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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.439056[Last 50 Posts]

What is your Leftist unpopular opinion leftypol?

>The West is not responsible for every shitty thing that happens in Developing countries, most developing nations just have completely nonfunctional institutions and many suffer from simply having no sense of national identity or cohesion.
>Also "Muh British lines are bad" isn't an excuse, that's practically just arguing that non-ethnostates/Tribal Kingdoms can't work for Africa, South East Asia etc.


Capitalist countries have a better life quality because of capitalism. Muh imperialism is a meme cope.


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Very weak


aren’t you like 15


/pol/fags are largely unimpressive at this point and trying to convert them is a waste of time.
Maybe not an unpopular opinion outside of here tho.


The death penalty is good and we should use it extensively when it comes to pedophiles and other sexual predators to build a safer society free of drug and alcohol addiction and mental disorders like PTSD, BPD (such traumatic experiences often lead to people having to self medicate and these specific disorders). It's not as needed for murderers who can just be worked to death, but since there is a chance a pedo/rapist will be released and allowed to reoffend and affect someone's life long term, they should be put to death to decrease this chance.


All OPs should be shot


>Everyone who posts under the leftcom flag is the same person

What obsession looks like


Rapists I agree should get the death penalty. Pedos who’ve not offended or genuinely show a desire to get help but are unable to should get anti-sex drive meds.
>InB4 someone spergs out and calls me a pedo, I am not one, please engage with me in good faith


I believe you need to study how underdevelopment affects trade and geopolitics and how the developed world fucks over the rest by either simply existing within the market or by scummy practices that are necessary for their development. The issue here is very macroscopic.


Pol/fags are the worst hit by the alienation and the chaos of modern capitalist society. They are the ones dictating internet culture as well. If we just cut off the head of the snake things might go back normal.


>Pedos who’ve not offended or genuinely show a desire to get help but are unable to should get anti-sex drive meds
I disagree with this because they can always willfully stop taking the meds. They should be castrated


Class is not an identity and shouldn’t be treated as such. Proletarians aren’t identical to one or another and many work in vastly different occupations with very different associated conditions and characteristics. We still share a common interest in the fact that we still depend on selling our labor power in order to survive and that means we all benefit from the overthrow of the dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie.


Do they really? I haven't seen a meme made in 4chan be that big of a hit in greater society, maybe all the wojak variants, but there are memes outside of wojak variants.
Honestly normalfag memes just tend to come and go, while chan memes just stick around for ever.


Popular Frontism is dumb and wrong.


Plus, i'm pretty sure castration cuts off your testosterone and gets rid of your sex drive, so it's basically like forcing them to take the meds if we castrate them


Nobody disagrees with this and it is not an unpopular opinion.


More of a something awful thing before 4chan popularized it, I am talking about currently.
Well someone does, I think I should've been clear that it's only unpopular on leftypol who mostly focuses on sucking /pol/lacks dicks.


They dictate bot through memes but through narratives. The polfag takeover of all chans has been the greatest downfall of the internet, greater than the corporate bullshit.


The West topples and coups communist governments
Ergo the West is guilty as sin in regards to OP's opinion


Why would they stop taking the meds?
Yeah, castration would be more reliable though.


>well someone does
In your head rent free it seems
>sucking pol/ack dick
You did it and project it onto the rest of board? Why?


meh, it is merely annoying. At some point being a /pol/lack will be seen as not contrarian enough.
I unno.
I guess I should've said that psychic powers are real (although largely not useful enough to the US military) but I forgot all the cia docs that said this, so take my word with a grain of salt


It's true. Africa has a shitton of resources and they're still a shithole.


>Why would they stop taking the meds?
Say they want to be able to fantasize again, what's going to prevent them from going off the medication like a bipolar patient for example who decides to stop taking their lithium
There needs to be something permanent


Pedophiles are normal people, pedophilia isn't the unforgivable sin that hysterics make it out to be, and the mania around it prevents anything useful being done about it because anti pedo windmill tilters are more concerned with banning cartoons and schemes to castrate pedophiles which they themselves are totally not, by the way! you can tell by how loudly and often they tell you how much they hate pedophiles! to actually do anything practical.


back to /get/


Nah I’m an amerifag and my first solution was meds, the anon you replied to actually came up with the much better idea of castration.


>fantasies have to be (or are even able to be) medicated away
this is what I mean when I say the mania of anti pedos prevents anything practical from being done


Correct, they need to be castrated
Unfortunately only the right wing is fighting to do this, so it will never get done because all their other policies are retarded


West Africa is pretty much still under the French thumb and the rest are either still suffering from fallout of years war, genuinely prospering or under the British/American thumb


oh boy it's this faggot again 😂


(you) literally can't do anything to bring about socialism right now. At best you can try sowing the seeds, or, if you are very very suicidal and stupid, can kill the chance at compromise by assasinating modern-day Stolypins.
This is because revolution will only happen when economy, and through it social structures will permit it. No socialist movement is possible in the west for instance, since there is no traditional working class, and any attempt will end up with a degenerated synthetic frankenstein stiched from the pathologies of its middle class leaders (RAF, DSA and modern MLMs are perfect examples).


>pedophilia isn't the unforgivable sin that hysterics make it out to be
You are singlehandedly responsible for drug epidemics, a majority of female drug addicts and prostitutes were molested as children and their addiction is a coping method.
It's unfortunate there's no left wing party I can join intelligent enough to want to castrate you and all your rapist compatriots


What about a popular front that is made up of marxists only?


I'm pretty sure you're samefagging here


These people are a danger to others. They need to be sequestered from the general population for the public good.


Yes, you are. Nice try switching the grammar but you're probably the only pedophile on this entire website


>most rational post here.
>why are we still resorting to medieval practices?"
Who says this lol. There are plenty of rational unpopular opinions in this thread, why is one post vigorously defending pedophiles the "most rational" one? Why are you samefagging


I think humanity should be united into one socialist nation or country, by force if necessary. Protecting culture or traditions doesn't require nation-states or ententes or treaty organizations. I don't think it should necessarily happen this decade or this century. But only a unified humanity that has discarded global capitalism can properly navigate the coming centuries.

Plus I don't understand the hysteria around pedos. If you're truly concerned around children suffering under the actions of monsters, you should widen that stance to include Yemeni children dying from airstrikes or starvation or cholera. It sometimes feels like this hysteria is an attempt to prove to others that you're just as anti-pedo as some QAnon dudes or whatever 4chan buddies you have, as if this street cred is necessary to make yourself seem more righteous. If I'm being frank, pedophilia isn't very high on the list of problems we're facing, and is often times a symptom of the abuse of power like in the Catholic church.

Yeah fuck pedos sure, but try not to get bogged down into what the right is always whining about. Right-wingers the ones who get psyop'd first - the hot right-wing issue is almost always the ruling class trying to deflect from some material problem or looming crisis. The second you try to out-flank is when you're given in because they want you talking about this shit over other matters.


Lol, I still don't believe you. That's a very odd post to make. Nobody said pedophilia is an "unforgivable sin", we're not religious here. You are just a net negative on society and are causing a health crisis with your behavior, whether you offend directly or watch CP (in the latter case you are still contributing to said health epidemic).
How is castration and maybe removal of the testes medieval? You can use anesthetic. Pretty sure molesting a child is far more medieval than surgical castration.


>developing nations just have completely nonfunctional institutions and many suffer from simply having no sense of national identity or cohesion
That's a liberal opinion, not leftist. And it is extremely popular on reddit.


no leftcom has ever made a non retarded post


go back to get


i think that replacement of white people is valid and based


Ok, this samefagging is getting out of control. What kind of schizo shit is this


Dude, *you* need to touch grass. How do you have the time in your life to orchestrate this?


this is for unpopular opinions


If you're not using tor, maybe one of the mods can check


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Derivatives and stock trading are acceptable so long as there exists a sovereign wealth fund and strong oversight through an elected board.

The only brokerage firm should be state owned and funds allocated only at days/weeks end upon completion of an audit comparison to ongoing development plans. This assists planning through feedback.

Felony to manipulate etc, etc.

Basically I'm a NEP stan, state has the commanding heights, lower levels can play so long as it does not threaten the integrity or public control of the government which exists to safeguard the people's prosperity.


Cultural marxism is a nonsensical conspiracy theory that racists, homophobes and other bigots decry in order to justify their hatred.


>makes a post claiming pedophiles are normal people
>probably samefagging replies to said post to make it seem like everyone agrees
>also using tor…definitely not a browser used for something specific that the FBI is very strongly against…
Yeah it's not looking good


Read my other posts you fucking schizo. Btw I in fact advocates for castration and am not the anon that said it was “medieval.”


>Capitalism is more of a danger
Picrel. I’m not making moral judgements and chances are the “nonoffending” types, if they exist, likely feel some distress about it or at least recognize it’s not healthy. Maybe it’s genetics, maybe it’s childhood trauma or some other adverse event. Just put them in a nice, clean, well-lit institution where they read books, take up a hobby or do some small trade or craft work and will never, ever leave.


The Bolsheviks gassing reactionary peasants was good.


Lgbtbbqabc faggots are overwhelming a) pedophiles and b) bourgeois adjacent. Any socialist state of any merit will have such behavior outlawed, under communism such acts wouldn’t even exist as a concept to the people


Sodomy and other forms of sexual deviancy certainly exist, so yes they can be outlawed


My man, I know you want to look cool for having an opinion such as this but. I just can't agree.


Under communism being the past present and future, yes. It wouldn’t “exist” because after enough reconditioning it won’t be conceivable to future generations


There are more bisexuals than gays though. Even if you think that half of them are fake or whatever, you still have to contend with the fact that homosexuality isn't just going to leave even in those circumstances.


Homos recruit retard. And obviously I don’t just mean merely saying it’s outlawed, the law must be enforced. Massive amounts of surveillance ( which will be used for plenty of other shit) plus the introduction of “reproduction passes” that allow registered couples to have a certain amount of tries per day to induce pregnancy should be adequate, though some of my contemporaries float around the idea of eliminating the human orgasm too


Most troons on the internet are really obnoxious, horrible people, I wouldn't have anything against them if they were not so horrible, but they feel the need to behave in the most disgusting horrible ways imaginable and force everyone to adapt to their own twisted desires, "regular" people would be hated too if they behaved like that, but since theyre troons you come out as "transphobic n shieet" if you speak out against them.
Internet hate against most troons in justified most of the time, that's not the case IRL though.




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I'm not against 2D loli, the retards who try to defend the rights of cartoon characters should be shot because of how fucking retarded and autistic they are.
I love triggering them because 2D lolis are not illegal and they SEETHE hard when they see one but they can't do shit.


And guess what? You’re all even more insufferable


Here's a real unpopular opinion
most of this shit is larp to just seem cool and to farm yous. Half of this shit is barely even sincerely held opinions. Not that it isn't fun THOUGH


You’ll find the opinion of most of the proletariat is that you should be lynched


i think most of us don't really give a shit and are trying to eke out a living.


Better preemptively kill HIM before he harms any more kids


Why are you like this?


Why do you hate children?


I like how you couldn't keep yourself contained for more than one post and completely destroyed your initial point.


Because most children are obnoxious and have terrible hygiene.


do you have any children?


>Legitimately criticizing troons and gays is being homophobic / transphobic
Neck yourself.


as if this thread had any legitimate criticism lmao


Yes, two of them. And I would prefer not to live in a world where some pedo grooming them into becoming drag queens is okay


Guess it's your time then, 'cause i already do.


it's almost as if you faggots read a quote from gorki and then soy out about how homosexuality could never be accepted in a socialist society cuz Stalin said so and ernst rohm was hitlers right hand man.


