy and the people they serve, the corporations their politics exists to serve, the imperialism that has had actual material consequences and borderline or enter genocide. There's a lot of things to despise them for and I feel most people are too limpdicked to tap into it in this country


Racism and sexism literally do not exist outside of material reality. Anti racist/sexist theories are ironically reinforcing them by attempting to enforce an idealist reality where these concepts exist in the abstract. If you have biases then that is entirely a personal thing, but until you bring that into material reality, it’s nothing but a harmless bias, however unpalatable it might seem

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