>read a quote from gorki
Which ironically is not his actual quote because he was quoting what he considered a popular opinion and did so in jest.


personally, i don't like drag queens, but you're getting a lot of things mixed up. if you read the study i gave you, a child (usually female) is more likely to be sexually assaulted by their own father


And that is caused by moral decay, which is spurred on by…drumroll please, kinseyite freaks! And drag queens you probably know by their pc name “trans women”


and still Lenin still regarded him as a petty-bourgeois revolutionary. these fuckers do not read at all and just get their knowledge from edgy meme videos.


>Moral Decay
Holy spooked, batman


>and still Lenin still regarded him as a petty-bourgeois revolutionary
He didn't really. Gorky was just a bit taken aback by the horrors of revolution ih a moment of weakness and Lenin was angry at him for that.


oops you're right. i confused 'intellectual' with 'revolutionary'. that probably tells more about myself XD


what if your kids turn out to be gay?


Then they won’t be my kid anymore. Not that that’ll happen, I’m a vigilant parent, and the socialist state will be 20 times moreso


>smoker with blond highlights

now THAT'S gay!


but what if you thought they acted "gay" without any proof of any homosex?


At least someone agree with everything except the IQ part. Why do you think that IQ is a good metric?


>>439732 (me)
*Somewhat not someone


>materialism is unfalsifiable.
of course it isn't it's a philosophy. people who force a 'material analysis' likely don't know what it means to be a materialist.


Is this a spambot?


That’s what corporal punishment is for


>IQ is heckin valid
Opinion Discarded


No tankie has ever not seethe'd at a Leftcom's post


yes, retardation is generally unpopular


IQ is a good predictor og being good at IQ tests, and nothing else.


Kek, one of them had a seethe


I'm 100% sure that if you train doing IQ tests over and over again you can become good at them and get like 130 points eventually.


what is the flynn effect?


>What is correlation and causation


>What is heredity
Take off the hammer and sickle flag


sorry, amerilard here. saying "what is" is in reference to jeopardy. you say it in combination with your answer.

i'm not opposed to iq as a quotient to measure things, but the tests used to assess intelligence is generally flawed.


What twin studies?
And who said 40-80%?


>Also /leftypol/ really doesnt want to let me post with tor.
Someone is using it to spam at the moment, going to be busy


>Arab blog poster
>tests are nothing more than useless metrics for knowledge designed by unsophisticated nerds
Yeah there's your science scholar.


>Doesn't know what heritable means


By far the stupidest set of views a "Marxist" could have. Literal zoomer-tier pseudo-eclecticism.


Not him but denying IQ is anti materialist


I can’t blame you for being ESL, I suppose


>Not him but denying IQ is anti materialist
Depends on the arguments being made in regards to its validity.


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I'll try to re-rail this thread back to politics with my unpopular opinion: Karl Kautsky Did Nothing Wrong before 1914


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shouldn't be on here but
>anyone who doesn't have a hostile relationship towards police, who solely exist to protect capital, is wrecker/fed tier and should be expelled from your org/site/group/etc. Basically "Democrats good, republicans bad" tier liability.


>GRRR I am so hostile towards the cops GRRR!
sure you are Jimmy.


Based and neokaut pilled
Btw are you the orthodox marxist anon?


Orthodox Marxism is unironically the correct line for those in the imperial core, but Marxiwm-Leninism most likely better reflects the circumstances of the capitalist periphery.


Top of the morning officer


Hello Cosmonaut Mag


>Social Conservatism isn't necessarily bad. You don't have to destroy something to build something new.
>Marx and Engels both explained that Socialism is a progress from Capitalism and will therefore retain some things endemic to Capitalism


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> I think anti-imperialism would say that they should have been allowed to develop and do trade and overthrow their ruling classes on their own terms.

People obsessed with Anti-Imperialism then are just playing with "what if's" and even then their What If is fucking retarded, in an Anti-Imperialist world, Africa would literally for the most part would still be literally a borderline stone age society. That's better?

This is my problem with fucktonnes of "anti-Imperialism" it's not based on the material reality of the world as it is, and is heavily based on extremely idealistic "wakanda forever" counterfactuals and doesn't actually concern itself with improving the lives of the people living there, just pure anti-West grevience shit.

Asia frankly BTFO's a lot of the anti-imperialist narrative, since Asian nations, while they obviously hated being subjugated with Imperialism, used the institutions and infrastructure of colonialism to build their national projects and countries. Africa failed to do this because culturally, they're still stuck in basically a tribal cultural mindset. Much of the Middle East and Central Asia would be the same if it wasn't for Centralised authoritarianism basically keeping a national project together. Look at Yugoslavia, a good national project, torn apart by shitty tribal/ethnic retard culture, they were arguably the best Socialist country, living with a very high standard of living and threw that all away for stupid cultural meaningless tribal shit, it was a retard cultural issue, not one of "muh imperialism" or "muh Germany" like Westerners try to turn it into, the biggest failure of Yugoslavia was due to retarded tribal idiocy, Germany or "the west" didn't make my co-worker go into his neighbours house in the 1990s and shoot the entire family, including Children for being Albanian, being a tribalistic ethno-centric fuck did, Germany doesn't make it that we have to keep Albanians, Serbs, Croats etc off the same Job sites at my work, being stupid tribal fucks does.

This also gets to one of my big pet peeves with the left, most Western leftists are not materialists, but moralists. Imperialism is bad because of exploitation and exploitation is bad this is why Leftists (especially M-Ls) lose their fucking shit when you point out somewhat successful colonial imperialist projects (The "Anglosphere") and Asia, which used Western Imperialist institutions and infrastructure to jumpstart their development into modern society. But Imperialism bad and nothing positive or good or anything to be developed upon could come from it ever because it makes me feel bad waaah.

Petty moralism is also why people who take a amoral, actual materialist stance (Many leftcoms and stupidpol aligned academics), are usually completely shit upon by the wider left, despite their analysis being completely correct.


>IQ is thought to be 40-80% heritable.

Can someone explain how this can be, but then "Racial science" be incorrect? Why wouldn't different isolated ethnic groups have different levels of intelligence based on heritable traits? Sure 19th century "all black people are retards" is nonsense but say, the French in their development prioritized spatial intelligence in mate selection, while say the Scottish prioritized social intelligence, why wouldn't you see a difference in spatial and social intelligence in these groups over time?

This is why I don't understand as well why "Eugenics is debunked" how is it debunked if as time goes on, we learn how we're like 70% basically the product of our genes? If Eugenics is debunked, then why is controversy over CRISPR a thing?



>troons should be banned from sports of their gender identity

>identity politics is retarded and was created by globalists to divide workers against each other
>american black culture is poverty culture and it sucks.
>rehabilitative justice and preventative justice is far superior to punitive justice in reducing crime
>legalizing all drugs is retarded. drugs, except maybe some psychedelics, are harmful and should be banned.
>Modifying people's genetics should be mandatory to remove mental illnesses and increase intelligence.


>t. Vaush


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>Calls others anti-materialists and moralists
>Literally devolves into anti-materialist rhetoric and petty moralism
I fucking hate pseuds like you that call yourselves "leftcoms", not because you actually read any, but because you think calling yourself such permits you to separate yourself from the rest of the left so you can self-indulgently sneer at it despite it being nothing but a cover for your own idiocy.


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>What is your Leftist unpopular opinion leftypol?
You can be pro policing while recognising that current police structures are a shit.


What use do stocks serve in a socialist society?


Did you never learn anything about modern history whilst you were young?


Why do you have this saved?


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pointing out tribal social structures are inferior in terms of social and material development compared to nation-states is not anti-materialist or petty moralism.
I look down on much of the left, because they constantly get caught up in petty moralistic, counterfactual bullshit, rather than the material reality of now. Wakanda Forever or whatever how much you want, but that doesn't stop the fact that today, Huge swaths of Africa, Central Asia etc are under-developed shitholes and the only capital they have is whatever infrastructure was left post-colonialism and manpower.
Chinese didn't cry to the west about "muh imperialism, Wakanda forever, the west is always at fault for literally everything ever, non-westerners can't do anything wrong ever unless they're aligned with the west" they used what was left post-CoH to use as a basis to build stable institutions and a developed country.

Western leftists are non-pragmatic, anti-materialist cucks obsessed with "Justice" over actually improving lives and the development of the human species. Also the hilariously ironic thing, completely remove any and all agency from those that live outside the west.


There is a large difference between gay rights and Trans issues.
Gay rights basically mean that the average person needs to just recognise that homosexual relationships are valid.
Trans rights if Tucutes get their way means that the concept of Gender we have basically becomes meaningless, that you can swap gender based on your whim for the day, meaning I can enter vulnerable women's spaces as a 6'4, 80kg , man because I feel like a woman in that moment and who can dispute my heckin valid identity. It means permanent changes can be made to children on a whim. Biological men can compete with women in sports, including combat sports. etc etc.
Trans Medicalism is a far more sane position but has been octricised within that community, and even then trans medicalism still has the issues with children, and though better, than tucute bullshit, still some issues with sports.


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Western interference can't be used to handwave away everything. Leftists even have to make up Western interference like in the case of Thomas Sankara and Burkina Faso to explain why Sankara was killed, which was entirely over petty factional tribal bullshit, and there is literally ZERO evidence France was involved.
Asian nations also suffered from Western interference but were able to resist, counteract or work around it due to far more disciplined and strong institutions and a people and culture far more loyal to the national project and vision for the future.
There is literally no reason there couldn't have been a Taiwan, Singapore, China, Vietnam etc in Africa or South America if they actually had anything resembling competent political leadership and structure.


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>Chinese didn't cry to the west about "muh imperialism, Wakanda forever, the west is always at fault for literally everything ever, non-westerners can't do anything wrong ever unless they're aligned with the west" they used what was left post-CoH to use as a basis to build stable institutions and a developed country.
Are you joking? 百年国耻 is the very basis of Chinese nationalism both in the PRC and Taiwan. China is one of the few nations on the planet were anger over Western colonialism still affects national policy and strategy.


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>Chinese didn't cry to the west about "muh imperialism, Wakanda forever,


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I know the Century of Humiliation is a major part of Chinese policy. What I mean is, China actually used the infrastructure and structures left behind to actually build a fucking country despite tonnes of Western attempts to ratfuck with Tibet, up through Burma, Golden Triangle, Korea, Vietnam etc where with South America, Africa, Middle East it's always "we suck because muh France/US/UK" not "we suck because most of our people still have more loyalty to their fucking tribe and have no national identity to make them want to build a better collective future and us Politicians are only in it for the corruption" which is actually the case 99% of the time.
Even Venezuela, the PSUV could have solved it's issues a long time ago even with sanctions, but because the entire monetary policy is built ground up for the the PSUV and Military to engage in carosel fraud, they can't reform, because if the PSUV stops the grift, then the military coups them. If the PSUV were serious they would literally use their support to create a KGB/MSS style paramilitary and purge the military then insitutions of those not loyal to the Bolivarian national project, then actually rebuild the institutions to stabilise the country and do the economic reforms needed. Easier to just rip off the black market though, hence why Chavez's daughter has like 2 billion and entire stocks of Government medical supplies somehow end up in Colombia being sold at insane super-profit.
None of that is Western Imperialism or the US, it's the result of a people who don't give a shit and are out for themselves because they have no loyalty to the national project or socialist project they're supposed to be building. The Western left need to stop making excuses for these corrupt charlatans.
I'm also not saying Western intervention doesn't have impact (Cuba has done all the right things, and it's major issue IS US imperialism) but in most cases, it's just these countries are just tribal/corrupt basketcases where nobody gives a fucking shit.


Go ahead and say it I know you want to.


All powers to the soviets should have been taken literally.


>Why do you have this saved?
look closely


>What I mean is, China actually used the infrastructure and structures left behind to actually build a fucking country
You don't get it, there was barely anything left behind in either China or Africa post-colonialism. Pre-1945 China was only ever a place to get dope trading ports or concessions and for Westerners to make fat loads of cash smuggling like the Roosevelt family did. Africa likewise was only ever for extraction of national resources and part of inter-imperialist competition to snag even the most useless pieces of land. The people were always an afterthought. The only time Westerners built up Africa or their Chinese concessions was for their own administrative centers which were meant to support a very small amount of Europeans. As for China, the only part that was truly built up or developed in colonial times was Manchuria during 1931-45 and that was purely for Chinese to serve as slave labor for the Japanese. Once China took control of its own economic future, the manufacturing has shifted down to Shenzhen/Guangdong with facilities built from the ground up in a post-colonial environment.


I think egoism and Marxism go hand-in-hand.


Mass immigration women in the work force is a tool used by the bourgeois to lower wages

Social programs welfare, universal healthcare etc are implemented to bribe the working class not to revolt thus delaying revolution.

Identity politics is pushed by the ruling class to distract from class issues


You could have just said "I'm a fucking racist".


Western leftists are blinded by juvenile self-hatred when leads them to jerk off over every piece of shit corrupt warlord or "Government" and excuse shitty culture and tribal conflicts in the name of "anti-imperialism"? Yes.
Look at the Chinese today, their cities are Western, their Government is Western, their Ideology is Western. They have railroads, which initially was tech they got from colonisation, mining, steelmaking etc. Yes, these were centralized in certain regions, but that doesn't mean the Chinese didn't learn from them. With help from the USSR, they more widely developed their manufacturing and technological base in the 1950s and the CCP developed a Western-style Government structure with Western institutions and heirarchy.
As Chinese man said, the Chinese studied, and built upon what was left, in Africa, from his experience, the culture is "drink all your money at night and in the morning there is still water", they simply don't give a shit, there is no project to build towards, no vision, no unified sense of collective identity.
Also don't think I'm just picking on Africa and shit here, I think Neoliberalism is doing the exact same fucking thing in the West and hence you've seen he West stagnate for 30 years, because nobody gives a fucking shit and there is no collective identity to even have a collective project to work towards.


>>Western leftists are blinded by juvenile self-hatred when leads them to jerk off over every piece of shit corrupt warlord or "Government" and excuse shitty culture and tribal conflicts in the name of "anti-imperialism"? Yes.

You speak in the belly of the beast here, leftcom anon.


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>Hurfdurrrblrghadurrr wut if comunism rly based trad wheatfields but then pink hair pronouns bad hurrdurrherpaderp


Look I don't disagree with some of your points, I'm Chinese myself. I'm kinda proud of the Chinese people for dusting themselves off and trying to build a great country after such hardship. But if development and industrialization under a national project are all you really wish for, why not just worship Imperial Japan? They did all these things you praise China for doing a hundred years before, and they weren't ever colonized until after WWII. Note that I'm not expressing support for Imperial Japan, in fact I have a personal and familial bias against the Japanese imperialists that I'll probably never be able to let go of. My point is that there's a larger picture beyond the simple narrative of a cohesive nationalism that guides the "people" towards some strategic objective. If that's all it takes, then we might as well drop the whole socialism or leftism thing and become nihilistic militarists or whatever flavor of ideology you'd like to justify domination of others.


No, really say what you feel about black people. You are literally one step away from IQ charts. You are comparing your idea of "Africa" vs. the single country of China. It is a lot easier for Europeans to exploit African nations and stunt them when the continent is much closer to Europe and doesn't have a Soviet Union in the way. Also France did have a hand in killing Sankara, why else would they keep it a secret? Again, a left-com shilling for imperial countries while claiming a moral high ground of being anti-imperialist.



Name one actually Leftcom position that moron holds. This is like Vaush saying "As an anarchist: Fuck the FBI, but". You really need to stop respecting people's chosen pronouns, it's not healthy.


For some reason a lot of /pol/yps here like using leftcom and anarchist flags.


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>For some reason a lot of /pol/yps here like using leftcom and anarchist flags.
American far-rights have there own versions of pretend-anarchism. Like ancaps and all the variation. They've also traditionally payed a lot of attention to anarchists, for example how Siege is full of Bakunin quotes and they keep stealing logos and phrases such as the GNWP logo and the 'Become Ungovernable' phrase.
It's a weird obsession. I always put it down to envy. 'They hate us because they ain't us' and the admiration-cum-resentment of not being as hard and getting consistently smashed up in street fights by the anarchists.


Reading theory is useless and a waste of time. You're not in a vanguard; you're a LARPer, pretending to be some gret revolutionary in the Russian Revolution.

No, there will not be another communist revolution anymore, and the end of capitalism IS the end of the world because of the environmental collapse and climate change.


You have to go back.


Our shared existence of being ex-polacks means we have an undue emphasis on "converting pol" or "reaching out to the alienated, conservative working class". I think this narrative is based more on our own personal experiences of having left behind reactionary politics, as well as the "conservative white working class" narrative pushed by both parties, rather than actual facts. We know empirically that most of the American working class votes Democrat, leans progressive on social issues, and is overwhelmingly either female, queer, or some sort of ethnic minority. There has never been a single point in American history where less of the population, let alone the poor and working class, were your standard Republican straight white male workers. Based on demographic trends, this share of the working class can only be expected to decrease. On a simple level of tactics, putting aside ethical or ideological considerations, it is far more efficient to ally with socially-progressive movements (and the massive demographics that have a vested interest in them) rather than chase away any hints of "idpol" (meaning, in most cases, just standard Marxist offenses against racism and sexism that most real-world communist revolutionaries actively support) so as to convert an increasingly dwindling "conservative white working class". This isn't to say we need to forge an alliance with progressive neoliberalism or accept its reification of social issues away from class, but this rabid stupidpol tendency to discourage anti-racism, feminism, and pro-LGBT activism in the name of "not alienating conservative workers" is going to be an objectively losing strategy. Certainly, judging by the ways that revolutionaries like Kollontai, Pankhurst, Malcolm X, Fanon, Newton, Hampton, Davis, and others have found ways to forge powerful alliances between "idpol" struggles and revolutionary socialism, I think such a strategy will only become more necessary in the face of an increasingly nonwhite, socially progressive America. Certainly, it will also keep us from having the only forces of "progress" be token poc neoliberals like Obama, thus automatically throwing the marginalized into the camps of neoliberalism while those against neoliberalism automatically turn to reaction.

To this end, this also means, on a level of tactics, that we should really stop devoting so much of our mental capacity and effort into trying to combat /pol/ and the spread of fascism to imageboards and the alienated petite-bouj teenage boys who browse them. Sure, it is an issue and one that will have an effect on the real world, but it seems like, out of personal devotion to our own experiences turning away from internet reaction, we feel that we need to alter our principles in order to better convert them and, in a certain sense, "save" them. I'm trying not to sound heartless here, but frankly, it isn't worth the effort. Compared to the significant gains we could make radicalizing the massive, already alienated progressive mainstream youth, it is far less effective to continuously pursue a comparatively minuscule, practically powerless band of incels, neets, schizos, and "ironic" teenagers. Just on a level of pure numbers, there are objectively more Marxists on the streets right now organized under irl orgs, Antifa and BLM, regardless of how bourgeois these movements are, than we have seen, or ever will see, converted from the internet right. At most, as we consistently see from so many visitors here, they embrace Strasserism or "white Juche" or a very crude "Stalinism" before quickly switching to their next ideology-of-the-month. Yes, some do change their minds, myself and most of us here are proof of that. And yet, not only are we a minority of chan culture, but we are also a vast, vast minority of the alienated, socialist-leaning youth. We need to accept that /pol/, and the obscure and powerless internet right as a whole, is just not worth our time. Just because we left doesn't mean we should expect them to as well; they will probably continue to spend their time in honeypot orgs that at most produce embarrassing shitfests like Charlottesville, as an irrelevant mouthpiece of the GOP that can be discarded at the slightest convenience, and otherwise as powerless schizos who switch ideologies every other weak and spend all their days attached to a computer screen. We need to accept that, beyond a few stray converts, they're a lost cause, and we should not modify our views and abandon our progressive struggles in the name of appealing to them.

I know this was a long rant that basically says this >>439067 in much more text, and one that is pretty exclusively from a burger-lens, but I'm just sick of seeing all these posts calling for "red-brown alliance" or "fighting idpol to appeal to white conservative workers" or "conservative socialism". Guys, on a simple demographic level, it's just not going to work. The American working class is already progressive and some sort of minority, stop chasing after the golden goose of the "overwhelmingly conservative working class" that only really exists in the rhetoric of Dem technocrats and GOP ideologues.

Read Rodney and Patnaik, the scale of economic exploitation is simply unfathomable. Billions leave Africa alone every year through unfair trade and monetary hegemony, and we know empirically that the gap between the periphery and the core is constantly increasing.


>Our shared existence of being ex-polacks
Never been one. Stop projecting. Fucking burgers


Okay doomer why dont you just off yourself since you see no hope in a better future. Since everything is larp and not real too you and if that is the case why are you here on this site.


Because this is the only place where I can discuss current events through a leftist perspective, since pollyps have long infested everywhere else


>Our shared existence of being ex-polacks
Speak for yourself, cocksucker. I was never a pollyp.


Me three lol


Fine, ex-conservative, ex-libertarian, whatever you want to call it, all I know is that a lot of people here either were former /pol/ or formerly pretty far to the right. I believe, from my experience, that this is what drives a lot of the current empathy to convert /pol/.

I think it stems from a nagging realization that, despite all their rhetoric, they are not the global insurrectionaries. I think they saw the communist guerillas and anarchist cells of the Cold War and got jealous, wondering why they, the true revolutionaries and opposition to the establishment, don't have these numbers of guerillas and revolutions. I mean, think from their perspective: if they are the side of rebellion, why is it that all the major popular insurgencies of the 21st century have been almost entirely either far-left (Nepal, Rojava, Chiapas, the Philippines, Peru, Turkey, India, Colombia . . .) or anti-imperial (Lebanon, Iraq, etc.)? This contradiction means they have to embark on a sort of constant larp in order to ensure themselves that they are the TRUE revolutionaries. So, as fascists always do, they appropriate leftist aesthetics and chunks of tactics/rhetoric in order to construct their "insurrection", turning black power into white power, turning the guerillas of the 70s into the militias of the 90s, and just generally trying to become the underground revolutionaries the left always were. Of course, these attempts either are extremely incompetent and go nowhere (Atomwaffen, NSU, O9A) or are effectively integrated into the establishment right (ie the "alt-right" and militias cozying up to Trump, the RSS becoming BJP goons, etc.). While the left can count on revolutionaries actively waging people's war even in the darkest valley of neoliberalism, the right's measly "revolutionaries" are the Israel-armed Azov and a bunch of glowie cells that can barely organize a rally without collapsing. If they want to be a revolutionary, the only place they can look to is the left.


>all I know is that a lot of people here either were former /pol/ or formerly pretty far to the right
Wrong again, faggot.


This, it's a totally cope that any significant amount of leftists were former fash. At best some of them were Progressive liberals.


1) Hope you get paid for this (you), agent
2) Jokes aside, why do you care, then? If no one is going to put any of the things discussed here or written in books on theory into practice, engaging with it is not only pointless, but actively harmful to you and your wellbeing.


Were you a /pol/ack? What motivated you to become one? And what motivated you to leave and become a communist?


I'm one of the "workerists" that the NEETs of this board despise so. Communism is a movement by and for the workers


Marx was an idealist.


Define idealist for me


This, thank you. Socialism is for the workers, not the degenerate freaks


>Implying they’re mutually exclusive
Teh workerz don’t exist to cater to your sensibilities, wrecker.


None of this is what imperialism is you faggot, imperialism doesn't develop countries, but purposefully stunts development to ensure that labour itself remains on the cheap. If imperialized societies actually fully developed, then you'd have a higher standard of living, and thus a higher cost to reproduce the worker daily. Africa isn't doesn't lack "vision" because of simple tribalism, but because every attempt at collective "vision" got literally stomped out whenever it arose, until all that was left was a people who see any project of the future as a lost cause.


Good for you bro

Hi Satan, I agree with what you're saying, that's really what I was trying to argue in my post itself. However, I do have to acknowledge that a large number of former reactionaries do post here. Maybe not fascists, I only came here after being a former Austro-libertarian, and I'll fully agree that most, if not all fascists are beyond conversion. I agree as well that essentially zero percent of leftists were ever fash, or were even former reactionaries. We just seem to get a higher concentration of ex-reactionaries due to our existence as a chan, and my theory is that is why we continuously have such a dialogue with /pol/, particularly with some erroneously trying to bend our principles in pursuit of conversion.

I was a /pol/ browser, but never an outright wignat or nazi. I was a libertarian long after it was cool, and went down the Austrian pipeline. I ended up as a Hoppean rubbing elbows with fascist /pol/acks, although I never became a white nationalist/supremacist. I just got to a point where the next logical step was to go to full-blown fascism, and that just so fundamentally contradicted what I knew to be right that I just pulled myself out of it. I had also been browsing the original leftypol for a little while, so that helped me reject that reactionary ideology as well.


I don't engage with it. I just don't go into the theory threads and similars. I just read the news and happenings threads.


Once again, same with me.


There are only two unpopular opinions that mean anything at this point and they represent flaws with the left that have now become incurable.

1) The age of consent in America is too damn high because older women are jealous of teenage girls being more attractive to the huge majority of men and the shrieking feminist idiots on this board who deem attraction to teenagers a form of pedophilia are either roasties acting in bad faith or are so completely delusional and indoctrinated by feminism that there's no point in talking to them. Matt Gaetz is a porky faggot but people who call him a pedo for fucking a 17-year-old are Reefer Madness-tier morons who cannot be reasoned with and need to get run over with a fucking tank. Sadly the modern left is full of these people.

>inb4 people pearl-clutching about muh 14-year-old infants who are already whoring themselves out on TikTok and spewing made-up "power imbalance" retardation and debunked feminist talking points about teen brain development which has been found to be statistically indistinguishable from adult brain development at 14

I don't want to hear this Lysenko-tier pseud bullshit and I will not reply to any post of this sort because talking to agecucks is like talking to a doorknob. I'm tired of dealing with agecuck retards. Chris Hansen singlehandedly ruined an entire generation and he and all his faggot fans deserve to be burned alive. Ephebophobes are proudly authoritarian towards us and this is how we should be acting towards them. Twittershitters' open mockery of freedom and of completely correct arguments such as "akshully its ephebophilia" simply because they don't like those arguments and consider anything they dislike "cringe" has turned me into a reverse tankie. This is basically the same as being a raging tankie except targeting people who are against lowering the age of consent instead of people who are for it. Since our primary goal is to weaken and ultimately destroy America as it is the source of agecuckery and feminism it's virtually certain that the great communist leader Chairman Xi would be more than happy to sell us some tanks. The Chinese age of consent is 14. Not 14 for other teens. 14 period. And Based Chairman has been cracking down on feminists who've been lobbying to raise it. Truly Xi Jinping Theory is the most based communist tendency. All socialists must join Chairman Xi in his noble quest to purge agecuckery from the planet.

>inb4 people accuse me of being a 30-year-old autistic nerd who didn't get laid in high school and craves a teenage trad wife

Yes. What the fuck is your point? People like me tend to shoot up schools and kill normie faggots like you (and you fucking deserve it).

>inb4 people say just because you didn't get laid in high school doesn't mean you can bang a teen now

Fuck you. Yes it does. I will literally fucking genocide you in the name of my right to have sex with a teenager and I will be entirely in the moral right to do so. Get the fuck out of my bedroom. Proletarian agecucks are just as bad as the porkies.

2) There is no point to having a "leftist unpopular opinion" thread for 3 reasons:

a. The mods are such radlib shitheads that they will delete opinions they don't like even here. People will say this post should be deleted because "lowering the age of consent is not a leftist unpopular opinion but a /pol/ opinion" but there is no requirement to support American age of consent laws to be a leftist. Your position on economics is what determines if you are a leftist. But what these "people" are actually saying when they say this is that they're liberals and they don't want non-liberal social views here regardless of your economics.

b. This is no longer a leftist board. /leftypol/ has been co-opted and is now a liberal board as evidenced by the disdain for COVID vaccine skepticism, the denial of the absurdly blatant literally-on-fucking-video election theft by Biden (not to say that Trump is in any way good), and the widespread support for feminism (protip: there is no difference between bourgeois feminism and socialist feminism). The election season and that awful article on Foreign Policy have attracted an insurmountable hive of libshits.

c. There is no longer a meaningful left in America because every complaint I just listed about /leftypol/ applies to the entire American left. The incel movement is now a more effective vehicle for accomplishing the stated goals of leftism than leftism itself is because almost all incels are poor and many are ethnic while almost all /leftypol/ posters are PMC faggots as proven by many polls on this board. Bernie/AOC and the rest are grifters and leftism as a movement influential in mainstream politics is pretty much done. The same applies for the alt-right or really any non-liberal position. Politics in general is over with. It's clear that only war will resolve the differences that each group has with each other.(USER WAS BANNED FOR HAVING AN OPINION THE MODS DID NOT LIKE, THAT BEING THINKING PEDOPHILIA IS OKAY)



Revolution needs to happen in powerful countries that have large amounts of wealth or influence in the world. Preferably the US or in several EU countries. Once it happens here, then it will all slowly fall into place. revolutions in poor countries doesn't do anything.


reminder to the dipshits ITT that the low ages of consent are often only at the national legal level, and each prefecture or province or state can have stricter standards, so pedos get the wall nevertheless


Guess again agecuck shithead. Not every country has cucked Amerishit feminist laws. In most countries the federal age of consent you see is what you get. Maximum age gap laws exist almost nowhere outside of angloshit countries and anglos pretend they do to try to act like their bullshit is normal anywhere except cuck countries. There was just a huge case in China of a 50-year-old businessman banging a 14-year-old and absolutely fucking nothing happened to him because he produced texts showing her begging for his dick. You want more proof? Look at what the Taliban is doing right now. They're literally going door-to-door seizing teenage wives for their fighters. Their ranks are swelling because of this and they will soon completely control Afghanistan again. And the Taliban's preferred method of executing those they dislike is to drop a wall on them. So no you faggot. YOU get the fucking wall. Literally.


chairman xi would put you in prison for being a fucking pedophile


feminism is important to socialism and feminism exists in modern china. Stop being such a fucking idiot my chinese friends would make fun of you if they heard you bitching about not getting to fuck teenagers


>Chairman Xi would put me in Chinese prison for doing something which is legal under Chinese law
Seethe and cope. Anglo pedohysteria garbage doesn't exist in China except with a handful of feminist activists that most of the country despises. I'd be his best pal and we'd gulag you together.

>feminism is important to socialism
No. If you can make $50k a month from showing your tits on OnlyFans you are not part of the proletariat.

>feminism exists in modern china.

Yes it does and it is considered a Western-originated threat to the stability of Chinese society by Xi Jinping's government.

>Stop being such a fucking idiot my chinese friends would make fun of you if they heard you bitching about not getting to fuck teenagers

Your Chinese friends must be roasties and other assorted femishit scum. Most Chinese men would make fun of you for being a cuck and then bang their teen girlfriend.


Based epheboposter destroying americunt "pedo scare" posters.
I just can't understand why burgers keep thinking about pedophilia 24/7, it's a fucking obsession at this point, must be repressed urges mixed with protestant religious shit and a fuckton of anti-depressants.


I find it weird that you people think it’s a human right to be able to fuck teenagers.


I never said that, keep seething roastie.


The Chinese actually have a term for the types of Anglo retards who are like this. They call these people "baizuo" which translates to "white left". This board is now mostly comprised of these people and they as well as cuckservatives have a tendency to lie about the laws and culture of other countries in order to astroturf support for agecuckery. Blaming protestantism is misunderstanding the problem though. Busybody moral panic bullshit is the fundamental Anglo mentality and it would exist regardless of what ideology it dresses up in. The goal of this mentality is to win the approval of roasties because roasties are jealous of younger girls. They have a particular interest in subverting or destroying Asian cultures because they're not cucked on age of consent and are much more patriarchal in general. White women can't stand any country where men aren't enslaved to them.


>implying it's not
Whine as much as you want roast beast. Men are waking up to your bullshit.


The funny thing about this board and the American left at large is how it's anti-American on every issue except the age of consent where it might as well be wearing 5 MAGA hats and sucking Trump's dick. Liberal millennials are boomers 2.0 and this is not discussed near enough.


>a pedo
opinion discarded.


Why are you guys so obsessed with age of consent? If i could guess, i would assume that nearly every poster here about lowering the AOC is a /pol/tard larping as a leftist to show proof that leftists are all just a bunch of horny perverts.



*/pol/tards larping as leftists



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Age of consent laws will go up in China as well, this is nothing more than a remnant of a society that just recently was an agrarian society with much shorter live expectancy. Don't kid your self your pedo apologetics are relentlessly reactionary.


>Roastie absolutely BTFO regarding China with facts
>B-but China will rise the AOC because I want them too!

Lmao cope n' rope cuck, pedo hysteria is exclusively a burger phenomenon because all burgers are mentally ill schizos that should be euthanized ASAP.


Cry harder, pedo


It's better for mental development of children, it's an inevitable developmental step in societies.
In the pre-modern medieval times children were considered to be small adults, and that view changed with medical advances.


>Age of consent laws will go up in China as well
Lol no. They actually just removed the prohibition of teen girls participating in prostitution as long as they're at least 14 and feminist activists are being banned from Chinese social media. Any country that does this will likely remove the prohibition on teen porn as well. It will end up going the opposite way as Russia where porn of under-18s was legal and then their laws changed to all porn being banned. Porn is currently banned in China but I doubt this will stand given Chairman Xi's desire to attract technically skilled incels to defect to him and the anti-porn law is never really prosecuted anyway.

>shorter life expectancy

Agecucks are morons who don't understand how statistics work Part Eleventy Billion. Life expectancy was almost as high as modern society when you use the median instead of the average because the median excludes the outliers dragging down the average from high infant mortality. If you survived infancy you could expect to live almost as long as now.

Sadly burgeruyghurs' efforts to spread agecuckery have had some success although most of it is in Western countries. The Japanese PM Yoshihide Suga just said they're going to raise their AoC to 18 in all of Japan. Strangely his popular support dropped to its lowest level ever almost immediately after he said this. Even in many countries where America has managed to push its garbage successfully into law it has done so against the will of the men of the country. But global awareness of the cancer of feminism has grown to such a level at which it will prove very difficult to do any more of this. Ameriuyghurs can't even do a coup in South America anymore as proven by Juan Guaido becoming a global joke. American power is on the decline and agecuckery will go with it.

>burgers should be euthanized

Ultimately giga-based. Americans are a fucking cancer.

We're talking about trends in Chinese society right now and those are distinctly in our favor. On this front we have nothing to cry about while you have everything.

>children were considered to be small adults
As long as you're discussing 14 and up this is the correct view as comparative studies of reasoning capability have found. Teens are not children. They are adults. They are tried as adults in court every day.

>that view changed with medical advances.

It changed when feminists infiltrated academia and turned it into a feminist propaganda machine. Feminist propaganda is not legitimate medical literature.


this place is a dump


Jesus Christ, it's the actual /GET/ pedo. Yeah dude, "roasties" are totally stopping you from having sex with 14 years olds, despite that, in your own words, having little difference with 18 year olds that are completely fine for you to try and date. No "roastie" is preventing you from having sex with an 18 year old you faggot. You're a depraved sadistic coomer that will betray anyone and anything to satisfy your own obscene debauchery, and literally no one with even a scrap of principle or foresight should ever permit you in any political organization, or even society, if it values its own safety and ability to operate. If you're willing to kill to fuck a child, its likely that you're willing to engage in even more depraved things then even that, and so you be permanently placed in a maximum security rehabilitative facility, or taken out back and shot.


>Everyone I don't like must be a pedo coming from /GET/
See? This is how you notice the burger posters and their insane obsession with getchan and pedos.
You just confirm again and again what the other anon is saying, you don't see French, Latinos or Japanese people having this fucked up fixation with pedos.


those don't seem like that important of issues though. Like I don't see how there is a large intersectionality of economic socialism and paedophilia or covid vaccine denial.


Right???? British people are insanely obsessed with it as well. It's the weirdest thing.


lolwut, the laws around age of consent, domestic violence, and sexual crimes just got tightened and there are likely more restrictions proposed in the works, by members of the national legislatural body, that'll go into the criminal code.


it's also unlikely culturally that people accept large age differences, in spite of what the official letter of the law states.

and those groups that get banned are prohibited mostly because of glowie trojan horse usage.


I have literally never even so much as visited /get/ even once in my entire fucking life. It turns out that there are more people than just me who have my opinions.

>Yeah dude, "roasties" are totally stopping you from having sex with 14 years olds

Roasties are not stopping me from doing anything. Male feminist simps like you are. Roasties would have no power without men acting as their street thugs. But this is changing rapidly as more men awaken from the feminist Matrix.

>despite that, in your own words, having little difference with 18 year olds that are completely fine for you to try and date.

They have little to no difference in cognitive capability but a very large difference in attractiveness and good personality. 14-year-old girls are on average much nicer than roasties.

>No "roastie" is preventing you from having sex with an 18 year old you faggot.

Twitter would beg to differ with you. As I mentioned earlier I am above 30 and Twitter libs now view you as a pedophile if you date a 20-year-old as a 30-year-old. This state of affairs will lead to our movement swelling. 14-16 is the age bracket that men really want. Up until now men have been coping with feminists taking it away from us by dating 18-year-olds. But if even this is about to become criminalized then men will just say fuck it and do what they actually wanted to do anyway.

>You're a depraved sadistic coomer that will betray anyone and anything to satisfy your own obscene debauchery

Others would answer yeschad.jpg to this. I must admit that I would be tempted. I've been so angry at the state of the world today and how much I've been denied and robbed of that the idea of betraying the people I care about and condemning them to death in a Faustian bargain in exchange for the promise of filling the hole in my heart would be legitimately difficult to resist. But I have considered the possibility that there may be prices too high to pay even for sex with a teenager. And teen girls aren't all saints either. I want a nice and sweet teen girl and this type of girl would not be likely to approve of a man who makes a deal with the devil. If the type of girl that I get out of this deal is a succubus then it wouldn't be worth it. inb4 people flood the thread with succubus porn.

>and literally no one with even a scrap of principle or foresight should ever permit you in any political organization, or even society, if it values its own safety and ability to operate.


>If you're willing to kill to fuck a child


>its likely that you're willing to engage in even more depraved things then even that, and so you be permanently placed in a maximum security rehabilitative facility, or taken out back and shot.

Are you not willing to kill in the service of the revolution against capitalism? Killing for something you believe in is not inherently bad.


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>See? This is how you notice the burger posters and their insane obsession with getchan and pedos.
You're literally the /GET/chan pedo. You don't even change your argument, you made practically this exact same post months ago on this board, but this time it's full mask off with the call to violence to fill your desire to fuck kids, where before you tried to play it down.
>You just confirm again and again what the other anon is saying, you don't see French, Latinos or Japanese people having this fucked up fixation with pedos.
14 year olds are kids who shouldn't be having any kind of sexual relationship, especially with adults, at their age. I don't care about what "based country" example you want to give. I can still remember what being a 14 year old is like, because I'm not 30 year old pedofag like you, and all you are is insecure, inexperienced, and incapable of understanding the actual risk and consequences of what you do. I know that if I had sex with an adult at that age, I'd be seriously fucked, and every person I knew who later on came out as having been taken advantage of by an older adult ended extremely fucked up by it, and you could literally tell looking back when it happened because they entirely changed as a person and began making decisions and acting up in ways that didn't match up with who you knew they were usually. People like you fuck up kids, and I have never seen someone come out the other end well adjusted. And the way of coping can be extreme, from drug use, to a complete aversion to sex, to a dangerously extreme promiscuity that has them chasing relationships just to feel like they're the ones in control or because they feel like they must be that kind of person because having been used was "their fault", because their minds are completely fucked with and they're at the age where their hormones, angst, and brain development intersect to exponentially add to the fuck up. I don't give a shit what you want, stay away from children, and stay away from this board.


>You're literally the /GET/chan pedo
Ok schizo you totally need your meds, you're totally unhinged now, I hope your burger brain has an aneurysm and you die.


Hate to see it.


>They have little to no difference in cognitive capability but a very large difference in attractiveness and good personality. 14-year-old girls are on average much nicer than roasties.
You were literally debunked on the cognitive crap last time, stop trying to shill it. Your only argument is to try and argue that the data must be fudged by "feminists", and that everything must be doubted except for the one study you uphold as the absolute truth. And you have an extremely idealistic view of 14-year olds, and I hope to God that when I turn 30 I don't create for myself this mythology of what they are lik, like you have. And I'm not a "male feminist", I 'm a person who has people close to them fucked up by people like you, to the point that I know for a fact they will never be the same people I knew before and will always have permeant issues from it.


>Ok schizo you totally need your meds, you're totally unhinged now, I hope your burger brain has an aneurysm and you die.
Kys you samefagging shitheel.



You're already a fucked up broken person and your posts are proof of that I'm not even that other guy (the posting style should be enough to prove it, and if not ask the mods for the IP logs), I don't even want to fuck kids my dude, I just want you to realize how you sound like a fucking psychopath calling everyone else a pedo.

This doesn't happen in any other country besides the US, none of them (UK is probably the other exception) you kind are disgusting mentally ill schizophrenic people that use the pedo argument to go ballistic against anything you disagree with.

Please do everyone else a favor and eat a bullet.


>You're already a fucked up broken person and your posts are proof of that I'm not even that other guy (the posting style should be enough to prove it, and if not ask the mods for the IP logs), I don't even want to fuck kids my dude, I just want you to realize how you sound like a fucking psychopath calling everyone else a pedo.
And yet you're defending it you faggot. Don't the and fucking gaslight me, and didn't call everyone a pedo, I called a specific anon(s) pedos.
>This doesn't happen in any other country besides the US, none of them (UK is probably the other exception) you kind are disgusting mentally ill schizophrenic people that use the pedo argument to go ballistic against anything you disagree with.
I'm not using it in some kind of out of context arguement where I just call someone a pedo out of thin air you uyghur. We're literally discussing children.
>Please do everyone else a favor and eat a bullet.
Eat the whole gun you faggot.


I just popped this into Google Translate and it literally does not mention the age of consent at all. You actually believe you can just post a foreign-language article that nobody can read without help from a machine translator and nobody will check up on it because it's in Chinese? Fucking tard.

>it's also unlikely culturally that people accept large age differences, in spite of what the official letter of the law states.

Source: your ass

>all you are is insecure, inexperienced, and incapable of understanding the actual risk and consequences of what you do.
This is a typical description of a teenager's mental development by agecucks. Most agecucks are okay with teens being with each other but not with older people which is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy. So you're at least consistent in this respect which is more than I can say for most of your compatriots. But if this is true of us then our level of mental development is the same as a teen and therefore we should be able to bang them. Checkmate faggots.

>I know that if I had sex with an adult at that age, I'd be seriously fucked, and every person I knew who later on came out as having been taken advantage of by an older adult ended extremely fucked up by it

And what is exactly is preventing this outcome if they were to be with another teen instead? The potential problems you describe are not unique to teen-adult relationships.

>People like you fuck up kids, and I have never seen someone come out the other end well adjusted.

This is mostly from feminist soyciety's response to this which consists of gaslighting them into believing they were abused. If they did not do this then their hysterical narrative would collapse like a house of cards.

>You were literally debunked on the cognitive crap

This also happens in Cucknada and Cuckstralia which surprise surprise are anglo shitholes. Canada used to have their AoC set at 14 until the administration of Stephen Harper. I'm unclear on what pressing necessity made them change it other than the desire to fit in with amerikikes. Canada was not experiencing a spate of broken teens before Harper.


*Don't try


No retard, you called me a pedo, a GETchan pedo, and you falsely claimed that I made this exact same thread months ago, I wasn't even around a month ago, this is the kind of crazy delusional shit actual schizos say.


>This is a typical description of a teenager's mental development by agecucks. Most agecucks are okay with teens being with each other but not with older people which is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy. So you're at least consistent in this respect which is more than I can say for most of your compatriots. But if this is true of us then our level of mental development is the same as a teen and therefore we should be able to bang them. Checkmate faggots.
No, at no point did I make an argument that having the "mental development" of a 14 year old means you should be able to bang a 14 year old.
>And what is exactly is preventing this outcome if they were to be with another teen instead? The potential problems you describe are not unique to teen-adult relationships.
No, but they're absolute for "teen"-adult relationships.
>This is mostly from feminist soyciety's response to this which consists of gaslighting them into believing they were abused. If they did not do this then their hysterical narrative would collapse like a house of cards.
<Dude, you were just convinced by society to end up fucked up from said relationship, despite you never having told anyone about it until far later, and you already having said problems way before then. Nothing is wrong, it's all just in your head :^)
Now this is just revolting.
>No retard, you called me a pedo, a GETchan pedo, and you falsely claimed that I made this exact same thread months ago, I wasn't even around a month ago, this is the kind of crazy delusional shit actual schizos say.
Fuck off newfag or lurk more.


Nothing about gaslighting here. I just think it takes a sad, emotionally stunted and insecure man to think that fucking someone in high school is an appealing proposition.


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China will have rising age of consent laws because of material reality not your feminist boogieman or incel conspiracy
>if you take out all the people that die early from the statistics then life expectancy is high
Lol yes it's possible to cherry pick data to fudge a statistic. But we want the actual statistic of societies not your manipulated apologetic garbage
>As long as you're discussing 14 and up this is the correct view as comparative studies of reasoning capability have found. Teens are not children. They are adults. They are tried as adults in court every day.
Scientifically speaking people aren't matured until 25 years of age. The 25 number includes brain development, which you are leaving out because it's inconvenient facts.
>It changed when feminists infiltrated academia
There were feminists infiltrating academia in the late 18 century ?
Lol you're such a pseud


>Fuck off newfag or lurk more
Lmao you ran out of arguments so you basically conceded and accepted that you're mentally ill and a delusional retard thinking that everyone else is a samefagging pedo, You really are fucked up in the head. I feel bad for you.


Yep, Michael Roberts has pointed this out, Europe and the US alone pretty much control almost all global capital, even if the entirety of Africa, South America etc went "Socialist", US and Europe would still be able to curbstomp them economically.


>No, at no point did I make an argument that having the "mental development" of a 14 year old means you should be able to bang a 14 year old.
But your faggot friends compare our development to that of a 14-year-old regularly and they use mental development as the core of their argument which by their own reasoning would mean we get to bang 14-year-olds due to similar mental development levels.

>No, but they're absolute for "teen"-adult relationships.

Source: your ass

>despite you never having told anyone about it until far later

Not wanting to get your boyfriend in trouble is now a sign of being abused apparently. Revolting.

>people aren't matured until 25 years of age
This is complete bullshit disseminated in the popular media by the feminists who own it. There is absolutely no evidence to support this statement.

>fudge a statistic

Using the far more revealing median apparently counts as fudging statistics in Feminist Retard Land. How quaint.

>There were feminists infiltrating academia in the late 18 century

The view you describe did not become the norm until far later than the 18th century. In fact it was not the norm until the 20th century which was after the beginning of the feminist movement. God you're such a pseud and a projecting faggot on top of it.


>Lmao you ran out of arguments so you basically conceded and accepted that you're mentally ill and a delusional retard thinking that everyone else is a samefagging pedo, You really are fucked up in the head. I feel bad for you.
You responded to the post and defended the point. I didn't think everyone was, just what I saw as the anon in this thread. Now fuck off.


>China will have rising age of consent laws because of material reality
This statement actually deserves a post of its own because it's wrong in some ways but correct in others. The main way in which it's wrong is that China is extremely unlikely to raise its age of consent soon because the pro-age of consent raising view is seen as fundamentally Western and the Chinese not only despise the West but actually have the power to resist its influence. But there is a basis for this way of seeing the issue. The move from a feudal mode of production towards liberalism facilitated the raising of the age of consent in the West. The industrial revolution concentrated economic power into the hands of the bourgeois class as opposed to the monarchical class that previously ruled in agrarian societies. Before the industrial revolution the rulers were much less able to micromanage relationships and so they were generally regulated at the village level. At this level the young men of a village would simply have killed their elders and seized teenage wives much as the Taliban are presently doing if those elders decided to pass American-style age of consent laws because before the advent of guns the young men could easily overpower their elders.

The other key factor in the industrial revolution was that it gave more power to women because the manual labor of a man was no longer as much of a necessity for economic productivity. As we have established earlier the roasties are mad jelly of young hotties. This and the astroturfed feminist movement gave women the power to raise the age of consent initially. When women were given jobs by the capitalists in an effort to lower worker wages by increasing the size of the labor pool the roasties used their newfound economic power to pursue even further persecutions against men (primarily non-Chad men). This situation persists today. However there is still the possibility that a new type of industrial revolution may occur and these developments may change the social paradigm once again to something similar to what it used to be. And Chairman Xi will help this process along as he seeks to enhance the development of his country through poaching skilled workers.


Let's be real though, if Imperialism did not occur, most of Africa would still be mudhuts, India would likely be still a bunch of priest caste squabbling nations fighting, South America would just be jungles and tribes.
Also it's not outside the realm of reality for colonies to develop. Asia developed immensly post-colonisation, The US, Canada and Australia for the most part were developed as "prison slave camps for the UK", New Zealand is a case that the Maori were one of the few native people who actually played their cards right etc
People can cry about the US all they want, and again, I'm not saying the US or France don't pull shit, but a large part of the failure of South America, Africa and the Middle East/Central Asia is cultural. As I said with Venezuela, sure there is fucktonnes of US imperialism, but it wasn't US imperialism that set up a completely retarded monetary policy clearly designed to engage in carosel fraud. It's not America smuggling Government supplies into Colombia and suddnly making PSUV politicians, officials and military allies etc millions/billions of dollars. It's just pure fucking corruption.
Asia shows that even with the US trying to fuck with you as much as humanly possible, it's possible to play your cards right and develop.

I'll straight up say that most of Africa has a fucking dogshit underdeveloped culture, along with the Middle East, Central Asia etc. If you're more loyal to a tribe or ethnicity than the greater collective society then you're still stuck about 300 years behind the rest of the developed world culturally.
>waah that's racist.
No Socialist worth their salt should ever engage in bullshit cultural relativism, Socialism is an inherently futurist, European cultural project based in European enlightenment ideology and values and if you want to spread Socialism, you're going to need to tread on a lot of people's retarded cultural values and cultures.

t. literally come from a tribal culture and have been stuck listening to retarded, spiteful, self-interested, tribal politics my entire fucking life.


>But your faggot friends compare our development to that of a 14-year-old regularly and they use mental development as the core of their argument which by their own reasoning would mean we get to bang 14-year-olds due to similar mental development levels.
What the actual fuck is this actual mental gymnastics? No own is literally saying you are mentally a 14 year old, it's hyperbole. Do you think when someone says you have the mind of a child, they are literally saying you have the actual physical mind of a child?
>Source: your ass
You wouldn't accept any source any way due to "feminist" control manipulating any study, so I only have my own experience to make my argument.
>Not wanting to get your boyfriend in trouble is now a sign of being abused apparently. Revolting.
That's not why, and you know thats not why. Stop being dishonest and cut the shit, you know in reality why people shut up. And that wasn't even the point, the point was that society didn't convince them if shit, because no one knew, and yet they were still mentally fucked and adopting behaviors symptomatic of a severely mentally unhealthy person.


>What is your Leftist unpopular opinion leftypol?
Mine is "Eastern Bloc states are generally much poorer than Western Bloc states"
and that's a good thing


>Before the industrial revolution the rulers were much less able to micromanage relationships and so they were generally regulated at the village level
If you look at the actual history of the peasant age of consent, it was rather high. The average age of a daughter being married to a man was 19 to 20 on average, and peasant villages de facto controlled the age which was acceptable to marry and have sex.


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use a better translator, of which there was a good one mentioned by some poster in the other threads


>Let's be real though, if Imperialism did not occur, most of Africa would still be mudhuts,
Demonstrably false, even a cursory glance at a history book would tell you that.
You gotta be a /pol/yp larping as a leftcom


>You gotta be a /pol/yp larping as a leftcom
He is literally what you described.


>bitch bitch moan moan seethe

Again with the averages. Let's see the median age of marriage. Also since your excerpt mentions John Hajnal let's talk about the age of marriages in places that are not anglocuck shitholes.


Also also your excerpt mentions a 17-year-old hottie marrying a 30-year-old stud. Pwnt. Also also also your excerpt mentions that the marriage age was raised to 16 for women in 1830 so your choice to focus on this particular period and not the literally hundreds of thousands of years before it is suspect and agenda-driven. This piece mentions that the average age of first marriages excluding remarriages for women was 19. But you fail to mention the 3.4-year margin of error on this statement which shows that marriage to girls of 16 was still fairly common. This statement also makes your case suspect:

>it was virtually impossible to marry during close to nine out of twelve months.

This religiously motivated circumstance is unique to the location and era you have dishonestly chosen to try to represent as the whole of ancient marriage and it would have presented great difficulty to many couples who would otherwise have gotten married at least a year or two earlier. So just from that you can bump the normal average first marriage age for women in places without these restrictions down to about 17 without changing the margin of error. This would mean that marriage to 14-year-olds was completely normal in most places and also that you are a lying sack of shit no-brain uyghurmonkey.


I've always hated the le /pol/ face meme. It equivocates good looks with good morals and or politics. Fact is most fash are little porkies, and petite boojs have money, and people with money tend to be good looking.
It's usually poor people that are ugly due to the lack of self care.


>I don't like that he actually double-checked my foreign-language article and I got BTFO so I'll insist that the machine translation from the biggest fucking company that does machine translation is wrong without evidence and ask him to prove me wrong instead of providing evidence for my own fucking assertion that the article says what I claim it says because the burden of proof is on other people to provide evidence for my assertions


whites make up the majority of the working class of almost every westernized country. So exclusionary rhetoric the the majority of the population may come as impediment to change. One would almost think instead of pandering to minority groups or being neutral it would even make sense to pander to majority groups. Or at least not spending time pandering to tiny groups that don't even make up a plurality while putting the majority in the back seat.

But who could argue with results. It is odd all the multinationals corps are doing the same.


Minority groups are not pandered to, they are given lip service and even then it's only because colonized people have the most revolutionary potential.
For all the whining from the white settler working class about idpol they've prove for several centuries that they ain't going anywhere and are more than happy with the status quo. I mean compare how much caterwauling there is on this very board about BLM versus police brutality of white working class people.


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>Demonstrably false, even a cursory glance at a history book would tell you that.

Oh fucking please, even powerful entities like the Oyo Empire and Dagbon when the French and British turned were literal slave society mudhuts. Even then the Kingdoms made up a tiny, tiny piece of africa and were literally ruled by *checks notes* North African Muslim *colonisers*, most of Africa was still nomadic bush people.
"Muh Wakanda" shit is tedious. There is a reason Europe absolutely curbstomped the rest of the entire planet. The rest of the world was pretty much millennia behind in development.


>Oh fucking please, even powerful entities like the Oyo Empire and Dagbon when the French and British turned were literal slave society mudhuts. Even then the Kingdoms made up a tiny, tiny piece of africa and were literally ruled by *checks notes* North African Muslim *colonisers*, most of Africa was still nomadic bush people.
That's not how they operated. Yes, slaves were exchanged, but the "slave society mudhut" stuff is oversimplified to the point of being dishonest. The kingdoms being discussed also existed before the Muslim conquests, and even after the Muslim conquests, many rulers of said Muslim kingdom and sultanates were still natively African.
>"Muh Wakanda" shit is tedious.
Nobody argued anything even close to "muh Wakanda".


>Again with the averages. Let's see the median age of marriage. Also since your excerpt mentions John Hajnal let's talk about the age of marriages in places that are not anglocuck shitholes.
It's literally discussing Russia you fag. Hajnal had little to no actual data to go on, and simply relied on assumptions.
>Also also your excerpt mentions a 17-year-old hottie marrying a 30-year-old stud. Pwnt.
17 is not 14 and lower you faggot. Even then, for the time, that's rather high.
>Also also also your excerpt mentions that the marriage age was raised to 16 for women in 1830 so your choice to focus on this particular period and not the literally hundreds of thousands of years before it is suspect and agenda-driven. This piece mentions that the average age of first marriages excluding remarriages for women was 19. But you fail to mention the 3.4-year margin of error on this statement which shows that marriage to girls of 16 was still fairly common. This statement also makes your case suspect:
16 was the age for Russia in terms of the laws. But because peasant villages practically de facto controlled the ages people could marry at with little ability by the government to intervene, they could decide on whatever age they wish. The age they generally found themselves ok with was 19 to 20. Even 17 was rare.
>This religiously motivated circumstance is unique to the location and era you have dishonestly chosen to try to represent as the whole of ancient marriage and it would have presented great difficulty to many couples who would otherwise have gotten married at least a year or two earlier. So just from that you can bump the normal average first marriage age for women in places without these restrictions down to about 17 without changing the margin of error. This would mean that marriage to 14-year-olds was completely normal in most places and also that you are a lying sack of shit no-brain uyghurmonkey.
At no point did I lie you dishonest prick. You stated villages, I responded in regards to villages, and there is literally no data in regard to your view of villages outside of the domain of woman working in modern capitalism permitting extremely early marriage, at least in a good part of Eastern Europe. More importantly, there is nothing to your argument of men killing the elders of said villages to ensure they could violate the "moral economy" of the village and take younger wives. Rather, people came to agree in regards to a certain far above their countries legal one.


>Not an anglocuck shithole
I might have been slightly unfair to Russia in my earlier characterization of them. Russia has varied in many ways through the years and the Hajnal line goes directly through Russia which makes them somewhat of a borderline case - literally. It has a combination of social mores from Anglo nations and nations further to the east. It used to be quite permissive but is now anglicized tradcuck shit and was tradcuck shit before being permissive. Maybe it'll turn back again someday.

>The age they generally found themselves ok with was 19 to 20. Even 17 was rare.

I just showed that this was bullshit unique to a certain set of circumstances that do not hold for the vast majority of places and historical eras. You also completely ignored the margin of error because again, you are a lying sack of shit no-brain uyghurmonkey.


Among all of the other reasons not to go down a "pandering to majority groups" line, for leftists the most important one must surely be that it's embarrassing and that the public can see straight through it. but let me give you a practical example of how something like this plays out, using a relatively neutral (though unfortunately mainly electoral) example: the Scottish Labour party and Scottish nationalism.
Starting in the 1970s but advanced more forcefully in the 1980s, Scottish Labour pandered to Scottish Nationalism and Scottish exceptionalism as a means of improving their election results in Scotland, while crucially pushing a lukewarm version that didn't believe in Scottish independence. (Just a separate parliament with control of health, education, welfare, etc.) All well and good, that worked quite well for them, Scotland became Tory free in 1997 and Labour was the prime beneficiary - and then what happened? Did the nationalism they played to quietly go away? Did it get back into its box now that it was of no more use to those who'd played up to it to seize power? No. When Labour took office and delivered Thatcherism with Tony Blair's face and a Scottish Parliament stuffed with mediocrities, Scottish voters, feeling let down and interpreting that disappointment in light of national difference, turned to the party that could do a much better job of standing up for Scotland's social-democratic exceptionalist identity: the pro-independence Scottish National Party. Scottish Labour tried to counter by making economic appeals to the principle of sharing resources across the whole of the UK, sometimes going so far as to say the word "socialism!" - And so in 2007 Labour dutifully lost the Scottish Parliament, in 2014 there was an independence referendum, and fresh off the backs of successfully heading off Scottish independence, Scottish Labour was obliterated in 2015 and has been in a death spiral ever since, consistently under-performing even the hated Conservative party. while the Scottish national party completely dominates Scottish electoral politics. Every political discussion takes place through a nationalist lens. Scottish Labour, with a position that is too soft-nationalist for unionists and too unionist for nationalists built the gallows upon which it was hanged by the party with a noose for a logo. as tedious unionists love to say, anyway. it's actually a very clever piece of graphic design, representing several Scottish icons.

Though the example is electoral and the parties involved non-socialist, the lesson remains eternal: when you pander to something you strengthen it. when you opportunistically hitch yourself to this or that cause of prejudice in the hopes of steering those who hold it into your own camp, you invariably set yourself on the path to destruction when the moment comes that people abandon you for the real thing. (this can even be seen, in less cynical form, with the way the actual socialists who made a strong contribution to the Scottish independence campaign basically wound up being eaten by the increasingly centrist SNP - "independence and socialism!" they said, and when the people voted they said: "yes, independence!")
to be clear: This shouldn't be read as an anti-independence polemic. I have little sympathy for either the SNP or Scottish Labour. On the whole, the analyses of pro-independence figures tend to be stronger and more interesting than those of anti-independence figures, and my instinctive support always lies with disrupting the status quo. In pure campaign terms, the "Yes" campaign for independence was excellent once it was handed over to a movement that included socialists, while the "no" campaign was one of the most shameful exercises in "better things can't happen" I've had the misfortune of watching from afar. It's for these reasons that it makes a good example: Even without hostility to Scottish Nationalism, one can see how nationalism as a force usurped lukewarm economic appeals.

The lesson, simply, is that when you water down your socialism with pandering, particularly pandering to forces like nationalism or racial identity, you quickly find yourself with a movement that is more water by volume than the Caspian Sea, where any residual socialism is purely incidental and, most worryingly of all, where none of the membership knows how to swim.


>I might have been slightly unfair to Russia in my earlier characterization of them. Russia has varied in many ways through the years and the Hajnal line goes directly through Russia which makes them somewhat of a borderline case - literally. It has a combination of social mores from Anglo nations and nations further to the east. It used to be quite permissive but is now anglicized tradcuck shit and was tradcuck shit before being permissive. Maybe it'll turn back again someday.
This study literally has information that dates back to the 1830s.
>I just showed that this was bullshit unique to a certain set of circumstances that do not hold for the vast majority of places and historical eras. You also completely ignored the margin of error because again, you are a lying sack of shit no-brain uyghurmonkey.
Where can you show men beating to death those who set ages behind that which they want? I think you're just ass blasted that there exist cases of villages doing nothing of which your narrative depends on. If it's really just woman who want a higher age of consent, why are these villages in Eastern Europe, completely divorced from any kind of industrial development and which are capable of enforcing their own age of consent separate from the governments minimum, with patriarchs socially enforcing one that has woman being far older?


Climate change can be “solved” within liberal capitalism and there is a decent chance it will be. I think it’s good the left focuses on it as a big negative effect of capital accumulation etc. but I also think leftists shouldn’t delude themselves into thinking there is an inevitable outcome of either mad max/eco-fascist dystopia, nuclear war or socialism. I think it is setting a bunch of people up to look like idiots if the world just continues into the next 50 years with decline in carbon emissions and deployment of new carbon capture industries that make expensive plastics and cement out of CO2, protected by the state. It’s possible it fails and we do get the worst case outcomes, but the normal incentives are there. Some capitalists (like Musk already did) can become rich off of new state protected eco-markets, creating net transfers of wealth from the bottom to the top, all while reducing carbon emissions and pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere. The big barrier is actually on the middle to low income segments, because prices will have to rise if you cut cheaper oil out of production. This can be hidden with changes in consumption, for instance the goods being sold can be presented in smaller weight and measure so that prices are similar but you’re getting less. People make out ok with that kind of thing in other cultures or regions than the US, so it can be made trendier (and we are seeing some of that now).

But yeah, point being I see the possibility of that transition happening and the result being a continued wealth redistribution upwards. So communists would look like delusional millenarians, and liberalism could come out with another notch on its belt even though it clawed out of disaster by the skin of its teeth.


Climate change can be “solved” within liberal capitalism and there is a decent chance it will be. I think it’s good the left focuses on it as a big negative effect of capital accumulation etc. but I also think leftists shouldn’t delude themselves into thinking there is an inevitable outcome of either mad max/eco-fascist dystopia, nuclear war or socialism. I think it is setting a bunch of people up to look like idiots if the world just continues into the next 50 years with decline in carbon emissions and deployment of new carbon capture industries that make expensive plastics and cement out of CO2, protected by the state. It’s possible it fails and we do get the worst case outcomes, but the normal incentives are there. Some capitalists (like Musk already did) can become rich off of new state protected eco-markets, creating net transfers of wealth from the bottom to the top, all while reducing carbon emissions and pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere. The big barrier is actually on the middle to low income segments, because prices will have to rise if you cut cheaper oil out of production. This can be hidden with changes in consumption, for instance the goods being sold can be presented in smaller weight and measure so that prices are similar but you’re getting less. People make out ok with that kind of thing in other cultures or regions than the US, so it can be made trendier (and we are seeing some of that now).

But yeah, point being I see the possibility of that transition happening and the result being a continued wealth redistribution upwards. So communists would look like delusional millenarians, and liberalism could come out with another notch on its belt even though it clawed out of disaster by the skin of its teeth.


the majority of you still havent grown out of your old resentment-based views from your edgy teen years. most of you are still western chauvinists, in some way bigoted, or just generally terminally online. as evidenced by this dreadful thread. you have class solidarity only with those with whom you identify yourself with on a surface level.
basically, this is you: >>441243



Massive fucking cope. Nigeria has oil money for generations now and has never ever been depleted of resource by Britain. Nor does French currency influence hold these areas back in any way.



No such stomping ever occurred. Read the actual history of post colonial Africa. Half of them were communists for God's sake



The holocaust and the holodomor are both completely fake events.

Nobody was gassed, and no one was force starved in some deliberate plan.

All this accords with the actual evidence ie none.


Thinly veiled and subtle /pol/ post right there.


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>pedophiles are the vanguard of the revolution


You speak as if there has been any decline in carbon emissions. It hasn't. And with the methane being pumped in the atmosphere from thawing permafrost and the clathrates undersea, tipping points have already been reached, and that a problem liberalism cannot and will not cope with in any meaningful way.


spot the nazbol


lmao did you discover peter wilburg or something?


Emissions have fallen within nations, though globally they were still rising at a pretty typical rate before COVID stalled them. The core is capable of dropping emissions, it’s the periphery that needs cheap fossil fuels for further development. But I think if the core can band together and increasingly shift the global market (through national and international regulations) towards artificially excluding fossil fuels while bolstering renewables and other carbon neutral tech, then there is a trade dynamic where they start extracting more from the periphery by forcing them to acclimate to new global standards of consumption, which they hold the keys to. China has tried to front run the west on that strategy because it’s a massive unified market that is significantly planned by the state, so they can have a big and focused industrial strategy. So China uses Belt and Road and it’s burgeoning high value tech and manufacturing industries to produce more eco-market oriented commodities. Meanwhile, political turmoil between nations in the west (because they are separate nations run by liberal democracies after all) means that the capitalists who are more focused on building a global market around eco-tech and the transition off of fossil fuels are being forced into conflict with the capitalists who either feel trapped in fossil fuel investments or otherwise are so myopic that they just want to keep investing in that area for the mid-term to make out like bandits before the collapse of the industry. But China’s increasing competitiveness in eco-tech is causing more urgency in the various state actors, which could trigger a Cold War esque industrial race to corner the global carbon neutral market.

There are absolutely capitalists who have a long view towards molding markets, they know the shape of the market is managed by the state. But just knowing that is half the battle, because the state’s policy is still largely downstream of capital interests, so it usually takes some overwhelming force to push the state to break for one set of capital interests over another (in the most recent classic and large example, the dispute between the slavers and the industrialists in America). So western capital interests are struggling because there is less unity there, but China is a massive unified market that has a longer view, and so it may push the west to unify more quickly for economic and political self-preservation. If it does it in time, then the larger part of the world market may suddenly set stricter standards (again, you could analogize it to the end of slavery in the major markets) that result in strong arming the smaller players to abide or be excluded from trade. The trick for the west or China is to already have the industry in place to excel at that game, so that when the rules are changed everybody who is still reliant on fossil fuels is forced to buy from the guys setting the rules of the market, creating opportunity for unequal trade and increasing global extraction that will make the big gambit all worth it.


So if that works out (which I severely doubt it will) and hypeman's space "revolution" truly takes off and opens up the solar system like so anons in this thread are speculating, then Marx will finally be proven wrong, because then, capitalism will be able to go on forever.


>colonized people have the most revolutionary potential
certainly, the focus shouldn't be on immigrant colonizers instead of the native populations of these nations. Capital already panders to these demographics, capital is the reason they are there in the first place.


So basically the way capitalism gets its shit together on climate change is when the communist party in China decides to do something like roll out nuclear reactors full throttle and bulldoze local capital interests that disagree out of the way. And that will create eco-market competition for the rest of the world.

At least for the energy sector component this will be a planned economy, in all but name.
How is this capitalism saving it self ?
You're vision of how capitalism can save it self, has capitalism as an appendage, that just about manages to adapt to changes made outside of the system by people who neither are capitalists nor care about capitalism for any reason other than it's utility for creating means of production.


I think capitalism could still fall, but it wouldn’t be through climate change. Maybe indirectly through climate change. I’m not very sold on the whole Xi is going to press the communist button in 10 years or whatever thing, but China’s political culture is definitely more socialistic. I could still see some seismic shifts coming about in that direction, though hard to say. I think America is undergoing some surprising shifts right now, but could be extinguished. The job market is all fucked up and so far the state seems to be waffling on when it is going to crush labor’s enhanced bargaining position. I’d imagine it is waffling because we just came out of the pandemic and the state actors see a lot of political danger in just blatantly plummeting the working class into precarity. They have their hand hovering over the button (almost letting the eviction moratorium go by), but they’re afraid to press it. I don’t have any prediction of what that is going to lead too, just that there is a bit of somewhat hidden power conflict occurring. The working class stumbled into a good position right now but doesn’t even realize it because it is so depoliticized and disorganized. It doesn’t even really have to do anything, it’s just sitting there making demands across a bunch of disorganized job seekers and the capitalists are complaining, but the state is refraining from intervening because it is afraid.


There's nothing special or unique about western imperialism other than that it was more successful than other forms throughout the world. Take a look at how the Japanese (technically Yamato) forcefully assimilated and conquered the Ainu or Emishi peoples native to Japan. Or the Arab conquests and its extensive involvement in the Trans-Saharan slave trade Or the Aztec empire and its extensive list of subjugated tributaries. None of this is really any different from western imperialism.


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Trying to "convert" people politically over the internet is pointless, the only way to "convert" people is a combination of funny memes, shocking images, not being condescending/being nice (paradoxical but it works) and making fun of your enemies.

Most of the human race doesn't care about figures, statistics or theory, if it ain't spelled out and in front of them it might as well not exist.


True, rhetorically the communists might not be totally out flanked because it would be China that set off the shift. And I do think that is the likeliest way something like that would happen. While it is POSSIBLE the west does it on its own, it is more unlikely. And China is already pretty clearly making moves towards carbon neutral industry to try to improve its trade position and increasingly move away from being a cheap labor market. So the seeds are there, it just depends how quickly it develops and whether the west responds with an industrial race or desperate proxy wars (maybe both? But it would muddle things if the west tries to just slow China down rather than compete with them).


it's not embarrassing to appeal to the majority of a nation, it is the main hallmark of graduating from controlled opposition to actual opposition.

Socialist's have been pandering to minority groups for decades in failed attempts bringing socialism to westernized nations, only when some suggests pandering to the majority do the deradicalization police come in with their essay's.


>Thinking the Proletariat is a minority group
>Thinking that appeals to le demographic majority appeal to the interests of said group
How do I know you’re a suburbanoid?


read the thread the poster >>441356 advocates to " ally with socially-progressive movements" because they will eventually be the majority. And lists the times that socialists and minority idpol groups overlapped.


it is one thing to appeal to the majority of a nation, it is another to pander to them.
for every socialist party or organization which has been "pandering to minority groups" there's another which has been embarrassing itself by thinking it can pull ahead with cheap pandering. i submit to you the CPGB-ML's forays into the culture wars, or George Galloway's entire WPB shtick. At best it gets them nowhere, at worst it advances bad causes.

The hallmark of graduating to controlled to actual opposition is to wield some power, and if you wind up assembling a coalition of spooks then you're going to find yourself being directed by events rather than directing them.


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Josip Broz Tito did nothing wrong, he was the greatest statesman of the 20th century, he did what was best for his nation, and all the tradlarpers crying about him being an opportunist revisionist are just assmad that he cucked Stalin out making Yugoslavia a puppet state of the Soviet Union.


Redpill me on Tito. What exactly did he keep Stalin from doing?


Labor Vouchers are objectively superior to money for the economic medium of a socialist society.


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People who don't care about democracy are not leftists.


now post your foto, chinlet


you people only post your prewritten warnings when the white majority is mentioned for western countries. The majority that actually has the ability to create economic change. When >>441356 says we should ally with "progressive" majorities there is no dissenting prewritten paragraphs. When >>442912 mentions settlers they put white before settler so you don't remember that natives applies to the majority native European peoples in Europe. And in America, is used against the majority who founded the nation.

Minority groups have completed hijacked socialist causes for decades with absolutely no realistic plans for how these minority groups would actually be able to institute socialism over the majority of the population. Where were you and your ilk then, or last years USA race riots?

>it is one thing to appeal to the majority of a nation, it is another to pander to them

then it is time to appeal to them isn't it


NTA, but you're both retarded. All your "appealing" will result in is a race to the bottom against established political ideologies that have been playing the game of opportunism longer then you, and you will lose. "Appeal" isn't what determines revolution, and your job as communist is to inform and organize, not perpetually attempt to shift yourself in every possible direction to "appeal".


>Where were you and your ilk then, or last years USA race riots?
At the Windows on the world Restaurant, Floor 107, sipping a cappuccino.


so that's the normal communist thing to do. Don't try to appeal to the majority of your local peoples population (unless they are a minority unable to cause economic change). If you look throughout history the stance of revolutionary leaders was never to suit the majority causes, that includes stalin, che, mao ect. Utterly ridiculous

I would understand if you were talking about capitalist imposed culture, but at a minimum culture against that is a friend to be taken advantage of.

clearly you should have given them one of your speech's on how "Marxism" shouldn't pandering to Africans or BLM.


Floor 107 no longer gives a particularly good view.


>so that's the normal communist thing to do. Don't try to appeal to the majority of your local peoples population (unless they are a minority unable to cause economic change). If you look throughout history the stance of revolutionary leaders was never to suit the majority causes, that includes stalin, che, mao ect. Utterly ridiculous
None of these "appealed". If yours is a program merely attempting appeal, you will lose. Literally no revolutionary movement has ever won and survived by merely grifting on "appeal". Organize and inform people, teach them what socialism stand for and what it actually guarantees. But don't "appeal". All you'll end up doing is construing socilsim for what its not out of a desire to sell it to people who still think in the confines of capitalist relations, because you haven't actually changed how they think about the system itself and their relation to it.
>I would understand if you were talking about capitalist imposed culture, but at a minimum culture against that is a friend to be taken advantage of.
We live in a capitalist culture. Don't try and cultivate some kind of capitalist "counter-culture", because the very concept itself is something subsumed into the capitalist market. Organize and inform, teach and make known your principles, and "culture" will arise from there. If you actually have an actual analysis that relates to some kind of event affecting peoples lives that is itself beneficial towards understanding it, give it. But don't fabricate one on the fly to try and "appeal" to them and "sell" them you socialism. That has always been a failure, and eventually you're going to warp your politcal views in order to try and "appeal" to a people who have no understanding of socialism and who will then perceive it as merely a vehicle for whatever fantastical thing they want, whether that be reactionary preservation or utopian musing.


Most leftists are wrong about colonialism and imperialism.
It's a literal empirical fact that most colonial projects actually cost the Empires more in investment than they returned, and most were done purely for Geopolitical and Security Reasons rather than the single purpose of wealth extraction.
For just one example, if you have a big colony for wealth extraction, say India, then you want a bunch of safe ports on the way back to England, this means you are forced, due to logistics alone, to colonise several regions along the route. On top of this, you also want places where you can have military so your ships aren't constantly buttfucked by opposing countries or Pirates.
Good example is the British empire, largely only Raj and Belize were actual wealth extraction colonial projects, most others were for security and other geopolitical reasons.


>so that's the normal communist thing to do. Don't try to appeal to the majority of your local peoples population (unless they are a minority unable to cause economic change). If you look throughout history the stance of revolutionary leaders was never to suit the majority causes, that includes stalin, che, mao ect. Utterly ridiculous


>so that's the normal communist thing to do. Don't try to appeal to the majority of your local peoples population (unless they are a minority unable to cause economic change). If you look throughout history the stance of revolutionary leaders was never to suit the majority causes, that includes stalin, che, mao ect. Utterly ridiculous

What do you mean by this ? the russian revolution was done by the peasants and the workers, which constituted the majority of the population, it was the masses that changed history. The revolution in China also was a mass revolt.


Not unpopular here, but unpopular among the left.
LGBT movement no longer really serves any purpose and is now just pure Neoliberal hyper individualist fetishism. Somehow the left have let a hyper individualist ideology hijack it. I used to run in BDSM, Goth circles in the noughties and most of them were Lolberts back then, now they larp as Radlibs communist leftists where I literally got banned from their groups back them for being a Communist. They're Lolberts at heart, not leftists and the left should reject this open individualist sex fetishism as "leftism". Somehow these degenerate Libertarian fucks have overtaken the entire left.
No problem with sex fetishes, but keep it in the fetish Fetlife community, don't fucking pretend it's some liberating leftist ideology. Honestly would rather hippie Psytrance doofers than the LGBT scene identifying as left wing at this point.



LGBT movement isn't entirely neoliberalist fetishism. The movement has just pivoted on Trans rights now instead of gay rights 10-15 years ago. There are still gay conversion therapy camps for children. Parents send their kids there to literally get starved and tortured until the gay is gone. It's fucked up but most LGBT activists don't care because they are just neoliberal shills who want money and power over caring about people being oppressed.

The gay movement will probably die in another 20-30 years when trans rights are no longer considered controversial in the west.


>It's fucked up but most LGBT activists don't care because they are just neoliberal shills who want money and power
this will pretty much insure that
>trans rights are no longer considered controversial in the west.
never happens

the neoliberals will ride the rainbow horse until it's dead and then they will switch to the conservative counter reaction horse
Never forget that shills who want money and power, don't care what hat or badge they have to wear to get it.

As long as neoliberalism is operational, the light at the end of the tunnel is just another train coming towards you.




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here are some
>hwites get mandatory bbc
>abortion/birth control made illegal
>citizens with +10 partners get neutered
>trahhny dannies get sent to work camps
>instigate more religions/cults/extremist groups abroad so they get on with killing each other
>computers should be banned for everyone until the age of 24/25 unless he/she has a specialized education relating to it beforehand
>motor vehicles banned for everyone except matters relating to state
>tourists/furries get shot on site
>cities get demolished with its residents inside


My unpopular opinion is that the vision of the future the left once held is fractured and dead. At best we can hope for a more libertarian version of china/market socialism at this point.


This is currently the most popular leftist position lmao
Even when leftists claim otherwise they implicitly think this way


China is a nationalist state. Most western leftists are faggots who hate themselves and their country.


All countries are "nationalist states" by definition.


>the vision of the future the left once held
"the left" never ever held a common vision of the future in terms of concrete policies and not vague ass shit
"leftists" should be afraid first and foremost of other "leftists"
that's why we further differentiate ourselves as socialists/communists/mensheviks/bolsheviks/etc to arrive at a common set of concrete policies that we agree with, so we can actually act on them as a group
tho it is never enough as even bolsheviks had massive disagreements about concrete policy actions that could be only resolved in the end by one group physically eliminating the other
that's just the way actual politics work


>"leftists" should be afraid first and foremost of other "leftists"
There will be plenty of oppertunity to be afraid of one another later. Me, if I die after the revolution in some purge or another… well, I can think of far worse ways to go out and few better.


Point proven about the fag part


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Dog bless Uhmurrica.


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>Most western leftists
those exist?


People who think equality is a virtuous ideal? Yes, but many of them are cynical state grifters, like the feds, who use it as a rhetorical bludgeon to perpetuate the rule of a small minority.


Im not even a doomer but yeah, being a straight up state capitalist industrialist would be more effective at bringing socialism than being the most hardcore of revolutionaries in the west right now




Retard you literally have to build up the productive forces to even have a base for socialism, industrializing would revitalize the proletariat class as well as advancing the forces of production. Lenin himself said in the NEP that for this reason they should pay attention to the development of Germany and model themselves after it. It’s more of a legitimate path towards socialism than organizing the current “proletariat” which is literally just service workers lmao


You're just a fascist retard.


>My mom is fashist because she won't bring me pizza bites

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